

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


" You!!!". gaby screamed in shock. what was the strict doctor doing in her house. she had left the hospital days ago and she was glad she left that place. He made it unbearable for her and she wished never to see his face again but here he was in her house. Wait how did he find my house.

" Would you at least let me in then you can ask all you questions" zain said to her.

" What do u want." Ignoring her question he walked in the house leaving her at the door. He went straight to the living room and sat on the couch.

" Excuse me....." she said walking towards him.

" You're in my house so don't give me that attitude here"

" Sit" he told her pointing towards the couch in front of him.

Gaby folded her arms and rolled her eyes.

" since you've decided to stand, i have no issues i'll just go straight tongue point."

" what point exactly"

" When do u plan on letting alex know about her illness....And.....don't bother lying to me i know the truth already".

" She told you???"

" I found out myself". he said plainly.

" I also found out recently and i understand her pains".

" She can be cured". he told her.

" I know.... but she's scared"

" So she'll just wait for death to come take her even when she can avoid it."

" She lost her mom because of that".

" Doesn't mean that she would die"

" She's all her dad has left....they don't want to take chances, she still has this year to live so she wants to make the best out of it.".

" I thought you were smarter".

" Okay, lets say she goes through with the surgery and she survives it what happens to the tumor in her heart.. she could still die because of that."

" I'm working on a cure for that".

" Why do you even care "

" You won't understand".he said standing up to leave.

" tell me" She said following him.

" Just trying to save a life". He said and left without a word. Gaby knew that wasn't it. There had to be a reason but why did she care, she went back to her room and thought of what to do next but she was so confused at that particular moment.


" You don't believe me " She said.

" I do....but why did you...its just unbelievable" he replied.

" I was still a kid alex".

" Still..."

" Common....how was i supposed to know the difference between bathwater and drinking water".

" Uhmmm let me think....Yes....You bathe with one and you drink the other". He replied.

" That's not enough reason for a kid."

" Okay how about this..... One stays in the bath tub the other is in the dispenser....you can't tell me that's not enough reason for a kid and besides six years old cannot be regarded as a kid" he said while raising his fingers in quote.

" Now you're teasing me". she said frowning.

" i'm not alma" Alma is sweetheart in Spanish

" Thats enough about my childhood".

" Nope, i still want to tease you some more."

" But you said you weren't teasing me" she said standing with arms folded on her chest right below her perfectly rounded breasts exposing their roundness fully.

He chuckled softly and walked towards her. He leaned down and whispered in her ear

" I advice you to not expose your melons like that or else i would eat you up right here."

Anne blinked a few times. By Melons he meant her breasts. She felt a blush creep through her face and she released her hands immediately and looked away shyly. Alex laughed this time around, she was making him laugh.

" Come on lets water the plants and then we'll go back inside" he said to her.

They walked round the garden and watered every plant and flower in the garden. They went inside after that and had lunch together.

" Alex....." she called out to him. they were both in the living room, cuddling while seeing a movie.

" Yeah" he answered.

" When will you take me to Devin.....i really want to see your kingdom's".

" How about now???". Anne sat up and looked him in the eye.

" You're not joking right". she asked.

" Of course not".

" like you would really take me to Devin now"

" Yes"

" Do i need to change". She said standing up.

" You already look perfect".

" Let me get the keys to the car".

Alex laughed there was no way he was going to drive more than a thousand miles to Devin.

" We don't need that". he told her

" Are we going to fly, if we are then don't you have to book the ticket now".

" We don't need that either."

" Common now you making me think you don't want to take me to devin" she said crossing her arms against her chest.

" I:m not".

" We're not going to fly or drive and am pretty sure that there's no way we can go by sea so how are we gonna go".

" Teleportation".

Anne looked confused.

" Did you just say that were going to teleport over to devin." She believed him because she knew he wasn't human but she just wanted to be sure about what she heard. She saw him nod at her and then he smiled. He stood up and walked towards her he could hear her heart race. If not for the amount of control he gathered during the last few days he would have had her right there in the garden. He drew her close to his chest as if she was going to disappear he wanted to them to be like that forever he smelled her, oh how he loved her scent.

" Are you ready???" he asked holding unto her tighter.

" Yes". She smiled. And he teleported them to his castle.

I didn't understand what was happening but i know was that i felt like throwing up. I held my self and alex tighter so as not to fall or throw up.

" Where are we." i asked cause my eyes my eyes were closed the whole time.

I heard alex laugh. His laugh was something i wished to listen to every time but not this time nothing was funny and it sounded like he was making fun of me.

" Whats funny" I asked still holding unto him.

" You asked me to take you to devin and now you're asking me where we are ".

" Of course i know we are in devin but where exactly are we".

" What does it look like". he said with an arched brow.

" Common, don't play with me".

" Okay am sorry..." Wait did he just apologize so fast.

yeah he was willing to do anything to make her happy.

" Were in the castle". he completed.

Anne blinked a few times before looking round.

They were In a huge room with a huge good looking king sized bed with four pillows on it. The windows were huge just like the ones at home with plain curtains. There was also a huge dresser, dressing table and a bookshelf in the room And a door that anne guessed led to the bathroom.

" Were in your room right??". she asked.

" Yes".

" Do you plan hiding me here till we decide to live".

" What do you mean"

" You teleported us here, straight to your room that means no one saw us coming in.......how do you expect them to react if they see us here."

" Are you trying to say that they would suspect am not human." he asked tilting his head to one side.

" Exactly"

" Do you think they are humans here...Even if they are they wouldn't dare question me, am the king here." He said with all boldness.

" So no one in this palace is human???"

" Yep".

" Can we go out".

" Only round the palace and then back here".

Anne nodded like a child who was being offered chocolates. Alex held her by the hand before leading her outside his room. She walked through the walls that had very strange paintings on the walls she didn't even want to stare at them but she felt they looked familiar like she had seen them somewhere.

He showed her round the palace every corner, from the rooms to the kitchen to the throne room them the dining the hall the garden and then the courtyard. He also had a training ground for his armies.

" Alex....." Anne called out softly.

" No". he said without looking at her.

" You didn't even let me say anything."

" You didn't need to....Any time you call my name so softly like that i know you want something".

" That aside, how do you know what i want".

" You want to go out of the palace".

" With you" she replied

" Still no darling"

" Whyyyy??" she said almost wailing.

" its not safe yet".

" You'll protect me"

" i know...but its better...."

"to be safe than sorry...i know i know."

" i'm glad you know the phrase." he told her.

" You don't love me enough" she said turning the other way with her arms on her chest.

" you know thats not true." he said expecting a response but he didn't get one.

" Common don't give me the silent treatment.........fine we will". he said sighing. She turned and the looked at him. Bringing forth her hand she said.

" You sure????". Anne nodded before he took her back to the room