

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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I had to blink a few times because of the light rays from the sun that came through the window. i Squinted my eyes because it was to bright yet i didn't even have the energy to open them. It felt better when the rays where blocked but i didn't bother opening my eyes i still needed more sleep.

I guess she still needs more sleep, Alex thought to himself after anne didn't wake up for the second time that morning. He had been watching her since morning and he wasn't even the least tired he could do that till he died which was not happening. As much as he wanted her to keep sleeping because she needed it she also needed to take her drugs that morning so he had to wake her up.

He tapped her lightly a few times but she didn't even budge. It was clear that she was damn tired and he didn't want to disturb her so he just sat down next to her.

" You have to wake her up". Zain said walking into the room. They were in Alex's house, his room.

" She's tired and she needs to sleep".

" She's sick and she needs to take her drugs." he told him.

" I won't wake her up"

" If you don't then she'll always be this tired don't forget she's Human".

Alex rolled his eyes. Zain was right if she didn't take her drugs then she would always be weak. He walked tapped her again.

" You know that's not helping right"

" Just be quiet zain." Alex said.

"Anne" he called out once,then twice and then the third time before she replied in her sleepy voice.

" Let me sleep"

" You have to take your drugs" Zain interfered.

" I don't want to"

" You have to " Alex said with finality before he helped her sit up with he back against the head rest of the bed. Zain handed the drugs over to alex and he helped anne take them.

" How's it"

" Hmm" she replied cleaning her mouth with the back of her palm.

" I'll go tell mary to serve breakfast in the bedroom for us"

" Ok" She nodded and he left leaving anne with zain.

There was silence in the room for a while but zain broke the silence.

" When are you going to tell him"

" Tell him what"

" Your illness"

" What are you talking about" she replied nervously.

" Don't lie to me... You have a brain tumor and a chronic heart disease that slowly destroys your heart"

" How did you know"

" I ran tests on you.....i had suspected it but the tests confirmed it".

" Please don't tell him" She pleased standing up and walking over to him.

" You know it can be fixed, if not the heart the brain tumor cam be removed and i can help find a solution to the heart case.

" I can't go through with the surgery" she said looking down at her feet.

" Just because you lost your mom to the surgery doesn't mean you shouldn't go through it to help yourself."

Right, he was demon so he knew things about her life as well.

" Don't just tell Alex about it"

" tell me about what" Alex said walking through the door.

Anne stared at zain with pleading eyes.

" Thats none of your business Ramirez"

Alex rolled his eyes and looked at Anne for confirmation. She smiled and he led her to the garden downstairs where they had breakfast.

" Gaby" Anne suddenly remembered her friend who got hurt trying to save her.

"she's fine" Alex replied.

" i need to see her " she said standing up.

" No need.....she's with zain,he's treating her, she's gonna be fine."

Anne sat down again but she still looked worried.

" I'll take you to see her after breakfast"

He said noting her worry.

Anne ate breakfast in a hurry because she Wanted to see her friend. she couldn't believe she had forgotten about her.

Alex drove her to one of the top five hospitals In town that was ranked as the highest. He led her into the hospital and took her to the top floor where she met gaby lying on her bed while nurse changed her bandages. She had a bandage on her head, ankle, stomach and back, she saw gaby grimace in pain when the nurse touched the wound. She couldn't believe she forgot about the first person that tried saving her.

" Anne" gaby called out when the nurse was through with her work. Anne realized that she had been standing at the door side for some time. Anne walked towards her friend who looked stronger as usual but anne knew she was going through a lot on the inside.

She hugged her friend so tightly forgetting that she was in pain. They cried like babies.

" Are you okay" Gaby asked.

" I should be asking you that, fool....You're the one in the hospital" Anne replied smiling.

" I'm fine and you should know that " Gaby replied.

" I hope you've eaten something"

" I had to, The doctor here is very strict..but of course not more than you".

" She's right " Alex chipped in.

" I' m not strict". Zain spoke from the door.

" i think you are...besides i wasn't referring to you".

Zain ignored alex's comment and walked over to gaby.

" How you feeling now Missy" he asked

" I'm better now.....And don't call me missy"

" Get used to it...missy" He said plainly.

" Do....." Gaby was about to protest when alex stopped her.

" Don't stress....he's not gonna listen to you" Gaby looked at anne for confirmation and she saw anne smile at her.

" He's right.....you should listen to him" Zain said and turned to anne before leaving the room. Alex turned to anne and she gave him a smile, he was sure something was wrong. He went after zain, leaving the two friends together.


" Why were you looking at her that way"

He asked sitting in the chair with his legs crossed.

Zain had gone to his well finished office and was sure alex was going to follow him there so he wasn't surprised.

" You're in an office...my office, i advise you sit properly".

" That's not an answer to my question".

" You know you can get the answers yourself"

" Zain!!!!"

" Don't scream Ramirez... you can easily just read her mind and get the answer to your questions " Zain told him knowing fully well that alex wasn't going to do that

" Talking to you is a waste of my time".

" The same time you didn't value"

" I still wonder how my parents trusted you". Alex said and left the room.

He was right what did alex's parents see in him that made them trust him enough to watch over their son. He knew he wasn't as reckless and over hyper active and sometimes foolish like alex but that couldn't be the reasons, their had to be something else.


" i can't believe i forgot about my friend"

Anne said when they had gotten home.

" Its not your fault baby"

" But i shouldn't have forgotten about her"

" You should be happy she's not upset" He told her trying to keep her calm.

" I guess your right...but next time you should remind me if i forget about anything".

" I will..... You should rest I'll prepare lunch then we can go out later maybe just a stroll".

" You can cook????" She asked looking shocked.

" i'm an Aljer I'm pretty sure i can do just anything".

Anne giggled she still didn't believe that she was standing before the first created being that wasn't even human. He helped her to her room and went downstairs to prepare lunch, it was his first time but he was sure he could do it.

" Turns out you can really cook". Anne said with food in her mouth.

" What's that supposed to mean??" He asked suddenly serious.

" Nothing " She replied almost choking.

He helped her drink the glass of water he handed over to her.

" Careful" he said patting her back.

Alex was just about to sit when he heard .

" Alex" Camilla called out. she had been there the whole time but alex decided to ignore her.

" Why You here??" he asked clearly annoyed. Anne could also guess she wasn't human, her beauty told her out.

" I came to apologize." Anne watched as Camilla looked at alex she was probably scared and she could tell that she loved him.

" Apologize to the right person camilla" So her name is camilla. Alex said pointing at anne. anne blinked a few times just to be sure camilla wasn't walking towards her but she was.

She watched as camilla folded her hands as though she wanted to pray.

" I'm sorry Anne, i'm really sorry. I shouldn't have done what i did, i'm sorry."

" its OK...Have lunch with us". She replied.

" Are You sure??".

"yeah" Camilla looked at alex for affirmation.

" Don't look at me...If she wants you to stay then you don't even have a choice, so sit". Anne could feel he was still angry.

Alex could feel camilla shrink before she sat down to join them. He thought she still needed to be punished for what she did the last time. He didn't even look her way once, he gave all his attention to Anne. He even feed her in front of Camilla. He could hear her curse within herself anytime he put food in anne's mouth.

After lunch....

" You can leave now" He told her his voice cold as ever.

She nodded and turned to anne who gave her a hug leaving Alex and her in shock. She left without looking back.

" You're going to have to stop being that nice." he said to her.

" Why??" She asked.

" They would take advantage of you or even use it against you "

" You won't let them"

" I know but i won't always be there."

" do u intend leaving me".

" of course not". He replied in a hurry like he was being accused. of course he felt accused, why would he even think of leaving her.

You'll tell him today, anne said to herself. She planned telling him about her condition and listening to what he had to say or if he was going to leave her.

" Alex....." she said walking towards him.

" Hmm" he replied sitting on the couch on the living room.

" I need to tell you something".

" Not now.....You'll have to get ready so we'll go out, You need fresh air so you'll get better soonest."

" but.." She protested.

"U need it". he said with finality and watched as she went upstairs to change.

He knew he was supposed to listen to her but her health was more important right now so what ever she wanted to say had to wait till she was better. She came down a few minutes later and they went out together but this time without any of his cars. They were taking a stroll so a car wasn't necessary.

" How do you feel" he asked her still holding onto her.

" Good".

" Alex...Can we rest a little".

" Yeah" He replied holding her tight and taking her to the central park that was close by.

They rested for a while and took a walk in the park. They went through the ball fields, The zoo and went to the carousel .

" Alex.." she called slowly.

" No" he said turning to her, she blinked a few times, she hadn't even told him what she wanted and he was already giving her an answer.

" But it looks fun". she pleaded.

" Still No."

" Pleaseeeee". she said with already teary eyes.

oh God, she knew how to get to me.

" Fine.... but just one ride" he mentioned raising his index finger so she could see .

" Kk" she replied and rushed over to the line.

Alex trailed behind her and he paid for the tickets before they got in. Anne held on to him like he was going to disappear. It was her first time on the ride and she was scared yet she insisted on going on the ride. She was so stubborn just like him.

" We can get down now if you're scared". he told her.

" No, i'm not scared ".

" Then why are you holding onto Me".he asked his head tilted to one side.

" I' m not" she said jerking her hand away from his.

" I'm not scared". she said looking


Alex smirked, once the ride starts that seriousness on her face would go off.

He just had to wait for it, maybe this was going to be fun after all.