

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


Devin was a silent and peaceful country country from what anne saw as they toured the city in a white Ford Escape. Anne could also tell that they were more of humans than demons in the city. Devin didn't look like it was being ruled by a king, the country looked so developed and even the car in which they rode in said so that was because they were in the city of devin and not the actual devin where he had his hidden kingdoms. Alex had told her once that he ruled the hidden kingdoms in devin so that explains everything. Anne's stomach grumbled so loud that she felt that even the driver heard it.

" Stop the car at the nearest restaurant" Alex ordered the driver.

" Yes sir" was the reply he got and he pulled over after a few minutes.

They stopped by a good looking restaurant told to be owned and meant for the rich and mighty. She wasn't used to seeing and being in such places because of her family's background even being friends with the daughter of one of the richest business men in new york didn't change that feeling.

I held unto her like she was meant for only me, but she was truly meant for me and me alone. I could here the fast beating hearts of ladies staring at him, he didn't even give them an eye, he could hear their thoughts as well and rolled his eyes as he heard one that said anne was bewitching him, he wanted to laugh out loud bit that would look weird because no one said anything funny so he just kept on walking towards the table he saw was free. He drew a chair out for her to sit and he saw her smile. If only she knew what that smile did to him or what it made him want to do to her she wouldn't want to smile like that again or even talk. A waiter walked up to them and asked for their orders from the menu that was set in front of them.

" I'll have this" she said pointing out to a particular dish on the menu looking so innocent but the look the waiter had in his eyes were not innocent. Who gave him that right to look at his alma like that, he was soooo going to deal with that guy later. Alex ordered for exactly the same thing anne ordered for; baked pretzels and corned beef.

They ate an chatted silently about things related to anne alone. He enjoyed topics about her because according to him she had a nice life with so many good memories while he had none. Suddenly he saw her quickly put her hand on her chest while the other on her mouth to prevent a gasp from escaping her mouth.

" Anne". he called out softly. He saw her squeeze her face tightly. She was in pain but what happened to her.

" Are you.....". Before i could complete my sentence she stood up carrying her purse and ran out of the restaurant still holding unto her chest. What was the matter with her. He stood up and ran after, she found her to the bathroom and locked the door before he could even get there.

Anne couldn't bear the pain so she screamed out in the bathroom knowing fully well that she could be heard.

" Alma....are you okay??" She heard him ask from the door. she was in so much that she couldn't even respond.

" Alma..." he called out again.

Her heart was been torn apart by the pepper in the corned beef. she wasn't meant to have to much pepper and she just had a lot of it and she was facing the consequences now. She searched her bag restlessly for her pills she was sure she kept them in there but where were they now. She eventually found them and immediately swallowed them with her bottled water. she never went anywhere without carrying her bottled water and pills.

I could have easily walked through the door if i wanted but i felt she wouldn't like that. I forced myself and i tried listening to her thoughts but strangely i couldn't it was as if she was blocking me from doing so.

It took a long time before the pain stop and alex's voice kinda helped too, when he called me out by the name he gave me it helped me think at least to check my bag for the pills. When the pain eventually stopped i washed up my face because tears had flowed out abundantly, my eyes were red and sore as well from all the crying. i looked at myself one last time before i walked out of the bathroom. I met a pair of the brightest emerald eyes i have ever seen instead of the normal multicolored eyes i was used to seeing. He hugged me the moment he saw me. What was with the eyes??.

" Are you okay??" he asked still not letting go of me. he held unto to me so tightly i could barely breathe.

" Alex i can't breathe" i told him and his hold lessened a bit.

" What happened " he asked again.

" I'm okay alex nothing serious happened".

He let go of me immediately and looked at me in the eyes as if to tell me that i was lying his eyes still green

" i'm not lying alex".

" The screams telling me otherwise".

" I saw a cockroach".

" You were also crying because of the roach or it got into your eyes huh". he knew she was lying. While he was outside he could hear her heart beat slow down and here she was telling him that she was fine.

" Ok fine.....the food went down the wrong way and i was choking." she Explained.

Now that sounded more reasonable choking could slow down ones breathing so that Explained the slow heart beat.

" And you're fine now??" he asked clearly concerned.

" Absolutely"

" I'll have zain check you up when we reach the palace." he told her before taking her hand and walking her out of the restaurant's restroom.

Strange his eyes are still emerald green. Anne thought to herself. They had left the restaurant a while ago and were heading back to the house from were alex stayed at times in the city of devin.

" Don't worry they would be back to normal". i heard him say.

" okay".

I had noticed her stares and that was when i realized my eyes were still green. I guess she didn't like them.

" Do u like them". i asked.

" They look beautiful" i heard her say and then saw a blush creep through her face.

He turned to her and kissed her without a warning. Alex wasn't aware of the fact that his kisses left her breathless. They literally took her breaths away. He broke the kiss after a while so as to let her breathe.

" You'll get used to it alma".

Anne smiled. If only he knew, There was no way she'll ever get used to him, he appeared new to her everyday.

They got to alex's mansion after the car ride and alex teleported anne to her room and lay her down. He sat next to her and summoned Zain. He appeared in a few second.

" Check her up". Alex said moving to a side.

Zain looked at anne for a second before he turned to the one who summoned him.

" You'll have to leave" he said

" No". He replied simply.

" Then check her yourself" he replied.

Alex stared at zain for a while as if telling him he was going to be dealt with later.

" Am the doctor here " he reminded.

Alex thought for a while, Zain was right he was the one with the skills so he must have a reason for asking him out of the room. He left without hesitation he was going to deal with zain later on.

I saw zain look at me with strange eyes before he spoke.

" If you keep being careless about this, he's gonna find out sooner than you think". he said his voice as chilling as ever.

" It wasn't my fault". i replied honestly. How was i supposed to know it was full of pepper.

" you should have been careful" he said.

" I was, besides how was i supposed to know that it was full of pepper.

" Did you read the whole line ". He asked tilting his head to one side.

I looked at him confused, what did he mean by that. Just as i was about asking him i saw him hold out his left hand like he was asking for something then in the next minute something appeared in his hand. He held it out and asked me to take a look i did as instructed and took the two page book from his hand, it looked familiar.

" Isn't this the menu of the restaurant".i asked wondering how he got it

" Read the line again". He Said sounding serious

I looked at it and read the full line. It read ' Freshly baked pretzels with corned beef.....( Spicy). How did i not see that the first time.

" You were distracted by alex and with alex.". he said simply.

He was right, Alex and i held hands while i was ordering the food that was probably why i didn't see the spicy boldly written there.

" I don't need to check you or anything your are fine.....For now". He said before leaving the room.

" For now???". He was right, i was gonna die anytime soon anyways.

I suddenly remembered alex's green eyes and wanted to ask zain about it but he left before i could even call him. I really wanted to know what the eyes meant so i ran after him i didn't even put on my slippers.

" Hold up" i Called out before he could reach the stairs. I saw him stop then slowly turned to face me.

" Yes??" he said.

" Today at the restaurant.....after the incident, i walked out of the bathroom only to meet alex waiting outside for me".

" So??".

" His eyes changed".

" They do that every time.".

" I know but this color was different and it made him seen like a completely different person".

" I can't tell you anything ".

he said simply and turned to go down the stairs. i couldn't let him go like that so i went in front of him to block his path but ended up missing my step. I was going to fall if not for zain's arms that held me. Just as i was about to lift my self i felt so cold i thought i was going to freeze to death. I knew alex was around the corner but why did he decided to make me feel cold.