

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


" I think she's Alright now, you can let go " he said sternly his eyes glaring with freckles of red.

Zain let go immediately he didn't want any trouble for now. Getting an ancient like alex wasn't something he was willing to do now.

Alex walked up to anne and grabbed her gently.

" Watch next time". Zain said to anne before Vanishing.

Alex didn't mutter a word to anne, he just lifted her in his arms and took her downstairs; she was going to have the meal she didn't have at the restaurant but this time he had mary make them Italian food.

Anne left her mouth open when she saw her favorite Italian sausage and Italian ice drink. The best combo to have.

She sat down immediately without wasting time and took down six good sausages like she hadn't eaten in days.

Alex watched in awe he loved watching her eat like that it made her look cute.

Anne let out hugs sigh after sipping her drink which made alex laugh.

Anne looked confused at first, she didn't remember doing anything that required a laugh so why was he laughing.

" Whats funny " she asked.

" Nothing" he said putting his hands up as if surrendering.

I felt something on my lips so i licked it off turned to alex and i saw his eyes glittering with freckles of red. Was he angry??.

" whats wrong??" she asked clearly concerned.

" Please don't lick your lips like that again" he said with clenched teeth.

Anne looked so confused, did licking her lips get him angry. Whilst still on her thoughts she saw him get up and walk upstairs without looking at her.

Immediately i knew i was out of her sight i teleported to my room. Why didn't i teleport from the dining no she was going to know where he was and he wasn't sure he would be able to control himself if she came before him now. Just as he spoke about her she entered the room through the door he left wide open. Dammit he cursed and turned away immediately. But that didn't work either because she came in front of him looking all innocent. He avoided eye contact but she wasn't giving up on looking at him.

" Please leave" He begged.

" No.....first tell me what happened then i'll leave".

" I want you...". he blurted.

anne stared at him not getting what he meant.

" I want to have you so badly " he said exposing his already long canines.

His canines told her everything. He had once told her that his canines only elongate when he's angry, Aroused or when he just wants to scare someone.

He couldn't be angry with her nor could he want to scare her, he knew she couldn't be scared. So he was clearly aroused.

" You won't hurt me......you don't have to be scared of hurting me every time". She said leaving Alex confused. Was she truly offering herself to him, just like that. He blinked a few times before he spoke.

" You've only been with me for less than a month and yet you say i can't hurt you....what makes you think so??" he asked clearly trying to intimidate her.

" Because you love me" . she said with finality before she lifted her face and body to his so she can kiss him. Alex was shocked by her sudden action but he didn't show it as he immediately carried her with their lips still together to the large bed at the center of the room. She was putting on a shirt dress so he steadily unbuttoned it then helped her pull it off while taking off her inner wears he could feel her cheeks burn so he pulled up a duvet over them before taking off his clothes.

He leaned down and kisses her on her neck, nape, her lips and Back to her neck, he moved up to her ears and whispered something into it.

" You look more beautiful without clothes". He said before he kissed her again anne moaned softly to every kiss she was given.

Despite his urge and the demons he was fighting within himself he decided to take it slow and know every part of her body. From her neck he moved over to her chest with was blessed with her fully rounded breasts like watermelons. He kissed them and her nipples before gently messaging them with is hands. Anne could hardly breathe he was torturing her with his hands and she liked it.

He went further to her stomach and placed tiny kisses on it before moving to her thighs. Her moans gave him the Audacity to do more and she was loving it.

He kissed every bit of her thighs down to her legs and up again before finally thrusting into her which made her moan even louder, she felt on top of the world.

After his third go on her he felt her tiredness and decided to let her sleep he could have her later on. He watched her sleep peacefully and then a thought came across his mind. He wants make her his officially he already had a name as the top business man in New York and beyond. He just needed to make himself more human as possible so as to not get her parents sacred or anything. He felt bad for having her when she wasn't his fully, he hadn't even marked her yet in the demon way not to Talk of marrying her humanly.

He left the room to get fresh air in the garden. He needed to be away from her for some time because his demons still raged for her.

He sat on the crystal blue swing at the center of the garden, gave a huge sigh then let his head fall back.

" You know..... you can actually just mark her and take her to the demon world". Axton said materializing right next to Alex.

" You're back" Alex said with his eyes still closed.

" Yep....back to trouble you bro".

Alex opened his eyes immediately and glared at the man before him.

Axton chuckled." i knew i would get you to see me".

Alex rolled his eyes. He was having enough of zain and now his more annoying brother was here. Alex was so happy when axton left to battle his mates demon clan.

" Don't call me that ever again"

" I won't"

" You're lying"

" Of course" He replied before taking the seat next to alex.

" You've changed" Axton said

" How's Kala " Alex asked clearly ignoring axton's remark.

" She surprisingly ok.....i literally killed her people and she seems fine"

kala was axton's mate and he had gone to kill her people, a part of the land demons. They had a problem with her relationship with a fire demon and he had a problem with them having a problem with his relationship.

" You shouldn't be surprised she has demon blood in her "

" That doesn't change anything".

" i won't argue with you". Alex replied plainly.

" So...tell me".

" Tell you what".

" You know what i want to hear Alex"

" You don't need to know anything about her, She's none of your business" he stressed.

" Someone's protective" he said smiling.

" Aren't you protective over Kala".

" I am.... but thats because i love her".

" I love her, Axton".

Axton blinked a few times. He knew he was in love with her but he never thought he would admit it. Alex had really changed and in just a short amount of time. Axton was relieved when he found out about the new development, it just meant that his brother and him wouldn't have to worry about breaking their promise to Alex's parents.

" He's already here" zain said disappointed. He was about to inform alex to get ready for trouble but it seemed he was late. He hated having his brother around, he was too annoying and he wondered how he could have had such a man as a brother.

" Brother" Axton said clearly to annoy him.

zain walked over to Alex completely ignoring his brother.

" Now that axton's here am pretty sure you'll barely have time to annoy me".

Zain rolled his eyes.

" Zain isn't it okay if alex mates his woman and takes her to devin".

" Not every one is as stupid as you are Axton." Zain replied.

" Hey.....just because i did it doesn't make me stupid" he fired back.

" It actually does " alex spoke.

" And Anne's human, she isn't a demon like Kala".Axton replied.

" It doesn't make any difference".zain spoke.

" I Have to marry her first".

" You can also mate her before then" zain spoke.

" True". Axton chipped in.

" I'll leave you two here, i don't want her to wake up to find out am not there." Alex said before he teleported back to the room.

" So She's the one to kill him". Axton said surprised.

He really felt bad for his cousin, he was truly unlucky and lucky at the same time. Lucky that he found love and unlucky that his love is the only thing that can kill him.

" There's more". Zain said finally sitting on the swing it was thick black but they could see because of their night vision.

Zain told Axton about anne's illness and her decision to hide it till she dies.

" Now thats bad".

" Yes, The fact that he's planning to marry her is worse". Zain spoke.

" We will lose Alex the moment that girl dies zain, in case you haven't noticed, its because of her that he's started to enjoy the life he once hated and if she dies now he might decide to lock himself up in a coffin for eternity.".

" I know thats why i'm trying to find a cure, not that there isn't one for her brain cells. I just have to find a way to solve her heart problems. But thats not all either, Anne's aware of the fact that she can be cured but she doesn't want to go through it because her mom died few hours into the surgery due to the same ailment."

" How are you going to convince her to do it then".

" I won't....Alex will".

" That means you'll tell him about it".

" If i have to then yes".

" What if it doesn't work out". axton asked.

" It will". zain said assuring axton.

" I'll have to leave now.....Kala needs me." Acting said before leaving leaving zain alone in the garden.


I was shocked at first when i didn't see her on the bed but got tensed when i heard her heartbeat. It was beating rapidly, i rushed over to the other side of the bed only to sight her on the floor, all sweaty and shaky.

" Alma!!!" i rushed to her immediately and that was when i saw that her mouth was stuffed with a piece of cloth. She didn't want me to hear her scream. I carried her and put her on the bed but she didn't let go so i just laid with her on the bed in my arms consoling her till she fell asleep. I didn't bother asking what happened but i knew she wasn't okay. Her eyes told me that she had cried a lot her red cheeks said that she had also screamed a lot so i let her sleep peacefully in my arms.

I woke up so exhausted, i was about to stir in my sleep when i noticed strong arms were holding me down in my sleep. Alex was holding me so tightly like he was scared i would run. As i stared at his face i slowly remembered everything that happened last night and why i was so exhausted. I had started my usual screaming at night because of my brain tumor and i remember stuffing a piece of cloth in my mouth so as to avoid been heard since he was not in the room.

The pains had already stopped before he came into the room to see me recuperating. I didn't even have the energy to say anything as i cried in his arms that were so comforting. As of he understood me he carried me over to the bed and let me sleep peacefully in his arms. I was almost caught last night, what of he had been in the room when it happened, Thank goodness he wasn't in the room.

Just as i was still thinking i felt the sudden urge to touch his face and then his hair. I followed my urge and touched him. I heard him groan.

" Alma..." he called out.

" Yes".

" I like the way you wake me up....please wake me up like that every morning"

He chuckled softly when he saw a blush creep through her face.

" You look cute" He told her again.

She tried jerking her hand off his face but he held her.

" Stop teasing me".she said.

" I'm not...honestly".

" You are.....Am going to die if..."

" Don't..." he scolded and continued.

" Don't say that ever again...don't even think about it alma". He told her.

" I'm sorry". She apologized wondering why he was overreacting. She was eventually going to die sooner or later.

" Promise me you won't ever say anything terrible about yourself again".

" I promise you alex".

" Good.....now go freshen up, i'll wait for you downstairs for breakfast." He said and placed a light kiss on her lips before he carried her over to the bathroom and put her in the bath he had prepared for her and left her to bathe. He wanted feel comfortable and he just wanted to pamper her after what transpired last night and then what she said this morning. He also didn't want anything that would turn him on that was why he picked out a free long gown for her to wear. He had placed it on the bed after he left her in the bath and went downstairs.

Why isn't he questioning me about yesterday's incident and why the care. Its not that he didn't care about me before now but this morning's care looked strange. Anne kept wondering and thinking to herself while she bathed.