
White Knight: King of Eos

14 year old prince Soichiro Kugo lost his home Eos when he was 4 to shinigami (Gods of death) and has been hiding since. One day in the year 759 on a hunt he encounters a shinigami and attempts to kill it but the shinigami reveals itself to be his late sensei Chozen Kaibaro. Chozen informs him that Soichiro has to find 15 regalia (Royal weapons) that once belonged to his ancestor's to gain a form called arminger which will help him stop the shinigami king and end his reign of terror.

Kingsaif2099 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

A Sensible Test

As Soichiro wakes up from his trance he suddenly doesn't feel dizzy. "What the hell? Looks like I got used to the trances." Soichiro thought. As Soichiro leaves the tomb he sees that no one is there. "Where did they go? Maybe they went to set up camp." Soichiro thought. Soichiro searched for 5 minutes then decided to use his enhanced senses. He sensed deer, boars, and birds but not the others but then he felt the vibration of a voice and then smelled smoke, Soichiro ran to the smoke and vibrations and then he found Suki and Chozen. "You fuckers were hiding from me weren't you?" Soichiro said. "Congratulations Kugo. Your enhanced senses are still intact." Chozen said. "You guys thought I was gonna die so you guys left." Soichiro said. "Quite the opposite Kugo. We knew you were gonna win and you were fighting for a long time so we decided to set up camp for the night." Chozen explained. "Sorry Soichiro Chozen insisted." Suki said. "It's fine. I'll have to admit it was thoughtful of you to see if my senses were still intact." Soichiro said. "That's why I did it." Chozen said.

After the group caught some deer and ate it, Chozen decided to tell them about the next regalia. "Soichiro, you should know something about your next regalia." Chozen said. "Oh actually I was about to ask you about that too." Soichiro said. "Anyway, the axe of the conqueror may have required strength but this next regalia will require speed, you will have to become as faster than wind to hone this regalia's full power. The next regalia we're going after are the twin swords of the Lion Ling … The Swords Of The Wanderer"