
White Knight: King of Eos

14 year old prince Soichiro Kugo lost his home Eos when he was 4 to shinigami (Gods of death) and has been hiding since. One day in the year 759 on a hunt he encounters a shinigami and attempts to kill it but the shinigami reveals itself to be his late sensei Chozen Kaibaro. Chozen informs him that Soichiro has to find 15 regalia (Royal weapons) that once belonged to his ancestor's to gain a form called arminger which will help him stop the shinigami king and end his reign of terror.

Kingsaif2099 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

The Need For Light Speed

The Next Day

"Ready for this training Kugo?" Chozen asked. "I have to if I'm gonna be faster than the Lion King." Soichiro answered. Soichiro gets in a running position. "Alright Kugo, run from this point to that point which is about a mile away." "Ready. Set. GO!" Suki shouted. Soichiro runs straight forward putting all of his strength into both legs. As Soichiro stops at the one mile point, Suki stops the stopwatch. "1 MINUTE!" Suki shouted. Soichiro runs back to the others. "Alright so your starting point is 1 minute now we just have to turn the 1 minute into less than a second." Chozen stated.

3 Days Later

Soichiro runs to the 1 mile point. "0.1 second." Suki said. "Go again." Chozen said. Soichiro runs again but slip and falls as he reaches the 1 mile point. "God fucking dammit." Soichiro says. "Alright. Kugo, now it's time to make you run at the speed of light." Chozen said. "Are you fucking kidding me? So that shit was to increase my speed?" Soichiro asked. "Yes, because now you are almost at your top speed." Chozen states. "Now take this watch. It'll record the distance you run. And take this you can use this ear piece to communicate with us through it. Chozen said. "Why do I need this?" Soichiro asked. " You need to run about 300,000,000 miles. To reach the speed of light you need to run that distance within 1 second." Chozen stated. "If the speed of light is 300 million miles a second then how fast was the Lion King?" Soichiro asked. " About 90 miles a second." Chozen answered. "HOLY SHIT!!! I'm gonna be a shit ton faster than the Lion King." Soichiro said. "Ready to give it a try, Kugo?" Chozen asked. "It's now or never." Soichiro answered. Soichiro gets into a running stance. "Ready, set, GO!!!" Suki Shouted. Soichiro runs at 1 mile a 0.1 second. Soichiro runs for about an hour then stops. "Chozen, Suki, I'm done. If I run anymore I'm gonna pass out." Soichiro said tiredly. Soichiro lays on the ground and falls asleep.

Chozen flies to Soichiro's location, picks him up and flies back. "Chozen? How far did I run?" Soichiro asked, half awake. "You ran half the distance. You did amazing kid." Chozen answers. "Good. And Chozen, thank you for everything you've done for me and my family. I am not the hero of this story, you are, sensei. I am forever grateful and in your debt." Soichiro said half awake. "No problem kid. You're like the son I never had. And about the debt you can repay it by being your best self." Chozen says tearfully. As Chozen and a sleeping Soichiro return to the camp Chozen puts Soichiro in a tent. "Are you crying Chozen?" Suki asked. "Why do you ask?" Chozen replied. "You have tears in your eyes." Suki said. "Oh, there's something in my eye." Chozen said. "Well goodnight Suki." Chozen said. "Goodnight Chozen."

1 Month Later

"Ready Kugo? This run determines whether you're ready to face the Lion King." Chozen says through his ear piece. Soichiro gets into a running stance. "Ready. Set. GO!!!" Suki shouts. Soichiro runs and in less than a second he reaches the finish line. "I ran the distance." Soichiro said through his ear piece. "Astonishing. 300,000,000 miles in less than a second." Chozen said. "Soichiro, you are more than ready to face the Lion king. You are the fastest person to ever exist." Chozen stated.

Night Time

"I have to say I really am impressed with you Kugo." Chozen said. "It's all thanks to you Chozen." Soichiro said. "What about me?" Suki said. "And you too Suki." Soichiro said. "All right everyone, we should get some rest because tomorrow I face the Lion King."