
White Knight: King of Eos

14 year old prince Soichiro Kugo lost his home Eos when he was 4 to shinigami (Gods of death) and has been hiding since. One day in the year 759 on a hunt he encounters a shinigami and attempts to kill it but the shinigami reveals itself to be his late sensei Chozen Kaibaro. Chozen informs him that Soichiro has to find 15 regalia (Royal weapons) that once belonged to his ancestor's to gain a form called arminger which will help him stop the shinigami king and end his reign of terror.

Kingsaif2099 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Trial of The Conqueror

The Next Day

"Come on Kugo, use your legs." Chozen instructed. Soichiro struggles lifting and lets go of the boulder. "100 push ups now." Chozen instructed. "If you can't lift that boulder you can't wield the axe and if you can't wield the axe of the conqueror you can't defeat the chaos king." Chozen stated. Soichiro remembered what the Winged King said "Keep fighting White Knight . Do it for the sake of the world and its future." As Soichiro finishes 100 push ups he starts to do 100 handstand push ups. "Good. This is what I like to see." Chozen said. After Soichiro finishes 100 handstand push ups he attempts to lift the boulder. "Come on kugo you got this." Chozen said under his breath. As Soichiro attempts to lift the boulder he manages to lift it just barely off the ground then drops it. "FUCK!" Soichiro shouts. "Clear your mind Soichiro. This is an improvement. Just a few hours ago you couldn't move that boulder. Keep doing this and the axe of the conqueror will feel as light as a feather." Chozen stated.

5 days later

After the intense training Soichiro feels like he can finally lift that boulder. "Are you ready Soichiro?" Chozen asked. "Yes."Soichiro answered. "This moment is all or nothing." Soichiro thought. As Soichiro puts his hand under the boulder he starts to pull. " COME ON SOICHIRO PUT EVERY OUNCE OF YOUR STRENGTH INTO IT!!!" Chozen shouted. Soichiro puting all of his strength into his hands and legs and having the winged king's words race through his mind lifts the boulder. After he lifts the boulder he lifts it 10 times and then throws it into the air and punches it breaking it into a million tiny pieces. "YES SOICHIRO, YOU DID IT!!!!" Chozen shouted. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Soichiro screams.

The Next Day

The trio leave insomnia and make their way to the tomb of the conqueror. "The tomb at last. This one was a real pain in the ass but it was worth it in the end." Soichiro says. Soichiro unlocks the tomb and puts his hand over the axe of the conqueror. It begins to float in the air and goes through him putting Soichiro into a trance once again. "I'm back here once again." Soichiro thought. "White Knight ." A mysterious voice said. "I am the Chaos King of Eos. You may have obtained the axe of the conqueror but can you wield its might?" The Chaos said. Soichiro and the Chaos summon the axe of the conqueror. "LET THE TRIAL BEGIN!!!!" The Chaos shouted. The Chaos swings the axe at Soichiro but he jumps into the air dodging it then Soichiro swings the axe but The Chaos blocks it. "Holy shit. Looks like Chozen was right, the axe feels light as a feather." Soichiro thought. As the 2 swing their axes the 2 axes collide each person adding more force. "I won't let you win White Knight" The Chaos said. "Doesn't matter if you decide to let me win or give it your all, CAUSE I WON'T LOSE TO THE LIKES OF YOU OR ANYONE!!!!!!!!" Soichiro shouts. Soichiro dashes back. "His swings are slow but powerful, that can actually be an advantage because within each swing there's approximately a 5 second window to dodge and attack and judging by my speed and strength I may be able to use that window to win." Soichiro thought. Soichiro dashes forward prepared to swing the axe. The Chaos swings his axe sideways but Soichiro jumps turning his body to dodge the swing and swings his axe with the bottom of the blade grabbing The Chaos's neck and goes behind The Chaos. Soichiro kicks the back of The Chaos's legs bringing the king to his knees. "This is over. I can kill you here and now, meaning that I've won." Soichiro said. "Fine. You have won the trial of the conqueror, White Knight." The Chaos said. Soichiro releases the Chaos. The Chaos kneels with the axe of the conqueror in both hands. Soichiro puts his hand over the axe absorbing its energy. As The Chaos fades he says "White Knight even though I have conquered land through havoc, always remember your achievements are worthless without friends."