
when time ... stopped

a normal day ... I was going to college ... but ... the leaves stopped ... people were slowing down ... and I ...

Alezero · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

017-the iron witch

6:00 am...

a week before the army makes its move, training begins, first thing in the morning they were all running, everyone except Naoru who was comfortable in his bed ... until the end of the 9 laps to the test field, Naoru woke up, now it was 8 in the morning

: where is naoru !!!!

shouted the head of the base, with some sleep naoru appeared behind him, he was until late at night setting up and training next to the army armor ...

naoru: hello ~

carefree greeted everyone in the morning, stretching lazily in front of the squad leader, who was red with anger ...

: 700 laps !!!!!!

naoru: understood ...

Naoru knew why he was so angry, but he did not care after all the T virus had made his body stronger, so a few simple laps would do nothing, the speed increased more and more, the minutes passed while the laps being monitored by a winged army corporal who was open-mouthed ... the 700 laps had been completed in half an hour, while everyone had an expression that they were seeing a monster, he just stretched out again and went straight to the dining room where I have breakfast

this kind of scene was repeated during the week causing the squad leader to spit blood of impotence, naoru considering it normal felt comfortable because on earth there were not many forms of training if he did not want to stand out, here he could do what I would like

The week passed quickly, the armor was being assembled while the team members were doing things more ... enjoyable, being that some were naked inside the exoskeleton, Naoru was with all the armor on him no longer did the weight bother him or that He walked as a robot, the red queen had made hundreds of adjustments to the movement algorithms of the naoru armor, she had also made some plans to improve their portability making them look like they were just sticks tied to the body ... but that's It would be later now they were marching towards the helicopter, but naoru stopped for a moment seeing a weapon that was full of dust, it was a sword but super bigger than we always saw them, it was almost a big club with an edge on one of the faces

It also resembled the weapon used by the Iron Witch, when it appeared in the movie, Naoru simply hooked it on her back along with various ammunition and firearms that were to be used in battle ...

The transporter took off making everyone scream with excitement ... Naoru calmed down and began to remember what the objective of this mission was, first it was the perk that did not know how to obtain it and the last was the death of the omega, but first he had to get the blood of the alpha to be able to restart time ...

time passed and the turbulences were increasing once more, the transport moved from one place to another making everyone worry, but he was calm, he did not care who died anyway for naoru these people did not exist so he calmed down He had replaced the main role anyway, so he couldn't die ...


The explosions started, the attack had been discovered, Naoru knew that they were waiting for them, a reset should have already happened, they just didn't know, nobody knew anything, they all thought that the invaders were incredibly intelligent and that ... to summarize they were like the Chinese in the novels, super chingones

(Author: look, I'm not upset or anything, I just find it funny that they do this, for example there was a novel that I read in which the protagonist said, "I'm going to beat everyone and they fight me" but then he said "but I'm not going to mess with China because it is a super power, I cannot allow myself to offend them "I mean and every time I read a Chinese novel they do something like that, this is just a little parenthesis)

The gates had been opened and Naoru quickly untied, the hook connected directly to the ship, broke it and fell to the ground making a mini crater, taking the sword club from his back, he ran in the opposite direction ...

naoru: queen !!! ...

network: what do you want? !!!!

naoru: connect my transmitter for everyone in the world to see !!!!

network: hahahaha, connecting ...

the transmissions were interrupted in minutes and the RQ SYSTEM signal appeared on hundreds or thousands of TV sets, transmitting the video in real time from the hull of naoru ... the repeaters were like a swarm of locusts and humans were the exterminators but they were like rookie exterminators on their first day of elementary school

In the first round hundreds had died, if you survived the forced landing, then now came the real test, the shots were heard from one side to the other, bloody screams were everywhere, the raw images of what was happening and the sacrifice that they were doing to win the battle they were passing rapidly in front of the eyes of hundreds of people in their homes ... those who were in charge of the transmission were the ones who were desperate to see how to interrupt the signal, they did not know that the transmission was being sent from one of the military satellites, even if they removed the power from the station it would still transmit ...

naoru: queen ... link everyone's microphones, to win we have to organize ourselves ...

queen: linking ... ready, they are all yours tiger ...

naoru: do not make references !!!!!!!!

the command had been hacked causing the transmissions to the central command to be interrupted so there was chaos that there was, then naoru spoke ...


The shout woke up many and without knowing well they began to follow the orders, even the squad leader began to organize, the counterattack began as long as they followed orders the soldiers did not disperse, one by one the repeaters were reduced, but the number was overwhelming, Naoru only saw how the number in his repeater account was increasing, causing a smile to be drawn, in front of him there were more than in the other teams, the omega knew that Naoru was a threat and had sent more and more to exterminate the threat

Suddenly another sword equal to his appeared saving him from one of the repeaters, the cold face, somewhat dirty but with a cute expression ... it was the iron witch, the heroine of the last war, the first repeater, the expression He froze and the witch raised her sword and threw it to the side of Naoru

witch: on your left ... newbie, don't stand still

Naoru raised his gun and fired behind her feeling the repeater fall

naoru: to your right ... girl, this is not my first rodeo ...

As if they were complements, they were attacking the enemies back to back, waving and shooting from all sides, the corpses of the repeaters had been so that a small wall of them had formed around them two ...

the tide was turning and the strong resistance of all was ... the people in their houses were excited until the attack on london began, the repeaters had also gone to the attack towards one of the cities and were beginning to win, the city did not it was well fortified and in minutes it had fallen ...

This was reported to Naoru, who had been an incredible ally ... until ...

The alpha arrived ... things changed, he was bigger and stronger, and he brought with him thousands of repeaters, there was no hope and Naoru knew it but he needed to kill the alpha to obtain the ability of this type at least ...

naoru: it's going to be difficult ...

end of chapter ...