
when time ... stopped

a normal day ... I was going to college ... but ... the leaves stopped ... people were slowing down ... and I ...

Alezero · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

016-road to war

Naoru got to where he had been sent, got out of the helicopter with his suitcase, it seems that everything was already planned ...

Suddenly a guy with a mustache appeared in front of Naoru, he came to receive the recruits ...

: here, there are no ranks, the soldiers will be trained in battle ...

After the first sentence Naoru stopped listening, turning sideways, he saw that there were several trucks with the image of the iron witch, according to the film she was the savior of one of the battles in which the omega had given them victory ...

Naoru was guided while the guy with the mustache began to say more and more nonsensical things, the truth was Naoru was already getting bored of this world, he was not waiting for the opportunity to leave here ...

Finally they reached the barracks of squad J, naoru in an act of good faith, he sat on the bed of one of the officers, letting it be seen that he knew what they were doing, the one with the mustache finished his speech while he handed him the clothes of cadet to naoru ... After half an hour more of talk he left ...

: Isn't that officer's clothes? ...

Naoru: yes, he was older ...

: ages?...

Naoru: I told the general that his wife felt good, and they brought me here, with the prefix "cadet" ...

After the presentations everyone began to do what they enjoyed, for example those who were here read he entertained poker, while Naoru changed his clothes and lay on the bed with his phone ...

Naoru: Queen ... Can I find you?

Reina: of course ... just like in the movie it's in that glass pyramid in paris

Naoru: Pyramid of the Louvre Museum ... the satellites are ok? ...

Queen: Some, copycats are stupid ... for not blocking communications ...

naoru: but they have the time travel ...

queen: whatever ... Well now the really important thing is to make the alpha spit his blood at you when you kill him ...

Naoru: it's disgusting ...

Queen: yes, for the first time I give thanks that I don't have a physical body ...

Naoru: how's the armor model going? ...

Queen: I stole it from the pentagon, although it is stupidly great swimmer and cumbersome to mobility, it has the advantage that you can increase its brute strength ...

Naoru: I already know that ... What I ask you is if you can reform it, make it smaller ...

Reina: of course, who are you talking to ... I am the largest artificial intelligence in the world ...

Naoru: sure, sure ... When will it be?

Reina: I can't do it here ... But I can help you to remove the unnecessary parts ...

Naoru: can you remove things without compromising the structure? ...

Queen: Sure, humans do heavy stuff instead of prioritizing movement speed ...

Naoru: when should we go?

Reina: Are you sure? ... I don't think they'll let you go to "upgrade" the armor ...

Naoru: you're right, what's going to happen is that I'm going to be tied up like the main character in the movie ...

Queen: what you should do is improve your mastery of the weapon ...

Naoru: didn't you say it was stupid? ...

Reina: It is, but from that to having nothing, to face imitators? ...

Naoru: it's true ...

He got up from his bed and went in front of his squadmates, but unlike the original film, no one stopped him, one of them had brought a newspaper with yesterday's date, the headline read ...

¨general put in jail, for murder¨

but what he said later was ...

¨ It cannot be that this is my weapon, here only immobilizers are used, weapons are prohibited, he, he was the one who did something with my weapon ... "

those statements were before he was taken into custody ... they all had cold breath, they knew that he had come for insubordination ... and if he could do that to a general, they ... could they still consider attacking or stopping him? ... they all rolled over in their own beds and didn't say a word ... they were too lazy to check it out themselves

Naoru went to the training area, it was already the time when everything was off, so he had to do all the, but with the assistance of the red queen, he could see all the specifications of the exoskeleton ... something bad about traveling Due to its dimensions, the store's function remained closed, it was only activated when it was in its reality ... that's why it couldn't buy things that would give it an advantage here ... for example, the "domain of the machines" or something similar ...

Putting on the armor, it was big, rough and with a very limited movement, it was all the bad and I couldn't get the queen to fix it ... the exoskeleton was put on some pulleys because the battery lasted very little, something bad for the soldiers, taking into account that they had to fight against imitators, a battery of an hour or two was completely inefficient, apart from the fact that the location was completely stupid, in front of everything, so if an impersonator breaks it in the fight, only You will be a large piece of metal, which is used to die ...

With the exoskeleton in function, naoru lit the training ground ... she began her training with the cranes as imitators, they were heavy and one hit from them was like facing a small truck-sama ...

-bang bang bang bang bang ...

The exoskeleton was difficult to control, Naoru had to use the ability to -return- because when one of those cranes impacted on it, the shock was so great that it threw itself to faint, -back- although it did not heal the user's wounds, but the blow didn't hurt much ... the rubber cartridges were being fired from the gun, but every hour he was getting more and more skilled in handling this ...

He did not sleep much tonight, he spent it training in the handling of the exoskeleton, what naoru did not know is that-senju bloodline- he was giving stamina so that he would not feel tired with this type of training ... although not only that , his muscles and bone shape were being strengthened before the blows, making the force greater, the weight of the exoskeleton became less and less and with the improvement that naoru had when controlling it ...

The shots rang out one after the other in the training ground all night ... While he was controlling the machinery, the sun began to rise and the activities started again ...

: HEEEI ...

Suddenly someone spoke making Naoru turn around, a little tired but not so much, Naoru turned to see who was speaking it ... The guy turned off the drill and made a signal to Naoru to come closer ...

Naoru: yes? ...

: are you from squad j? ...

Naoru: yes ...

: your squad is getting ready in hangar 7, they will leave at two in the afternoon, don't miss ...

Naoru: Understood ...

Naoru unlatched the exoskeleton and leapt forward leaving the metal hulk empty, anyway he had little battery left, he didn't worry much since this day was going to be repeated from now on ...

Running he reached the preparation area where the entire squad was preparing ... Naoru arrived and began to hook the straps he had this metallic thing ... One of the assistants saw him and went to help him ... When he finished

: are you ready?

Naoru: I will be ...

End of chap