
when time ... stopped

a normal day ... I was going to college ... but ... the leaves stopped ... people were slowing down ... and I ...

Alezero · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

018-I repeat

-BOOOOOMMMM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A shadow was seen, being thrown from the middle of the beach towards the sea, following the shadow a much larger repeater was crossing the area that had been "recovered" by humans on the beach ...

The salty and cold water was an excellent painkiller, in addition to the salt in the water, he could see if he had any injuries, getting up Naoru was somewhat stunned, since the repeater had completely rammed him with his great body, he had thrown him a few 4 or 5 meters by the strength I had

it was as if a truck had run over him, getting up watching the waves turn a faint red color, his eyes adjusted to the place where the screams were loudest, dozens of soldiers were being blown up, thrown up with a powerful slap from the beast that radiated strong death intent with each step ... the shots were getting bigger and bigger, but it wasn't just the alpha, the madness was being driven by the hive of repeaters, causing everyone to be trying to prevent those beasts from violating the line that had been formed ...

The most powerful weapon shots roared to the sky, being hit like a wave at the beasts that came, Naoru got up and again grabbed his sword-club that had fallen in front of him (convenient), he started running towards the beast, but she saw him too and advanced towards him too ...

they met on the line that separates the sea from the coast, the sound of the metal colliding was great, both were forced back by the impact but the alpha was slower in recovery, naoru could only be at the defensive end, the Alpha used all his limbs for the attack without almost any kind of weakness in his attack, by this time the sunset was appearing making the visibility was reduced somewhat more against the humans who were fighting on the beach, the load reduced without the alpha attack was very good for humans since this was the main attack of the hive

The wounds were opening spilling blood along the coast, Naoru was pale seeing how the beast entered its brutal mode and the speed as well as the force increased exponentially, this was not shown in the film because some will say, clearly because the protagonist of the Peli was too weak, he was using the ability he had obtained to face danger and if not he simply died to repeat the action ...

something I did not want to repeat naoru, so I was being more and more persistent but I did not expect a berserk to be the longer he was fighting, now he was more in trouble, blood was slipping in the corners of his mouth, his tail like a bloody stinger It was lifted into the sky, aiming at Naoru which was on the ground defending itself ...

Naoru wanted to defend himself but could not since if he left his defense position, the other limbs were going to kill him, he could only see the tail of the alpha with impressive speed go to him, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes to pray to the system that the club-sword resisted the blow ...

-BAAAAAANNNNGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!

Hearing the explosion, Naoru opened his eyes again seeing the black smoke behind the alpha's back, while behind him the somewhat bloody shadow was holding a Rita Vrataski rocket launcher, he was there taking a great breath of air as he fell into the ground with a big hole in the chest product of another repeater ...


The repeater's tail was severed at the root, while it was hurt, Naoru got up again while the alpha was screaming in pain in front of him, he stuck a hook in the alpha's chest and when he picked it up, he was interfering with the alpha's mobility. ..

he saw it and knew what he was going to do, or assumed, so grabbing the metal cable he threw it up, wanting to kill him with the fall, but naoru smiled as he accelerated the collection of the cable that held him, and with an impossible twist in midair cut the alpha's chest from top to bottom ...

not a single sound came out of the alpha's mouth when he was pierced by naoru's sword-club, but now naoru had fallen to the ground without strength seeing how the alpha's great body was falling towards him, like a great sheet of metal falling to him...

Naoru only closed his eyes, waiting for his end ... but there was no pain

: come on down ... the recruitment center to go to the front ...

Naoru opened his eyes seeing the family scene, his uniform had not changed yet it was still the uniform of the senior that he had had, everything was fine until it seemed a dream, until

[Congratulations to the user: a part of the temporary strength has been obtained thanks to the blood of the alpha ... the system has completed the missing part, but it is not absolute ... when the omega finds out, the ability will no longer it works ... I repeat (temporary ability)]

Naoru went straight to the barracks, where his company was, well the soldiers who would be with him in the war against the repeaters, but now he just wanted to sleep a little, he went directly to where the others were, but when they saw the uniform they got up and greeted ...

naoru: calm down, I'm no longer an official ... they demoted me, so now I'm a lower rank than you guys ...

Naoru said it, while he calmly took off his uniform, choosing his bed and went to sleep, the fatigue was not in his body, it was a mental fatigue that was making him feel bad, knowing that he had died once, now alone he wanted to get some sleep, but his wishes weren't going to be easy to please ...


Naoru opened her eyes again, seeing the squad leader with his angry eyes staring at Naoru with his sleepy eyes ...

: shall ...


Naoru shot him, but it was not a fatal shot, it had grazed his ear, showing a gun that was aimed at his forehead ...

naoru: let me sleep, or you'll be dead ...

: threaten an officer ... you will go to jail for life !!!!!!!!

naoru: but there's something you don't know ... I'll just go to jail, but you won't see tomorrow ... do you want to try? ...

Naoru's voice was lower and lower, taking on a very bloody and gloomy tone, making everyone sweat cold at Naoru's gaze, but he withdrew his weapon and went back to sleep, everyone took a breath, while the squad leader threw the registration papers on Naoru's bed and gave the order to leave ...

Now they couldn't afford to kill the soldiers when a war was coming, more so when the enemy was so strong ... so he just had to wait, to see him scattered being destroyed by a repeater ...

the squad leader was aware of the situation of the major cage ... he knew that he had not even a degree of military training, so he just had to wait to see him like this ...

meanwhile everyone present was somewhat happy, the squad leader was a very aggressive guy and when they saw someone give him what he deserved they were happy ... they immediately took him as a comrade ... clearly they were not going to wake him up, they did not want have your head spread across the room

end of chapter ...