
when time ... stopped

a normal day ... I was going to college ... but ... the leaves stopped ... people were slowing down ... and I ...

Alezero · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

015-a new world ...

Leaving the stage, applause could not stop being heard while some employees began to do the same ... They definitely owed more things like that, his ego was very excited but leaving that aside, he started running towards the car there was only about 20 minutes left why start your challenge again ...

So the car picked him up and at the speed of a Formula 1 racer, he got home and Asia quickly went to his room picking up the two weapons ...

Some would clearly say ... Why don't I carry it with me? ... Because it seemed very radical to always carry a weapon ... Picking up the weapon and installing the silencer, I bought the infinite ammunition perk, 400,000 disappeared in a few seconds. ..

Holding his weapons, he went to bed watching the clock reach zero ... Naoru's emotions were very scattered, at first he was going to go to a new world, who knows what things he would find, but he was also afraid that if he died that would be his end, so there would be no more ... He didn't know how the system was going to accommodate him when he's dead, but it must be painful ...

Staring at the white ceiling of his room, he blinked for a moment ...

: Sir...

Someone spoke it, opening his eyes quickly saw that they are in a helicopter ...

[Mission started ... Welcome to the host ... To the gray range world (low) ... Edge of tomorrow ...

• main mission: defeat the omega ...

Side Mission: Unlock the "love me again" perk ...

Imitators (0 / ??????)]

Naoru, bewildered, discovered that his weapons were in a holster, while his clothing had completely changed, it was a brown-colored officer's suit ... Putting on his jacket, he left the helicopter being received by an assistant, if he remembered correctly this was a world Alien invasion type, the protagonist fused with the alien blood and gave him the ability to reset ...

Here there is only one female lead, something good, little chest but ... Well, she has a good physique, athletic should I say, at least she's pretty ...

Naoru was escorted by the assistant, to a large building, there walking down the hall, he saw several armed escorts throughout the complex ...

They did not know what was happening but the feeling of familiarity was intense, they went through some doors towards the office area, there were no less than 20 tables with several hundred documents on them, Naoru adjusted the hat he was wearing, it seems that it is someone with a high rank ... It seemed that the secretariats were looking at him askance ...

Soon he went to the general's office, General Ben, the truth is that it will only be mentioned like that, because it gives me the website to investigate his full name ... The fat general got up from his seat with his typical shitty face .. .

Ben: Major cage ...

Naoru: Excuse me? ...

Ben: Major naoru cage ... Aren't you? ...

Naoru: my name is Naoru but my last name is ... ... ... -Why can't I remember it? -... I'm sorry general, the vodka was strong yesterday ...

Ben: Yes ... I see ... Major, let's be clear ... Tomorrow there will be a battle front in France, the Chinese and others will be helping us, we will give the front a break ...

Naoru: a stupid battle plan, sending hundreds to the front line with no experience against those "copycats" will only be shedding their blood ...

Ben: yes ... And when it is known they will want a scapegoat ... And it will be me, who is in front ... That is where you come in, you will go to the battle front and direct a group of cameras recording what happens in The front...

Naoru: I have no weapons training ... I am not an infantryman ...

Ben: and? ...

Naoru: General, I'm not going to last long on the royal battlefield ...

Ben: but you are the one who is advertising that Rita the iron witch was a rookie too ...

Naoru: listen to your words, as you said, I sold the concept that makes your soldiers be at the fore without fear ... I sold them the possibility that they can be a new ace in the army like her ...

Ben: Well, Major ... Good luck ... Your plane is leaving tonight, waited for you to rest ...

Naoru: you will regret it ...

Ben: ... Are you threatening me, Major? ...

Naoru: you know ... I am retiring general ...

Naoru got up from the chair, while the general was behind him ...


Naoru felt electricity, it was a teaser ... The soldier behind Naoru had fired a stun gun, the hooks were inserted in his back, but he only felt a slight tingling, seeing that they were turning around those who were on the other side they fired again , this time it was the two of them ...

Even so, there was not much difference, he did not feel it much, so he got up from the initial impact and took off the hooks that he had in his chest, settling the soldiers who had shot him ... They both writhed on the ground when they were hit by the hooks ... Naoru turned around with a smile taking off the last two hooks that he had on his back ...


Ben: DAMN ...

The general got annoyed at Naoru's shout, drawing his weapon, firing towards Naoru ... But he stopped time, grabbing the 500000 random soldier ... and covering himself with the ...

-bang bang BANG-

The shots were heard, while everyone saw the soldier being hit in the chest, he fell heavily on the ground, making an exhausting pool of blood ...


With the scream of Naoru, the people began to scream and fear seized them running towards the exit, Naoru took out his weapons and began to shoot towards the ceiling in confusion the screams spread everywhere "the general is killing people "," the general is crazy "," the general, the general "...

The whole incident had been built around the general, and for that naoru had spread rumors while escaping ...

Naoru: "the imitators, they have assimilated the general"

"The general has betrayed the human race"

"That's why we never win, the general is with them ..."

Each rumor became more and more exaggerated, while Naoru left the place with a smile, several military patrols began to arrive and dozens of soldiers entered the compound, Naoru left through the main door, while adjusting his suit, a soldier asked him He stopped and Naoru gave him the order to take him to the front ...

He did not want to but he had to go, otherwise he would not get the blood of an alpha imitator, he would not know Rita and he could not be trained by her, also it is cool to have that exoskeleton ... Arriving at the plane, he got on while listening to shots inside the General's office, a small payment for being too proud ...

Mounted on the transport, he took out his cell phone from his bracelet, and turned it on, the RQ symbol was shown at the beginning and a small arrogant voice made itself known ...

Reina: about time, you could have turned on the device faster ...

Naoru: ya, ya sorry ... But you better infiltrate the network ...

Reina: hacking the global network, all systems all green ... We are connected ...

Naoru: well ... Are there resident hairs here?

Reina: why do you ask that? ...

Naoru: I don't know maybe they'll recognize you ...

Reina: You are stupid ... I am an AI, something that for your tiny human brain dictates that I have no emotions and I abide by the guidelines that they programmed me ... So if they recognize me they will only say that they are a big resident fan evil ...

Naoru: makes sense ... Well, you'd better acquire the plans for the exoskeleton ...

Reina: I'm on that ...

Naoru was glad to hear this and simply lay down in the helicopter while waiting to arrive ...

End of chap