
when she meets him

Anu was sitting in the waiting hall of the City Hospital and waiting for number,there she met him for the first time...Sanju who was on his way to therapy room...their eyes met but they retracted as soon as they saw each other....that's how they met for the first time.... . . . . . Sanju..."babe ,it's been already 8years and you still don't know how to kiss properly. " Anu....."it's not like I was practicing how to kiss all these years..hmph" . . . . Anu is a normal girl that you can find within yourself ,who struggled ,fought and got what she want.Join me to find out how she rose from a normal high school girl to world renowned Scientist. Neither the FL nor ML has something extraordinary..(just normal couple) This is my first Story. English isn't my first language so..please do forgive my mistakes and guide me through . Cover page isn't mine,I just did some editing according to my preferences.

LittleRedMist · Urban
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11 Chs

Mrs. and Ms. Iyer

Early in the morning ,Hearing a knock on her door Anu woke up from sleep.She didn't get to sleep properly in the night as it was a new place . As soon as she opened the door,she was greeted by Mrs.Kamala who had a gentle smile plastered on her aged Face.

"Good morning Anu,It's time for your early morning medicine " Mrs.Kamala greeted her and gave a small transparent Bottle that contained a pill along with some Jaggery(Gur)"After taking the pill eat this,it won't be very bitter."

"Good Morning ,Kamala amma ,I will take it after I wash up ."Anu greeted back said her thanks ."Be ready by 6 A.m. you have to join everyone for prayer and you will be doing yoga," Mrs.Kamala left after informing and handing over the tray.Anu kept the tray next to the bedside table took her mobile to check on time. It showed 5.30 A.m.

Letting out a sign,Anu took a towel and went inside the Bathroom ,After 20 minutes she came and dried her hair. she put on a white yoga pants and tank top and took the medicine, Anu started looking through her mails.She heard the bell for prayer.Anu went to meet everyone at the prayer hall.There they held a 30 minutes prayer .After the prayer all of them are escorted to adjacent hall which had the yoga mats spread ready for them.Everyone took their own positions and started doing yoga.The instructor thought as Anu was a newbie she will have difficulty, but to his surprise she managed it well.After 30 minutes of Yoga ,they did meditation for 30 minutes and dispersed to their own rooms.By the time Anu reached her room , cleaned herself and changed into a cotton pants and Shirt ,it was already time for breakfast.

She slowly left for the dining hall and had her hearty breakfast.After breakfast she returned to her room and took the Book she was reading and slowly started climbing downstairs and made her way to the medicinal garden the hospital had in the backyard. She saw some elderly taking strolls .She sat on the bench under the Bael tree and resumed her reading.

After 45 minuted of reading she felt someone standing infront of her and Lifted her head,She was greeted by Sanju who had two milkshake cartons in his hand with a Slight smile on his thin lips. He had two flavors one is vanilla and another is strawberry.

'Did he buy that for me?' she pondered for a moment and greeted him with a sweet smile"Good Morning, Mr.Therapist. "

"Good Morning,Here Take it"He passed the vanilla flavored milkshake to her.

"Am not supposed to have this right now, you know?" Anu stated .

"Yup,I know but having it will improve hour mood,only with a good mood you can put your mind on your treatments and you will recover fast.But don't let Mr.Pal find that out or I will he dead meat."He mimicked the head slicing action .

Anu laughed at his action and started sucking her drink.

"I heard you failed to endure your day 1.You really did well most of them can't even endure for 20 minutes, you just have to remember that after this you don't have to go through these ,so don't worry about other things ,be happy and focus on getting better. "He suggested.

Anu nodded her head and continued sipping through the straw.

"Are you from province K?"Sanju could not contain his curiosity.

"Mom,she is from Province K ,I studied my lower primary there.So I am fluent with the language unlike other kids brought up here."She answered .

"Mhmm..."Sanju gave it a thought and wanted to ask something when they heard Someone calling Anu from behind.

It was Priya ,She informed that someone came for Anu to visit her and is waiting at the front desk.Thinking it might be Shiva or her cousin Faru ,she thanked Sanju for the milkshake and left from there.

"So ,any progress?Did she really like strawberry flavored?" Priya quered.

"I gave her my favorite flavor and thanks to your perfect timing I couldn't ask for her number." He expressed his displeasure.

"It's not my fault that you are a tortoise when it comes to girls.The person who came to meet her said that it was her mother and it seems like she will be staying with her till the treatment is over. "Priya left from there after making a face at Sanju.

'Great Sanju,Now it's over for you,her mother came and you won't get a single chance to talk to her privately 'He ducked his drink angrily .

When Anu reached the front desk...She saw her mother Mrs.Iyer talking to her doctor.She greeted them and joined with their conversation, after settling the bill payment, Suja (Mrs.Iyer) followed Anu back to her room.

After entering the room,Anu closed the door and rushed to her mother's arms.She weeped like a child and refused to let go even after 5 minutes. After calming down she rested her head on her mother's shoulder.Both stayed silent for a few minutes.

"What about your job?I thought you couldn't get personal leave ."Anu broke the silence.

"I resigned. "Suja replied calmly.

"What?How can you do that?You were about to become the principal."Anu showed her worry and felt guilty.

"It doesn't matter to me if my baby pearl is having a hard time with her treatment, even your doctor suggested that it is best if someone is here to look after you."Suja expressed.

"Still you should not have resigned. What will you do after my treatment?" Anu's eyes were brim with tears.

"Silly,I can find a job in another school,don't you have confidence in your mother's working capabilities and image?"Suja hugged her daughter and started patting her back."Leave all these matters to me and tell me,how is everything going on with you?Are you having any another trouble adjusting here?"

"No ma...I am doing alright. I am very happy that you came for me ,eventhough I know that I should not be happy because you resigned from your work.May be I am selfish."her tears started escaping .

"It's okay ,mama is here ,everything is going to be easy ."

Anu rested her head in Suja's lap and started talking about her experiences she had these few days.They both chatted till the lunch time.During lunch break,Suja met all other people staying in the hospital and introduced herself as Anu's mother.

After lunch they returned to the room and called Mr.Sudheesh Iyer,Anu's dad and talked for a long time.

Anu left for her Day 2 Dhara ,just like yesterday, she wasn't able to endure entire 45 Minuted and ended the treatment 10 minutes early.She was feeling very weak and was carried back to the room.



Soon it was 6th day of her treatment, Sanju wanted to talk to Anu ,but he couldn't because she is always accompanied by her mother or he will be busy.After the 7th day,Mr.Pal came to Anu's room with Mrs.Arya and enquired about how she felt.

Anu explained that she is feeling well compared to day 1 .He suggested to start Lepam treatment after a day's break to Mrs.Arya and left.Mrs.Arya chatted about Anu's condition and difficulties during treatment with Suja and bid goodbye.

Next morning Anu was greeted by her great aunt ,when she informed this to Mrs.Arya,they decided not to do any treatment the time being.Anu talked with Mr.pal and asked tfor getting discharged from the hospital as she felt she is okay and can continue with medicines Seeing her confidence Mr.Pal decided to discharge Anu and suggested her to continue the same lifestyle she had in the past week.

Hearing the news of Anu getting discharged all of a sudden ,Priya rushed back to the staff quarters and informed Sanju,"She is getting discharged today."

"Why ?"Sanju was shocked and didn't knew how to respond.

He ran to the front lobby and found that Mrs.Suja was filling the details for discharge and Anu waiting for her mom,He went straight to her.

"I heard you are leaving?"Sanju questioned her with a pained expression.

"Yes "Anu replied not understanding why he was upset as she will be nearby and they can meet after a week when she will return to dorm from her cousin's house .