
when she meets him

Anu was sitting in the waiting hall of the City Hospital and waiting for number,there she met him for the first time...Sanju who was on his way to therapy room...their eyes met but they retracted as soon as they saw each other....that's how they met for the first time.... . . . . . Sanju..."babe ,it's been already 8years and you still don't know how to kiss properly. " Anu....."it's not like I was practicing how to kiss all these years..hmph" . . . . Anu is a normal girl that you can find within yourself ,who struggled ,fought and got what she want.Join me to find out how she rose from a normal high school girl to world renowned Scientist. Neither the FL nor ML has something extraordinary..(just normal couple) This is my first Story. English isn't my first language so..please do forgive my mistakes and guide me through . Cover page isn't mine,I just did some editing according to my preferences.

LittleRedMist · Urban
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11 Chs

Admitted in the Hospital

Next day in the morning ,After breakfast Anu packed her luggage for her stay at the hospital. She wore a pale blue woolen shirt paired with black jeans .She went downstairs and informed her warden and submitted necessary documentation for the two weeks leave from the school dorm ,the warden let her leave the campus after confirming the details with her parents...Aish! it's not an easy process for a student staying inside the school dorms to leave the campus no matter how old you are.Rules!!!!

Letting out a sigh, Anu took out her mobile to book a cab as she can't possibly drag all the luggage by herself, as she was about to book,she saw Rihana coming out of the gate and walking towards her. Rihana stopped I front of Anu and asked "you are going home?"

"No ,a hospital for a couple of weeks."

"Are you waiting for a cab?where is the hospital, are you sure you can go there alone without anyone else to accompany you?why not I come with you ?"Rihana showed her concern.

Anu was dumbfounded ,it was her first time seeing this quiet girl talking and that too more than one sentence in one go.

"Are you sure?"Anu was uncertain

"Yes."Rihana replied with concern.

"It's city people hospital,five minutes walk from here."Anu informed.

"It's just walkable distance from here,let's walk no need to book a cab, "Rihana grabbed Anu's trolley and started walking .

After registering what happened just now,Anu followed behind .

"which batch are you?I didn't get to see you in the school."~Rihana .

"Science.what about you?"~Anu.

"Mathematics ."~Rihana.

"Mhmm..."Anu hummed.

"you are new to the school?I didn't see you last year? or were you a day scholar?"~Rihana.

"I am a transfer student from Capital."~Anu.

As they were chatting and getting to know each other,they reached the hospital. Anu thought this girl will leave right after they reach ,but to her surprise she followed behind and helped her to settle down in the Room and talked with the nurse who was there to help them out.

"I will be leaving then,ask me if you need any help.Here take my number."

Both exchanged their contact informations and Rihana left from there.

Anu settled down in the Room and took out her journal and started jotting down some of her thoughts.

She heard a knock on her door and went to open the door.She saw a girl in her early twenties with a tray containing some water and fruits .She smiled at Anu and entered the room,placed the tray at her bedside and introduced herself as Priya.

"So ..you are Anu."Priya smiled at her.

"Yes," Anu didn't think about her knowing as it's common for staff working there to know about the patients whereabouts. But something about Priya made Anu feel vary about her.She is being over friendly and chummy with her when they just met.

'Weird lady'Anu thought took out The immortals of Meluha by Amish and started reading. It was gifted by her mom.

soon it was time for lunch and Anu went to the dining hall.Eventhough there are many inpatients in the City people hospital ,The wards Traditional Ayurveda patient is more like a house.All the patients are given individual rooms and they are required to dine with everyone in the dinning hall unless they can't move from the bed. The staff looking after the patients will stay downstairs .When Anu entered the Hall,she saw other patients and staff sitting together and chatting happily .Anu took an empty seat and waited for them to serve the food.

An elderly lady named Mrs.Meenakshi started chatting with Anu and both became acquainted with each other. The kitchen staff resumed serving the food,Anu saw them placing food in the empty plate next to her.'May be the person is late'She thought and started eating.She was surprised by the taste,as it's a hospital she thought it will be bland, but it was very simple yet delicious. She can feel the taste of medicinal herbs .

Someone came and pulled the chair next to her,she felt that she should greet them and lifted her head .She was astonished to see Mr.Therapist and looked down into her plate as she felt shy to look directly into his eyes.

Sanju greeted all the elderly ,unlike the other times she saw him,He was very close to these people and had a smile while talking to them.They joked and made fun of each other.The lunch was very heartwarming and peaceful eventhough all of them were making noise .

"Eat slowly Nobody here will steal your food,as its customized for each and every patient according to their pallet."Anu heard a masculine voice next to her head.

When she lifted her head,she saw Sanju with a mischievous smile on his face.She averted her gaze back to her plate ,Mrs.Meenakshi started laughing "Sanju,why are you making fun of our little Anu,she is new here,so you should take care of her."The elderly lady kindly reminded.

"I will Meenu,you don't have to worry about that."He winked at Mrs.Meenakshi.(Sanju calls Mrs.Meenakshi Meenu ,it shows how close they are and not disrespect )

Anu coughed hard as she was amused at how he was making fun of her.He patted her back and gave her some water.After calming down,Anu took a sip and ate her lunch silently.

"I am Sanju,"Sanju introduced himself to Anu.

"I.....I know,I am Anu" Anu stammered ,her face was coated with red as she felt embarrassed. 'Anu it's over,why are stammering now,you already know each other,it's just you both never made any official introduction.Look your first official talk went into river.Such an embarrassment 'Anu blamed herself for her behavior.

Sanju :Hmm....How many days will you stay here?

Anu: two weeks.

Sanju:Good .So we can be in touch with each other.


Sanju:what's treatment plan?

Anu:For now its kashaya dhara.

(Kashaya Dhara:It's a Treatment done using devoted medical herbs.All the medicinal roots,leaves are boiled continuously for hours and filtered and pored onto the body using a special vessel in a rhythmic manner.It helps to remove toxins,relieve inflammation, infection,stiffness and pain.Mostly recommended for people with Arthritis, rheumatoid issues,neuro muscular conditions etc.)

Sanju:Tell Mrs.Arya when you are feeling suffocated,it is heavy for people to undergo the treatment.

Anu:I will.Thankyou for your concern.

Sanju:Of course I am concerned about you.

Anu thought she heard it wrong.After finishing she returned to her room and continued reading the Book and fell asleep .

Anu woke up from her slumber,when she heard a knock on her room.She rubbed her eyes and went to open the door.She saw Mrs.Arya with another lady.

"This is Mrs.Kamala,she will take care of your bath ,medicines from now on and this is Anu ,Take good care of her,when I am not around."Mrs.Arya introduced both of them.

"Anu let's go to panchakarma (room where all the Ayurveda treatments take place) soon we will start your first Dhara" Mrs.Arya started walking in the direction of Panchakarma.

As Anu just woke up from sleep,it took some time for her to adjust.When they reached the Panchakarma,she saw a wooden Dhroni(Massage table or bed),A urli (medicinal decotion container) with medicine and necessary things for the procedure.

Anu got changed and came back prepared from the dressing room .she was asked to climb onto the Dhroni and lie down.She did as she was told and Procedure started within 5 minutes after the Therapists prayed to the God.

It's a 45 minutes long procedure, but Anu started feeling suffocated after 25 minutes, she tried to endure for another 30 minutes but could not manage to do so and informed Mrs.Arya.Soon they stopped and Gave Anu to drink some medicinal water to drink,After the bathed her I Luke warm water and got changed her dress .Mrs.Arya Supported Anu to her room.Once she reached the room, Anu hit the bed and fell unconscious .

When she woke it was already time for dinner,as she felt very tired she called the kitchen and asked to deliver her food to the room itself.When her food was delivered she ate and took her medicine.

She called her mom and talked about her day and hung up ,she sat by the window listening to some soft music from her Playlist.

[Many of you may be feeling why Anu will is sleeping all the time ,it's because of the treatment and medicine she takes that make her tired very easily.

Why taking treatment If she is feeling uncomfortable?

she feels uncomfortable because the medicine is in its original form(directly extracted without adding other ingredients) which are very powerful and are very effective. ]

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