

I took the guitar and fix a few strings then took the mic and set it infront of me. Oww God, I don’t know how to do this, not infront of thousands of students, teachers and visitors. I usually do this infront of my special people, I want them to be happy but most of the time I disappoint them.

“Ahm, ahem”- I said to get the attention I need for them to listen to me.

“Ahm, hi! I’m Maives, I’m sorry to disappoint you but the band sopposed to go here, can’t make it. So instead of them singing for you, I will take their place for now”- I sadi to them while I was shaking because I was too nervous

“I might screw this, but bear it please”- I said to them again being so truthful

I fix the guitar again; I was not really good at this thing but, yes. “I wish I could stand on a star, I wish I could be where you are”

“They say don’t you ever give up, it’s so hard to be something when your not”

“But I have walked alone, with stars in a moonlit night; I have walked alone no one by my side. Now I walk with you, with my head held high, in the darkest sky I feel so alive.”- I sang to end of the first stanza and then I start to strum another cord to start another stanza

“Adrift a lonely little cloud, above ground where I stand so proud. My face glowing loudly through the crowd as I walk with the beauty of the night. But I have walk alone with stars in a moonlit night, I have walked alone, no one by my side”.

“Now I walk with you with my head help high, in the darkest sky I feel so alive. But I have walked alone, with the stars in a moonlit night. I have walked alone no one by my side. Now I walk with you, with my head held high in the darkest sky, I feel so alive”- After that stanza, I strum another cords to end it and slowly opening my eyes to them.

Almost of the people that my eyes could see was didn’t say anything or act anything, making me more nervous and confuse not knowing what the heck should I do, or did I do something wrong?

Gosh should I run and transfer to another school, this is so humihiliating and I wish the land where I was standing would eat me.

Everything change when someone just clapped and everyone else did, is that a compliment? I still manage to put a smile while looking at them though.

“We want more!”- Someone just shouted and I knew that someone, I knew it because its voice sound so familiar

I didn’t know what else to do, should I run, should I sing another song for them, or should I just bow and get back down. All of my thoughts are gone when my phone rang from my pocket, I didn’t get the chance to say anything I just turned my back on them, get my phone from my pocket and answered it.

“Yes?”- I answered the call

“I got your back My Quinn”- It was Zenos’ voice and I knew from that voice, some group of handsome guys go that stage where I came from.

“Thank you Zeno”- I said before hanging up and smiling

When the band settled already, I announced that they will take over to serenade them. Everyone cheered after I announced that, I took off the stage while Zeno was guiding me down, I smiled to him enough for him to know that I am so glad he got my back.

I didn’t even notice when he arrived, I just knew from the moment he called me, he saved me from another stress today.

“You trick me”- I said to him before I half joked to kick his foot, he just laugh to me though like it was othing.

“I knew that you could handle it perfectly, I wonder why did you panick”- He said to me, giving me an assurance

I wonder my eyes on the crowd, finding the person who shouted. But, I didn’t get the chance to search for him myself since he just walked towards me smiling like it was nothing. Then that smile give me confusion of what the hell is he doing here.

“I didn’t know you had a voice”- He said to me

“Well, what are you doing here?”- I ask him

“I am here because I am a student here”- He said, he is so sarcastic and I am so dumb to ask that stupid question. Of course he will be here.

“I know, what I am trying to say here is that; what the hell is your doing here infront of me”- I said to him, I am so sure that I makes it will be specific for him to understand properly

“As what I have said. I like you Maives”- He said to me in replied, like it was nice for me hear that from.

“How many times do I need to tell you that, I don’t have time for that kind of stuff? I like our friendship and I want to keep that, if you don’t understand that then, I could always cut ties with you”-I explained to him

“Fine. I won’t force you to like me, but please just let me be”- He said sound so defeat

“You know what? This conversation won’t end if you refused to stop this nonsense of yours. You and I can be just friends, if you wish for more than that. I couldn’t give you that, there are so much more other girls out there willing to like you back, but not me. It won’t be me.”- I said to him assuring that I won’t like him the way he liked me.

As soon as I’ve said those and explaining to himeverything I turned my back on him. Zeno just followed me like the usual, my guards aren’t around like the usual but Zeno is here acting like my guard, and I knew he want to ask something but he keeps his mouth shut, that’s why I liked him. He usually knew where and where not to ask. “What now, Zeno?”- I ask him; want to know what he was thinking.

“Well, I just want to ask why you dumped him. I mean, he was not the first brave person to ask you out and I’ve saw the first person who took your yes back on Spain. And if I were to compare them, that guy earlier is so much nicer than your ex.”- He said to me, he was so frank that I couldn’t even believe that he said it to me, I mean. Seriously, he knew so much than what he looks like.

“Sometimes I like to keep the friendship than relationship. Because friendship is a lot better than relationship, you see Zeno I could be anyones friend and if that happened I am making sure that I have their backs, not like a relationship that I could just break it up like it never happened”- I said to him explaining myself, that relationship is so hrd for me to handle, more hard to deal with an annoying investors.

“Come, let’s eat”- After saying it, I called him to eat with me because I just left him dumbfounded by explaining my side.