

“Are you okay?”- I was immediately got back from reality when Zeno called my name. It was Saturday and I spend my day in the office, not usually is like this. Is just today, I don’t have anything to do. I’ve done my activity and my school works. I am here in MAF bldg.

“Yeah, I’m fine Zeno, why?”- I answered him; I didn’t know that I was already spacing out. I should be checking the monthlys’ report and the companys’ new product. It’s not that easy on doing this since I need to be thoroughly of anything so that I couldn’t mess up.

“Ahm, you’ve been spacing out and I’m sorry My Quinn but I’ve been calling you I think eight times more but you weren’t answering me”- He said explaining to me what I’ve been missing

“I’m sorry Zeno, what are you saying again?”- I ask him again, the words he was saying to me is not making all sense like I was huh all the time. I can’t be like this all the time. I kept thinking a lot of things and a lot of people at the same time make my work so affected.

“Never mind My Quinn, if you don’t mind; what was bothering you for so many days?”- He asks like an investigator and I am his suspect in a crime. Zeno is really something; I don’t know what he’s up to.

“Let me remind you Zeno, I’m your bo---“

“I’m not your assistant for asking that question, let set aside our status for now. I’m asking question as your friend, not as your assistant”- He said to me, not making me finish of what I have about to say

“It’s just that, it was Rigel”- I couldn’t finish what I was about to say, when I think of the things I was thinking earlier and it doesn’t make sense at all.

“What about him?”- He ask me again

“I ask Franco to investigate the band who cancels their gig reservation on me, and it turns out. Rigel was the one who called them to cancel the reservation I’ve made. Then, he blamed me for everything that happened last week, like what? “- I said to him, confuse

“Did you ask him why he did that?”- Zeno said to me

“I-I didn’t”- I replied in stutter

“Why didn’t you ask him? Now, you are here bothered because of that unanswered questions on your mind. If it really bothers you, just ask him and then when it’s done, just let him be”- He said to me making me roll eyes, is he really my executive assistant.

“How can I do that? He- he was avoiding me”- I said feeling shy for what really is happening

“You have the guts to hold and carry a gun, you crash someone’s’ window car just by punching it by your bare hand, and now just by asking this guy who you said that he was your friend; you’re afraid? I didn’t know just this guy can make you scared My Quinn.”- I am ready to punch and fire Zeno anytime; his mouth is really something that sometimes I wish I could just make it shut.

“Shut up”- I said with a hiss on him

“I’m just saying, you’ve been through a lot. You will just ask him that questions that run inside your head and just be ready for anything”- He said explaining his side to me

“Lets’ not talk about it. Are you done with the monthly report?”- I ask him, to make me forget for the meantime the things I’ve been thinking.

“You really is out of your mind, you were about check it because I already finish it”- He said to me, like I was really insane. He took his laptop and gives it to me to check the monthly report.

“Why are you so busy Zeno, what are you doing?”- I ask him

“I’m helping you for your presentation next week for the new product of the MAF and for the Oliva’s company, hayst. You ask me for this My Quinn”- He said to me making me slap my forehead, like yes of course I ask him about that how can I forget such an important matters.

“I’m really sorry Zeno, sorry”- I said apologizing for being stupid

“My Quinn, you are stressing too much, just breathe. You can always rest if you are tired. You won’t die just by breathing”- He said to me, assuring that I can trust him on things that I ask him.

“He is right Maives, just breathe and unwind”- I was just shock by the unexpected appearance of Miguel in my office in his company by the way.

“Are you eavesdropping Mr.Ferrer?”- I ask him with my left eyebrow rise

“I didn’t mean to. I just want ask you to go with me into Samal next week.”- He said to me, making me more curious. Eavesdropping turns to didn’t mean to.

“Samal? What would you do there?”- I ask him out of curiosity

“It’s my birthday next week by the way”- He said in replied smiling like a criminal to me.

“Why Samal? You can celebrate here, there’s a lot of great places for your party here, also your constituents can came and celebrate with you. Also it will just cost you less than going out of town just to celebrate”- I said to him giving him more options to celebrate.

“I would love to have smaller amount of guest for this year birthday of mine. The less the better”- He said to me, like huh? He was supposed to be a lot of guest for him to promote his company; also it’s a great way to have a lot of investors in a company.

“And why not? You are turning 25 this year; you should a have a great celebration for surviving twenty-five years on earth besides it is great way to have a lot of potential investors for your company.”- I said to him, to give him an idea.

“I’m tired of that kind of celebration Maives, I would have a less special guest on my birthday, just pure fun and unwind once in a while.”- He said, well. He is indeed rich for being tired on a grand celebration.

“If that’s the case, I have a place in Samal, and if you want I could let you borrow it for your celebration”- I suggested to him, like he was great man he could borrow my Island for this special occasion of his.

“Okay then, I’m counting on you”- He said to me smiling attempted to go out on my office

“Huh? What do you mean?”- I ask him making him turn his way again to face me, like what does it mean by that.

“I mean, I’m counting on you. I want you to make this vacation worth to remember Maives, and I meant it”- He said to me making me left dumbfounded while I watched him leaving the office smiling with a great success.

“Now, I think it is an order My Quinn”- Zeno suddenly said on my back while his eyes was on his iPod. My executive secretary was really not resting; his mind is like a computer always on a process.

“Yeah, he is Mr.Ferrer. Sometimes I can’t tell if his a friend or a boss for just a moment”- I said in reply to Zeno while I can’t even believe what I’ve been doing and hearing for a while.

“My Quinn, Mr. Alvin Elmundo is here again”- Zeno said to me

“How can you say that?”- I ask him while my eyes are still on the monitor reading and brainstorming of the things that hasn’t done but needs to be done.

“I’ve hacked all the CCTV footage for fun”- I looked at him in disbelief, God this man is really something.

“I didn’t know, hacking was just a hobby for you “- I said to him

“What do you think I should do? I mean he will be here within five minutes”- He said didn’t mind what I’ve said earlier, I also felt his eyes looking at me waiting for my answer.

“The usual.”- I said to him so cold that I don’t mind if I could have hurt someone.

“Aren’t you too harsh on him?”- He ask me, like I was also asking that myself if I am too harsh on him

“I’m never been kind to anyone Zeno, just do it”- I said to him and I saw him walking outside the office.