

“How may I help you?”- The moment he turned to me, I was happy to see who it was.

“Sorry to bug in the middle of the night, just want to confirm if you’re going tomorrow?”- He asked and I must say he was so serious

“I’m sorry? What was happening tomorrow? I forgot”- I answered him, confused. Because honestly I really forget what is happening.

“Tomorrows activity I mean, because I need to confirm if how many people will be going tomorrow”- He replied

“Ah, that event. I forgot yes, I’ll be going”- I said to him smiling but he just nod to me like he was expecting that

“Okay then, thank you for your time.”- He said and then turned his back on me

“Wait Rigel”- I called him back

“Yes?”- He immediately replied to me

“Did I do something?”- I ask him

He didn’t mind to answer immediately and just stared at me for a few seconds “What are you talking about?”- He replied to me

“I wasn’t saying anything because I was observing if my hunch was right, but now it’s been a month. I know that you know what I’ve been talking about and don’t play dumb with me”- I said to him, hoping he will give me something

“Just get to the point Maives”- He replied again

“Why are you avoiding me?”- I asked, wanting for him to answer me truthfully

“I’m not”- He hiss after answering me, which I know he was lying

“Really?”- I was pissed, when I replied him

“Yes, I need to go. I just see you tomorrow”- He said

“Don’t make me lose my patience Rigel, you won’t like it”- I said to him but he didn’t mind my warning and just left

I immediately get inside the house and almost run into my room upstairs feeling tired, exhausted, upset, and drained at once. Imagine being able to experience work, school, pressure from family and the person who you treated as a friend avoided you and I don’t even knew why.

-----Next Day

I get up early in the morning for todays’ event since I was also part of the people who organize the event of the 10th school anniversary. This day is dedecated to the student to have some fun, but it’sjust for a day also the teacher is welcome to join. After I wash up, and dressed properly I went downstairs.

I saw CEO and Dad eating already and they didn’t even bother to call me for breakfast today which so unsual.

“By next month, you have a meeting with Mr.Ferrer”- CEO said to me and then she went back to eating giving me so much to ask.

“About what?”- Then I ask her even though I already knew what she ment by that.

“Meeting with him and have a contract signing about your partnership in his company, he already talk to me and I agree”- She said to me and I just nod.

“Okay, I need to go. I still need to check about the event for today”- I said to them before I finish my coffee and then went to the cabinet and grab my helmet

“Take care baby”- Dad said before he kiss my cheek but then CEO didn’t say anything but just kiss me on the other cheek and fix my hair like she usually do.

“Using your bike?”- CEO ask me, she really didn’t mind me using my bike but she was sometimes stict on me using it.

“Yeah, why?”- I answered her

“Nothing, I just wonder why did you tie your hair today”- She said to me

“Need to go”- I said to them before I wore my packbag and then went outside

The ride wasn’t that long for me, the road isn’t that traffic for me to stick on. I just use my bike not that often that is why maybe CEO ask confuse, because most of the time I want to drive my own car and she was too protective for me to say yes, sometimes it was annoying but I can’t do anything about it.

When I arrived andparked my bike, I give my helmet to the guard for him to secure and it won’t loose.

“It’s good that you’re here, the band that you’ve been contacted has canceled”-He said to me, based on how he looked at me. He was pissed and quite disappointed in me.

“Why does it look like it was my fault? Did I cancel it?”- I said to him in return.

“It is really your damn fault. You made a promised for this band, you said you got it, but look at now. I don’t see any band, have you?”- He said in reply to me, blaming me for this is his way to let his anger out.

“Oww shut up, I will manage it”- I said to him and I get my phone and dialled Zenos’ number

“Yes, My Quinn?”- He said as soon as he answered my call

“Can you search any available band for today?”- I ask him

“Wait just a second”- He said before the his line got silence

“I’m sorry My Quinn, but there’s no available band for today. I can’t just get any band to perform, it will cost you humiliation”- He said to me, now I’m doomed.

“What do you think I should do?”- I ask him

“Did you just ask me My Quinn?”- He ask in return and ready to laugh anytime

“Zeno, don’t make me mad right now. I don’t know what think “- I said to him and thinking deep what else should I do

“You can do it My Quinn, you have a talent”- He said to me, making me more confused of what really need to do

“Ow, no. I won’t do what you think Zeno, come here and help me”- I command him, but he just laugh on the other line

“I will, later”- He said before he hang up the phone laughing

I scratch my head because of confusion anf deep thinking. What else should I do, I mean do I really need to do this.

There’s a plenty ways to solve this problem, I just need a lot of time to figure this out.

“Now what?”- He ask proving me that I couldn’t do anything about this problem

“Shut up”- I said to him that I could punch him the face anytime, but you know. You can’t answer all problems with violence

I went to the Minnie stage and looked the entire instrument that already on set. I just looked all of them looking so furnished. God please do help me, that I won’t murder someone after this humiliation of me. I will find that band myself, and they will know what an Oliva would do if someone pissed her off.

“What are you doing?”- He said more pissed than earlier.