

“Finally, a meeting with you”- He said as I arrive and sat down in the chair. He really is a persistent guy , he did what I ask him and he never stops there.

I rejected his meeting a lot of times, but him never stop. We are here in an Italian restaurant, where he wants to talk. I don’t understand, what is so important to talk about and he was wasting his time trying to have my time.

Actually it’s been a month since I broke his cars’ window. When I remember that day, can’t help myself but to grin or smirked. I didn’t expect that I could be as bad as that, I love cars in the first place, but then I broke one. CEO even scolded me when I woke up after I do all my activity, she was mad that I didn’t treat my wounds sooner.

I don’t even felt that I am wounded; I just fall asleep when I felt that my body is heavy.

A month have passed when Alvin first ask me on a date that take note. I rejected it. Until now I still do, he keeps showing infront of with his silly smile as if I was glad he was asking and pursuing me. I already told him a hundred of times that I don’t do dates, but he is so hardheaded can’t understand, sometimes wish I culd slam his on a hard wall. Alvin did pursue me until now, but Rigel was avoiding me, I don’t know where did I go wrong and why he did such a dick move.

“Seriously Mr.Ferrer, you are so persistent on taking me on a meeting. Now I am curious, what is it about? What did I do to owe you this pleasure?”- I ask him half joking

“Before I would say anything about the meetig, can I just complement you? I mean I like your look now better than the first time I saw you”- he replied making me smile, such a good move to make me smile

“Why? What is the difference the first time you saw me and this meeting?”- I ask him

“Actually I don’t know, I just simply like you today than the first time I saw you”- He said to me, making me confuse, I mean I was all dressed up on the first and now I was just simply using my blue dress and a wedge heels.

“Anyway, let’s get back to our topic. What is it?”- I ask him again, we should do business first before anything else

“I want you to be my business partner in my company”- He said making me grin, I put the menu and look at him so amaze

“Seriously?”- I ask him, can’t help to feel amaze

“And why not you?”- He asked me back giving me the chills. He called the waiter and I ordered the food I like to have so as he. After the waiter left I look at him, to make sure he wasn’t playing games with me, because if he is.

I would love to punch him the face infront of everyone here.

“Why me?”- I asked again

“Why not you”- He simply said like it was nothing

“Seriously? Why does it have to be? I’m not an expert of that thing or in business; I’m just a newbie in this field.

Getting you as one of our investors is one of those training. Besides, you could pursue CEO or my Dad to be your business partner, I could help you to set an appointment for them”- I reasoned him out, I am not that confident enough

“I don’t need expert to be my business partner; I want someone whom I can trust. I want someone who has potential and capable to learn, and be an expert of anything”- He explained to me “You know Ms.Oliva, no one born to be an expert in all fields, but I am willing to teach you everything that I knew. Only if you want me to”- He said again, and I can’t think of any reason why does he wants me.

“Are you seriously asking me to be your partner? I am still young, not to ask I’m a student, not that trained enough to be a buseness partner and I can’t guarantee you my whole commitment. Not to mention CEOs’ approval about this”- I said to him, failing me is easy but failing others is a whole different story.

“I told you, I’m serious of taking you as my partner. Just say yes, I could also convince your parents about this”- He said to me, giving my heart so much happiness. Like, I don’t remember proving to him anything aside my temper but he did trust me that easily.

“Aren’t you afraid? I might fail you.”- I said to him “I’m not making excuses, actually I want to say yes the moment you told me you want me as your partner, but as I’ve said Mr.Ferrer, I may not reach your level of expectation and I might fail you”- I explained, and he doesn’t even blink when I’ve explained to him. Like he was

expecting me to say that

“I still want you Ms.Oliva. Besides, everyone fails, even the experts”- He said to me, the conversation stop when the food arrived

“Keep on doing that Mr.Ferrer, I might say yes”- I said to him with my silly smile. We started eating and we talked a lot of things, but my mind won’t stop thinking if I should say yes. I mean, I’mscared but it would be a great opportunity for me

“So am I receiving a Yes Ms.Oliva?”- He ask

“Yes Mr.Ferrer, you can take my Yes”- I said to him before I drove my car

As I was driving home, I kept thinking about the offer that I took. If I had make the right choice, or should I consider the opinion of Dad or CEO for me to decide well?

Driving home seems too slow, and home seems so far, I was not thinking anything aside that offer. I don’t even know how to tell them about this, and what if they won’t agree.

All of my thoughts are gone because of one person. It does strange but, I don’t know.

“Seriously?”- I said in out of the blue when I arrived in the house

“Honey, someone’s looking for you”- Dad said when I enter the living room

“Who?”- I asked, I mean in the middle of the night?

“Just see it for yourself, his in the garden”- He replied to me, so I directly went to the garden to see

He was facing the pool so I can’t really see him, but he was familiar.

“How may I help you?”- I said to get his attention and face me, when I figured who it was, it makes me smile to see his face. It was such a relief.