
when I saw you

this story indicates the life story of a girl called Eva and her crazy love cycle she unknowingly realised that Travis and Davin are brothers and stared to regret ever knowing them but she still loves them both. will they forgive her afterwards. [read the story]

Ava002 · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: you better speak or be silent forever


"Who did this to Eva are you all deaf you better speak or be silent forever "Travis declared and then all the guards quickly gave a doubting gaze to each other and then started muttering to them selves

Travis pov

I came into the wharehouse already fuming with rage my work is to protect Eva with my life and I let her's slip away from my palm of course I need to find out the idiot who wants to take Eva's life.

I quickly instructed Pete to carry Eva out to the best hospital with adequate medical facilities nearby and he ran at lightning speed because he knew how much I cared for Eva, even if it is a one sided love I still want it to stay forever I know, I also think that I am stupid but I just can't help it I hope that one day she will love me too I kept thinking about her as her unconscious body passed mine blood dripped from her hair and I silently prayed for her to make it alive.

I instructed dae and the other guards not to let any one out, the other guys cannot repel because they are out numbered so they chose to stay still and wait gor fate to shine a good light on them.

(At the hospital)

I've been in this hospital for two days now and I feel very stinky I hate to say but I am a clean freak and I hate it .

I watched over Eva both day and night and so I haven't had any sleep since two days and I ate only road side steamed buns yesterday, that is my punishment for not taking care of Eva well she was under my care and I caused another problem in her life I hope karma will forgive me for this. I decided to take a stroll through the hospitals garden and it wasn't quite long before I saw some nurses running through the direction of Eva's room, my heart became uneasy and I had a bad feeling somehow but I overcame it and strode down the way to Eva's room.