
when I saw you

this story indicates the life story of a girl called Eva and her crazy love cycle she unknowingly realised that Travis and Davin are brothers and stared to regret ever knowing them but she still loves them both. will they forgive her afterwards. [read the story]

Ava002 · Teen
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3 Chs

chapter 3: Eva is dead?

I reached the entrance of Eva's room and the heavy burden in my heart became heavier I instinctively took a step into the room and the next thing I saw shattered my whole world I saw a couple of doctors with sad faces, some starring at me, others looking at something one the bed Eva was supposed to be lying on. I think it is someone but I can't see the face because it is covered with a white linen material, a doctor suddenly took some bold steps at me and placed his hand on my shoulder "I am so sorry for your loss young master More, we've tried all we can but she still didn't make it out alive" said doctor Kelly. I mmediately put two in one and realised that the person lying on the bed is Eva and not just Eva but her corpse because she was not living any more my balance became unstable and I immediately collapsed on the ground this scene made the latter that was starring at eva subconsciously look at me.

Third person's pov

After some minutes of meditation on the floor Travis regained his balance and stood up running to Eva's side, he forcefully dragged Eva and started kissing her intently not minding anyone was there after some minutes he immediately stopped and looked at eva like something is wrong with her, he quickly asked "doctor did you say Eva is dead?" The doctor quickly averted his gaze not wanting to meet him in the eye "no sir but this hospital has declared her dead she can't make it alive except for God's intervention, we just need you to sign a document so that we can kill her peacefully cause she's only going to suffer until she's dead" he said bowing his gear not knowing he has made a klin into a furnace.

Slap.... Travis gave him a Slap before he could finish the sentence.

"ARE YOU INSANE" Travis Said giving him another slap doctor Kelly's face turned red instantly and blood dropplet dripped from his nose

He held his face while the other doctors stood in amusement looking around the latter who was bleeding profusely, doctor Kelly could only shrink in fear and say nothing.

"Are you insane? Have you all lost your sanity? Do you all want to loose your job?" Travis thundered uncountable questions to them which made them all stare at him in disbelief.

"I know the first young master More has a lot of power in pendalon city and beyond but I don't think it's appropriate to meddle in other people's private careers"a certain doctor Stephen spoke arrogantly with deep disdain hidden in each word.

"Who dares me " Travis spoke with red eyes definitely annoyed by the outcome of things.

Stephen raised his chest and spoke arrogantly

"I was just stating a fact Mr Travis "

"Hey Mr! get out of my site and don't return to this hospital again. People like you are supposed to be kept locked up in a room without food and water" Travis roared.

"I'm sorry but you cannot fire me because my dad owns this hospital" Stephen spoke with his chest raised high.

"What are you all waiting for! start treating my eva now!!!!"

"Yes young master More " all the doctors replied together.

Stephen immediately called his so called dad and put it on the loud speaker so that everyone in the room could hear so that he could regain some face. After the call went through he immediately spoke with sarcasm towards Travis "hello dad there is a lunatic in the hospital causing trouble what should I do? dad you know I have absolute authority in the hospital" he intentionally added the last sentence for emphasis, meanwhile Travis just kept quiet and allowed the father and son couple to play silly games, after all he had nothing to loose and besides Eva is already in the operating room and he is is intentionally keeping this scoundrel who thinks so highly of himself busy if not Eva will be in grave danger.

"Son, put that birdbrain who disturbs you on the phone"

What Stephen's dad, Peter did not know was that the phone was on the loud speaker and Travis could hear it clearly. The two exchanged a knowing look and then handed the phone to Travis. The two grinned for reasons best known to themselves.

"I did not know that Peter whom I pitied will grow a lot of wings one day you even had the audacity to insult me" Travis spoke sarcastically.

"Young master More?" Peter spoke frightened.

"Now you can talk properly? Will you get your damn butt down here you fool."Travis commanded

"Yes sir " replied Peter

In less than two minutes Peter was down stairs thinking that he would receive some scolding but what he didn't know was that thar was the last time he stepped into this hospital.

"Mr Travis you called for me sir "

"So you and your son owns this hospital right"

"No sir you are the ultimate owner i am just a slave here"

"Yes that sounds nice to hear, but I think that your son has to say that while kow towing to me"

"What! you are joking, i can see that you have lost you sanity" said stephen

"Hehehe, mr Peter you really trained your son well."

"I'm sorry Mr Travis im really sorry for my son's stupidity and ignorance"

"Ok I wouldn't hold you responsible if you and him kowtow to me" Travis spoke

"Yes sir kowtowing is too small for a big shot like you" Peter exclaimed

"Dad what are you talking about? Are you out of your mind dad? I CAN'T DO THAT" Stephen was already fuming with rage and with his dad acting like a total lunatic he was turning red from anger.

"Damn it! son, can you stop being stupid for once In your life" Peter was turning red with anger.

Travis checked his watch which was made from pure gold and bit his lower lip watching the father and son couples act unfolding into something interesting, he raised his left eyebrow somewhat annoyed and spoke In a disdainful tone "when will you stop this nonsense"

I thoroughly stuck to appropriate sentences without adding any negative or sensitive words that may affect the reader in any way. please bear with me encourage and because I need your support and motivation to develop the chapters accurately.

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