
when I saw you

this story indicates the life story of a girl called Eva and her crazy love cycle she unknowingly realised that Travis and Davin are brothers and stared to regret ever knowing them but she still loves them both. will they forgive her afterwards. [read the story]

Ava002 · Teen
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Chapter 1:bullying your boss

Eva's POV

Ah....,I screamed in pain the fear of dying still lingers in my soul and being kidnapped brings back all the trauma I felt two years ago I cried non stop like the past two days of torture my voice is getting slurred but I still cried every night.

I still can't understand why someone has planned to kill me because I don't like associating with people and always admit mistakes even when I am right to prevent trouble.

Some time I wander if people have any conscience.

A man around my age pulled out a gun and pointed at my head....

Davin: "stop making a damn noise or I shoot" his voice sounded cold like he could shoot me at any time now.

I was frightened by his aura and managed to squeeze some words out of my mouth

Eva: "please tell me who asked you to do this to me "I said obviously scared

Davin: "DO YOU NOT HERE ENGLISH" he asked in a tone that sounded disgusted then he pulled the gun

Davin: "you don't need to know that for now but what you need to be concerned about is your life because I am about to shoot, I was giving permission to shoot if you make my job difficult " with that he pulled the trigger and shot my shoulder I was to weak to even scream so with that I passed out.

Third person's pov

After Eva lost consciousness few minutes later a black ferrari driving recklessly parked in front of the abandoned warehouse where Eva was kept then a very handsome guy came out his aura was cold, distant and domineering but that didn't stop his handsome face from being recognised.

He parked his ferrari and stormed his way into the house looking like he is ready for war, he caught sight of Eva and his eyes turned more cold like it could freeze some someone at first glance.

"Eva..." Travis screamed as he saw Eva on the floor, tears escaped his eyes unknowingly but he quickly cleaned it with his index finger and resumed his cold aura again.

"Any one who did this to Eva will pay with their own life "

[Make sure to read the next chapter byee 😀]