
When darkness meets light

Ancient times the realm was under one Dark Lord with enormous powers. With guidance to the oracle he managed to identify his lover, however his lover turned out to be a blind man ousted by his own kind due to his disability. The Dark Lord bestowed the Empress crown on Ji Lie a man in humiliation of his sister Zetian. It took a while for the realm to accept their marriage, however their marriage wasn’t the only problem. Ji Lie to fulfil his wife duties risked his life to a child for Hwan. Successfully he fell pregnant, Zetian with no exception to get Hwan back plotted a plan to kill her brother. The oracle projected even greater power was to uncover, the power greater and mightier than Hwan. A lover gave birth to a son, the day the child was born tragedy unfolded. Dark Lord sealed away his castle from all creatures, but his son was missing. To end the war a human king was bestowed as an Emperor to rule, to protect his people he trained his best human to hunt vampires. King Henry refused to fall under the jurisdiction of a human, the other kings sealed away his people. King Uriah raised a son from a mysterious mistress, he was calm and very beautiful. He was named Juan, all girls in threw themselves at him but he showed no interest. King Qin had two children, Princess Shin was older and Prince Shion was younger. Another love interest filled with adventure and pain unravelled…read more to find out how these four lovers stories ended. Disclaimer: The art work is not mine please support the authors. Thank you for such beautiful artwork.

DaoistvtdATq · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Volume 8 The punishment

Hwan personally styled Ji Lie's hair with his ornaments to show he was highly favoured. Ji Lie was nervous and looking forward to his first day at the Inner court meeting with the ladies. Hwan kissed him on the forehead and said, "My love…if you dislike the duties, I will bestow them on someone else. Have a great day at your meeting you have my full support and call me anytime you need me."

Ji Lie gently patted his head and leaned forward to kiss him, Xia with red flushed cheeks and said, "Emperor Ji, it is time for us to head out." After a long struggle Ji Lie managed to escape from Hwan's brawling and protests.

Xia had already prepared a place for Ji Lie to settle down, it was custom for the Empress to sit behind a net facing the concubines. The concubines on the other side of the net bowed their heads and introduced themselves.

Princess Ella with a gentle voice said, "Greeting my Emperor, I am Princess Ella the third ranked concubine of the throne. I am here to offer my services." Princess Eve with a gentle smile said, "Greetings my Emperor I am Princess Eve the second ranked concubine of the throne."

Lastly an irritated Zetia stood from her seat she introduced, "I am Princess Zetia, first ranking concubine of the throne, my allegiance lies on the crown." This was definitely an insult regarding that Ji Lie was useless.

Xia reading the documents kept a steady voice and honesty read word for word for Ji Lie and the concubines. After submitting the report she said, "My Emperor, as noted by the accounts the expenses keeps increases each month and they are expected to increase more since three more concubines have been added to the list. With the Mirah preparations underway more costs shall be incurred."

Ji Lie with a gentle voice said, "A Mirah festival is of great importance to all kingdoms, it symbolises love and unity between all species. This year it will be my first celebration…we do not have much time. A theme colour needs to be determined…"

"I was hoping your presence here today was to hand over the seal and your duties to the capable party Emperor Ji." Zetia interfered halfway the speech of Ji lie. The other concubines were in support of Zetia.

Ji Lie trying to evade the question continued, "I am open to any suggestions for the colour theme. At the end of the day we need to inform all kingdoms." Standing from her seat Zetia said, "It is a woman's duty to uphold the affairs of a household, because only a woman has knowledge of how to run and upgrade a home. Besides your disability you lack proper etiquette training to manage this palace. Drop your pride and face the reality that you are incapable of running this palace! Your sham marriage was accepted but this court won't accept this joke of you being in charge…."

There was a moment of silence, Zetia sighed and continued, "The Empress seal in your hands is a total catastrophe, how can you approve what you cannot see. As the first rank concubine the palace is my top priority if we have the same priority then you know what's best for this palace." The other concubines left with Zetia, Ji Lie sat calmly on his seat.

Hwan at the court was investigating the creation of wrath corpses with Isiah, the harvesting of souls had suddenly stopped. Hwan spent all day and night trying to pin down the culprit, he returned to his room a little late.

Ji Lie was lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice the presence of Hwan, before he could utter a word Isiah said, "Greetings my Emperor, you seem troubled. Is anything uncomfortable…"

As tears poured down his cheeks involuntarily Ji Lie replied, "Isiah I knew coming here wasn't going to be easy but today reality was awakened before my eyes. How can a blind man run the Inner court…my marriage was accepted out of fear. Each day it is proven that I am of less use to Hwan."

Wiping away his tears Ji Lie said, "I will heard to bed first…" "Master, a palace is a place where people will stop at nothing to gain power. I understand the pureness of your heart and that scares me even more…it isn't too late for you to return back home."

Ji Lie leaning against the wall replied, "This is my home Isiah…I don't want to leave Hwan. Have a good night." Gradually he remembered the number of steps from the study to the bedroom.

Hwan seeing the tears of his husband broke his heart and angered him, looking at Isiah he said, "Summon the court in Ji Lie's name tomorrow, prepare the training grounds. And I need you to get me a few items with the eunuchs."

Hwan snuggling in Ji Lie's arms said, "My apologies for being late, how was your first day at the court?" Ji Lie with a smile on his face replied, "It was good, your body feels cold. You shouldn't neglect your health Lord Hwan. I will warm you up."

In the company of his beloved all his worries despaired away and he peacefully slept, Hwan pushing his husband's hair behind his ear said, "I am sorry for making you cry, I will make them pay for every drop of tear you shed."

Early in the morning sitting on his husband's chair, Hwan patiently waited for the concubines. They arrived late than the stipulated time, before he could utter a word Zetia said, "Have you considered my words?"

Hwan slicing the net in half gritting his teeth replied, "Who gave you permission to speak and how dare you casually address my husband?!" The whole court fell on their knees to greet Hwan, they were trembling down to their boots.

Standing before the bitches who ruined his husband's mood Hwan said, "Repeat word for word that you delivered to my husband." Zetia with her head buried on the ground repeated the hurtful words she uttered to Ji Lie.

Looking at the shameless women before him he asked, "What makes you say he is incapable of handling matters of his palace?! For years he lived and managed a mansion on his own…how dare you question my authority to bestow the seal upon the Emperor!"

Zetia with an adamant mind replied, "How can a blind man run the court? My Lord you have to wake up to reality and rectify your decision! Under the Emperor's guidance the palace will only fall to shambles! As servants with scared duty to produce an heir we need to upkeep the palace."

Bursting out in laughter Hwan's facial expression turned cold, holding in his urge to murder the concubines he said, "I will rather fuck a maid than demented whores like you! I knew that you were trouble, but I never knew you would show your colours soon. Isiah!"

Maids entered holding bowls filled with water and whips, "if the pain becomes unbearable then feel free to walk out of the palace, I never needed you in the first place. You know etiquette, don't you? With borrowed kindness from my husband consider this a light punishment. Each whip has been accustomed to your species and each of you with a bowl of water of top of your head shall receive twenty lashes. For every drop of water that out spill, Isiah restart the whipping. Excuse me I have a husband to attend to."

The pain from the whip was immense, holding on to the bowls they endured the pain. Princess Ella dropped the bowl with only three lashes left, the bowl was refilled as they restarted the whippings.

Hwan arrived in his quarters and saw his husband still asleep, usually Ji Lie overslept when he was stressed. The maids were all admiring his beauty, Hwan slowly lowered his head to give Ji Lie a kiss. Slowly opening his eyes, he said, "Good morning Hwan, where did you go so early in the morning?"

The other maids were blushing over their overflowing display of love, Hwan glaring at the maids and said, "Leave us!" Quickly the maids left the room, Ji Lie sitting on the bed said, "I have a meeting today at the Inner court."

Hwan holding Ji Lie's hands replied, "You have a new verdict from your wife. Hear and abide a message from Lord Hwan…" "Isn't this a job for Isiah?" Ji Lie interfered halfway. Hwan with a weird grin on his face replied, "It is a special delivery from me, every two days you shall train with me. The training begins today."

After eating their breakfast Ji Lie and Hwan walked to the new training ground created by Isiah. Hwan created a barrier to protect the maids from harms way, facing his husband Hwan said, "To make this interesting if I win, then for a day I shall be at your command. The same goes to you if you win."

Ji Lie with a smile on his face replied, "How do we determine the winner?" Hwan drawing out his spiritual sword replied, "The one who begs for mercy firsts, I shall not hold back…because I already have planned your slave day."

Hwan advanced towards Ji Lie, with a swift move he dodged the move. Their fight soon escalated into a heated fight it was difficult for a normal eye to keep up. Hwan stepped on the ground painting from exhaustion, Ji Lie with a soft voice said, "Are you giving up?"

Hwan drawing the seven-sword spiritual tactic replied, "I was just warming up!" Ji Lie deflected all the swords, when he heard a whim from Hwan he was distracted. Hwan pointing the seventh sword closer to his neck replied, "Do you yield Ji?"

Ji Lie standing before Hwan replied, "I yield Hwan, you are my weakness Hwan. It will pain my heart if I hurt you?" Hwan looking at scars on his body replied, "I am completely unharmed." He suddenly fell on the ground after uttering his petty lie.

Ji Lie was pacing up and down with a worrisome face, "Isiah, is he badly hurt? This is all my fault?!" Isiah looking at the huge scar on Hwan's back replied, "It is just a scratch, can I pour you a cup of tea to soothe your nerves."