
When darkness meets light

Ancient times the realm was under one Dark Lord with enormous powers. With guidance to the oracle he managed to identify his lover, however his lover turned out to be a blind man ousted by his own kind due to his disability. The Dark Lord bestowed the Empress crown on Ji Lie a man in humiliation of his sister Zetian. It took a while for the realm to accept their marriage, however their marriage wasn’t the only problem. Ji Lie to fulfil his wife duties risked his life to a child for Hwan. Successfully he fell pregnant, Zetian with no exception to get Hwan back plotted a plan to kill her brother. The oracle projected even greater power was to uncover, the power greater and mightier than Hwan. A lover gave birth to a son, the day the child was born tragedy unfolded. Dark Lord sealed away his castle from all creatures, but his son was missing. To end the war a human king was bestowed as an Emperor to rule, to protect his people he trained his best human to hunt vampires. King Henry refused to fall under the jurisdiction of a human, the other kings sealed away his people. King Uriah raised a son from a mysterious mistress, he was calm and very beautiful. He was named Juan, all girls in threw themselves at him but he showed no interest. King Qin had two children, Princess Shin was older and Prince Shion was younger. Another love interest filled with adventure and pain unravelled…read more to find out how these four lovers stories ended. Disclaimer: The art work is not mine please support the authors. Thank you for such beautiful artwork.

DaoistvtdATq · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Volume 9 Mirah festival

No one uttered the word of the Princesses being beaten up, everyone turned a blind eyes to their limping. Ji Lie with the help of Xia managed to arrange all the events of the Mirah festival including the sacred a thousand steps of lovers dance ground.

For a week the lovers were suppose to stay separate and meet at the day of the Mirah festival. Hwan threw a fuss to be separated from his husband but he needed to make their first Miah perfect so he obliged.

It was a tradition that wives would present their partners with their favourite dish and in turn the husbands would shower their lovers with gifts. Ji Lie had prepared a number of gift for Hwan, Isiah was looking at a panicking Hwan who had no idea on how to even cut a vegetable.

Hwan standing before a number of ingredients he requested said, "Is this how the real thing looks like?" He was holding onto a huge piece of meat dripping with blood. The head of kitchen bowing his head said, "Lord Hwan, please allow me to prepare the dishes…"

Rolling up his sleeves Hwan replied, "This is my responsibility, even if this kitchen burns I will keep on cooking." The maids in the kitchen deep in their thoughts were trembling in fear. Each dish he prepared was tasted by guards who were all bedridden with terrible stomach aches.

The kitchen was turned upside-down with Hwan as tried to prepare the perfect dish his husband loved. On the last night before the festival Hwan looking at a burning pot crammed on a corner said, "Can anyone please kill me?! Why am l terrible at this?! What is the purpose of me living if I can't be a good wife to Ji Lie…" The maids fell on their faces as they tried to beg Hwan not to stab himself with the knife in his hands.

Ji Lie in their bedroom could hear the noise from the kitchen, he was worried, but tradition forbad him to intervene. It was considered bad luck to see your wife before the festival.

Isiah felt sorry for the desperate terrible cook of a wife, "From where you started you have greatly improved Lord Hwan. The first guard almost died from food poisoning…but look on the bright side the other guard who last tasted your food is perfectly…" The guard vomited before Isiah could finish his statement.

Isiah looking at the guard said, "Seriously couldn't you hold it in…take him to the doctor." Hwan hopes were all shattered, "In many other ways you are a great partner for master, looking at this disastrous kitchen I can assure you…you aren't a bad wife because you are trying your best. You aren't a quitter…you are a fighter…. and a terrible cook."

Hwan imagining the smiling face of Ji Lie replied, "I just don't want him to be bedridden tomorrow because of my food. I am his wife and his meal for tomorrow shall be prepared by me…I shall bestow that smile on his face." "Look on the bright, the worst you can do is give him diarrhoea…" Isiah busted out in laughter along with Hwan.

For an entire night Hwan was preparing food for Ji Lie, he smiled as he closed the kitchen door. Guards were assigned to look after the kitchen, as Hwan dressed in sky blue garments for the festivals.

The decorations were up to standard, everything was top notch and the royals were pleased. All kings were settled in the royal room with Emperor Ji as they waited for their wives, the Kings were surprised Ji Lie was in midst instead of Hwan.

The kings all shared their funny experiences and how bad their wives were at cooking, Ji Lie sitting up front was anxious to meet his wife and to confirm if he was alright. For a week he had nightmares of Hwan burning himself in the kitchen, we cant blame him with all the noise Hwan made in the kitchen.

Xia standing on the door said, "All rise for Lord Hwan, wife of Emperor Ji followed by…." Behind Hwan was a set of concubine with Queens and maids. Hwan bowed his head and said, "I present to you a meal prepared by my hands my Emperor."

Ji Lie whispered to Hwan as he placed the dished before him, "Hwan, are you alright? I was so worried that you may have burnt yourself in the kitchen." Hwan held back his laughter and replied, "I have never been scared in my life…I had missed you."

Ji Lie taking a spoon to taste the food replied, "I missed you too, I can see you are becoming more aware of my needs." Hwan was aware on how to arrange the cutlery and food for Ji Lie, usually Isiah set his portion.

Ji Lie calmly ate the whole bowl of food, Hwan looking at Isiah said, "Is the jar close by? If you feel like vomiting go ahead, I got ten guards bedridden." Ji Lie popped out his eyes making a funny expression. Holding Hwan's hand, he said, "Sometimes it isn't the quality of the food that counts but the effort and love put by the cook in preparing the food. I am amazed considering the fact you have never chopped a vegetable in your life…thank you for the meal it was delicious."

Ji Lie presented the sacred emerald golden and black egg to Hwan, with a smile on his face Hwan kissed Ji Lie as he accepted the gifts. Hwan standing on his feet with a glass of wine in his hands said, "I am thankful to all of you for sparing time to celebrate Mirah with me and my husband…I am the wife. Here is to a successful festival."

After drowning themselves in alcohol and food the royals were instructed to go to the background of the palace. When they arrived Hwan and Ji Lie were dressed in white cloths awaiting to perform the sacred deadly dance.

All couple could quit after ten steps, after the creators of the thousand steps of love no couple managed to complete the dance as they feared for their lives. Each stood on the end of the circle, Hwan said, "Are you ready honey?" Stepping forward Ji Lie replied, "Yes I am."

They walked ten steps to the centre, the royals expected them to give up since Ji Lie was a blind man. Inside the circle their powers were utterly useless. Hwan touched the ground and created a barrier, there was total silence as they watched the couple releasing the serpents of trust.

Each step grew difficult but the two with their trust and love for each other managed to overcome all obstacles, the last door opened. Hwan leaned on Ji Lie shoulder painting with exhaustion, he said, "We almost died Ji Lie…thousand steps of love my ass! These are thousand steps of horror…were these people psychopaths with death wishes!"

Ji Lie deep in his thoughts was panicking as they had faced a huge tortoise snake in the previous door that almost killed them. They all say the best is saved for the last, out of the doors came a thick smoke that covered the circle.

The royals tried to break the barrier to save the couple but their attacks deflected to them.

Two people walked out of the door, it was a beautiful woman and a handsome young man. The man bowed his head and said, "How did you like the challenge?"

Hwan with a grin on his face replied, "I like it so much to the point where I can rip out your head as gratitude…" "All was an illusion casted to test how much you are willing to fight till you reach the end. Trust, patient, commitment and love was all tested as you fought your way to the finish line. as the goddess of love I offer my blessing of eternal love, may your souls be unified as one." The woman touching their red string offered her blessings.

Hwan infuriated outburst, "An illusion, I felt it each time those gross snakes slithered on my body! I will burn this shrine to ashes you shithead of a creator!" As the other two foolish men squirmed and fought, Ji Lie had a conversation with the goddess of love

The woman looking at Ji Lie said, "It is my first time to see a couple of the same sex with two handsome men! Times like these makes me regret death…" "How did you die?" with a concerned tone Ji Lie asked.

The woman sighed and replied, "Please do not expose our secret but we died before even completing twenty steps of the obstacle. Our time is almost up…the world might never fully understand what you have with your partner but always remember a man's true world is his family. Take care of each other…"

Their spirit vanished as the fog slowly dispersed, Hwan hugged Ji Lie and said, "I love you." Ji Lie tightly hugging his husband replied, "I love you."