
When darkness meets light

Ancient times the realm was under one Dark Lord with enormous powers. With guidance to the oracle he managed to identify his lover, however his lover turned out to be a blind man ousted by his own kind due to his disability. The Dark Lord bestowed the Empress crown on Ji Lie a man in humiliation of his sister Zetian. It took a while for the realm to accept their marriage, however their marriage wasn’t the only problem. Ji Lie to fulfil his wife duties risked his life to a child for Hwan. Successfully he fell pregnant, Zetian with no exception to get Hwan back plotted a plan to kill her brother. The oracle projected even greater power was to uncover, the power greater and mightier than Hwan. A lover gave birth to a son, the day the child was born tragedy unfolded. Dark Lord sealed away his castle from all creatures, but his son was missing. To end the war a human king was bestowed as an Emperor to rule, to protect his people he trained his best human to hunt vampires. King Henry refused to fall under the jurisdiction of a human, the other kings sealed away his people. King Uriah raised a son from a mysterious mistress, he was calm and very beautiful. He was named Juan, all girls in threw themselves at him but he showed no interest. King Qin had two children, Princess Shin was older and Prince Shion was younger. Another love interest filled with adventure and pain unravelled…read more to find out how these four lovers stories ended. Disclaimer: The art work is not mine please support the authors. Thank you for such beautiful artwork.

DaoistvtdATq · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Volume 7 The concubines

After the ceremonial process the royals showered gifts to the Emperor and official introduce themselves and pledge loyalty to the throne. Hwan throughout the ceremony kept his eyes glued on Ji Lie, the crowd easily noticed that truly their master was hopelessly in love with his new wife.

Hwan escorted Ji Lie to their new matrimonial room to perform their wedding night as per tradition. Ji Lie touching Hwan's face said, "You look handsome tonight, I am happy to have such an amazing wife in my life." Ji Lie kissed him on the forehead, he slowly helped him undress.

In his soft hands Ji Lie felt every inch of Hwan's skin, it was cold and very soft. Hwan tied his eyes, he whispered in Ji Lie's ears, "I am all yours Ji Lie, body and soul…I love you." Isiah standing at the doorway holding a tray of food felt embarrassed for no reason, he immediately dismissed the guards and maids to give the love birds privacy.

Early in the morning Hwan had no ounce of energy left in his body, when he saw his love of his life lying beside him his heart felt at peace. Emperor Ji was long awake waiting for Hwan, with a soft tone he asked, "Hwan are you awake?"

Every time Ji Lie uttered his name Hwan cheeks flushed red, the tone was deep and sexy filled with love. Hwan snuggling under Ji Lie's arms replied, "Good morning my husband." Ji Lie leaned forward to warmly give him a kiss on the forehead, as newly weds they were still too attached.

Hwan led Ji Lie to their bathroom to wash their bodies, when breakfast served Hwan personally attended to his lover's needs. The sight of these two was warm and mesmerising the maids all felt in love and worshipped the power couple.

When the honeymoon phase was over Hwan was summoned to the court, Ji Lie was now the new owner of the Inner court. Hwan felt irritated to be separated from his husband, he saw the Princesses lined up all dressed up before their fathers.

King Cyrus bowed his head in honour, "I offer my greetings Lord Hwan. This servant seek permission to address you with matters of the court." With a wave of a hand Cyrus continued, "My Lord, as servants of the crown we hold no prejudice with your marriage to Emperor Ji. However…" "I already sense the prejudice and frankly speaking your thoughts doesn't matter to me." Hwan felt infuriated knowing their scheme already.

King Cyrus already knew the matter of the concubines will not be tolerated by Lord Hwan, looking at the court he sighed, "My Lord, I shall take my seat." King Qin stood from his seat, with his head buried in the ground he said, "My Lord! As a court your well being is engraved in our hearts. Thus, we offer our daughters as concubines to the throne!"

Hwan standing from his seat gritting his teeth sternly looked at his subordinates. The whole court trembled down and buried their faces in the ground, his eyes had changed to pitch black. Suddenly the royal palace doors were opened, Xia lowered her head as she announced, "Emperor Ji at your presence Lord Hwan!"

Hwan quickly dashed to the door and escorted his husband to the throne, the mood quickly brightened in the royal court. With a bright smile on his face Emperor said, "My apologies for arriving late…" "I didn't summon you, but I am happy you are here." Hwan was filled with joy to be with Ji Lie again.

He might have been blind to see the expression on their faces, but Ji Lie could feel the hostility in their eyes. King Qin continued, "My Lord please reconsider our offer of the concubines…" "Shut your mouth and sit down." Gritting his teeth Hwan glared at Uriah.

Hwan facing the court replied, "I will only say this once, I will not accept any concubine from any species! I will rip the throat of the bastard who will ever mention this matter in…" A soft touch from Ji Lie silenced Hwan.

Ji Lie looking at Hwan said, "My Lord I kindly request for a word in private." Hwan didn't want his husband to face the prejudice and danger of these concubines, he led Ji Lie to the backroom for a private talk. The Kings were all hoping Emperor would talk sense in the Lord's adamant head.

Ji Lie softly cleared his throat, before he could say a word Hwan interfered, "Firstly I love you and you are the only one for me. My love I know your concerns lies in what's best for the court. These kings are all planting their daughters as spies and pests to suck me dry! I will not accept misfortune!"

A soft giggle from Ji Lie smoothened his enraged heart, after calming himself down Ji Lie replied, "I am grateful, and I love you Hwan. I am pleased you are already aware of their future plans and motives which me assurance that I have your support in the future. I am a man and by custom each King has concubines…in our case an heir can only be borne by one of them."

All the points were factual to Hwan kissed Ji Lie's hands and replied, "I do not desire anyone in my life nor will l embrace anyone. To avoid future disputes, I shall accept more slaves in the palace…you look good today."

When they return inside the court King Qin's face was filled with anxiety. Hwan holding Ji Lie's hand and said, "All rise for my verdict! All maidens offered as concubines will be settled in the eastern residence. Welcome all to our palace!"

They left the court earlier than the rest Hwan was worried the concubines will bully Ji Lie behind his back, but he wanted to give his husband time to solves matters of his inner court on his own. Hwan suppressed his insecurities with trust that Ji Lie would excel at his duties.

Emperor Ji walked into a garden and saw King Cyrus already halfway done with his coffee. Standing on his feet he bowed his head, "Greeting Emperor Ji. My gratitude for accepting my audience." Ji felt really uncomfortable to meet his father under such circumstances.

Xia was dismissed by Jie Lie to have more privacy with his father, there was a moment of awkwardness and a period of silence King Cyrus said, "I understand your hatred and anger towards me however my realm has no part in my deeds."

Ji Lie placing his cup on the table with an absent mind accidentally dropped the luke-warm tea on his garments. King Cyrus in a panicking mode wiped his clothing with his clean garment, "My apologies my Emperor!"

Ji Lie held back his tears and replied, "Thank you for sharing a cup of tea with me. I came here with no ill intentions but to establish a good relationship with Hwan. Have a pleasant…" Ji lie had already sensed the presence of his wife.

Hwan hugging Ji Lie from the back whined, "I was looking all over for you…" "I offer my greetings Lord Hwan." King Cyrus was completely ignored by a brawling little Hwan. Ji Lie patted Hwan's head resting on his shoulder, turning to his father he said, "Excuse us King Cyrus."

The concubines were settled in the outskirts far away from Hwan's quarters, they were three of them who managed to settle in the palace. The was Princess Zetia from the heavenly realm, Princess Ella from the human realm and lastly Princess Eve from the dragons and other mythical creatures.

A time for the Mirah festival was just a month away, it was the duty of the Empress to prepare such a festival. Hwan bestowed all Empress duties and the seal in Ji Lie's hands, he was the second powerful being in the world after Hwan