
When darkness meets light

Ancient times the realm was under one Dark Lord with enormous powers. With guidance to the oracle he managed to identify his lover, however his lover turned out to be a blind man ousted by his own kind due to his disability. The Dark Lord bestowed the Empress crown on Ji Lie a man in humiliation of his sister Zetian. It took a while for the realm to accept their marriage, however their marriage wasn’t the only problem. Ji Lie to fulfil his wife duties risked his life to a child for Hwan. Successfully he fell pregnant, Zetian with no exception to get Hwan back plotted a plan to kill her brother. The oracle projected even greater power was to uncover, the power greater and mightier than Hwan. A lover gave birth to a son, the day the child was born tragedy unfolded. Dark Lord sealed away his castle from all creatures, but his son was missing. To end the war a human king was bestowed as an Emperor to rule, to protect his people he trained his best human to hunt vampires. King Henry refused to fall under the jurisdiction of a human, the other kings sealed away his people. King Uriah raised a son from a mysterious mistress, he was calm and very beautiful. He was named Juan, all girls in threw themselves at him but he showed no interest. King Qin had two children, Princess Shin was older and Prince Shion was younger. Another love interest filled with adventure and pain unravelled…read more to find out how these four lovers stories ended. Disclaimer: The art work is not mine please support the authors. Thank you for such beautiful artwork.

DaoistvtdATq · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Volume 6 The ceremony

When Isiah arrived to check up on Ji Lie he saw him seated late at night all alone outside playing his zither. Isiah bowing his head said, "Master, allow me to escort you inside." Ji Lie gently placed his hands over the zither, with a gentle voice he replied, "I have been waiting for Hwan to return but I guess he isn't coming back."

Isiah kneeling with one knee replied, "I accept any form of punishment for deceiving you master…" "You aren't at fault, thank you for everything Isiah." His tone was low and sad, truly the absence of Hwan was negatively affecting him. Ji Lie wasn't the only one suffering from the separation.

Hwan late at night went to a brothel to drink his worries away, in his drunken state he vividly recalled Ji Lie's face. Hwan almost killed one of the prostitutes that made sexual advancement to him. Isiah was worried the one of them would die out of misery, it was up to him to reunite two lovers.

The festival gave the Princesses an opportunity to showcase their abilities, others were a royal type whilst others were fierce and battlefield type. Princess Zetia excelled in all fields, she was flawless and radiant, her martial skills were swift but deadly. She displayed a power greater than her father, truly the role was best suited for her character.

Hwan didn't care how the festival for choosing his bride was conducted, he was lost in his thoughts day and night thinking about Ji Lie. Isiah serving supper said, "My Lord, you should offer prayers to the temple before electing a bride." Hwan pushing his plate away replied, "I am not hungry…" "You haven't eaten anything since morning my Lord, is there any fault with the food?" Isiah with a concerned face tried to pry out the cause of the problem.

Hwan standing from his seat asked, "How is Ji Lie? I thought I would be alright after a day or maybe two but the pain and loneliness keeps growing…only him can fill this void." Hwan for the first time had reached rock bottom. Before Isiah could answer he continued, "I basically ruined his life, he can never love me back.

Should I turn him into a drunkard for him to love me? I wish I could turn back time and take baby Ji Lie in my custody instead of ousting him."

Isiah was tired of his pathetic side, it had only been a week since their separation, he dragged Hwan to the temple as he kept blubbering nonsense. Princess Zetia saw these two headed to the temple, to score more points she decided to follow him up. Zetia was on top of the score board, she was ready to be crowned the Empress the following day. Zetia quickly threw over her silk gown, she fixed her make up and headed to the temple.

When Hwan arrived at the temple, he saw a person kneeling in front of the oracle offering their respects. Hwan knew the backside of his beloved Ji Lie, his heartbeat escalated with each step he took towards Ji Lie. His robes were as white as snow, the aura around him was calm and reserved. "Aren't you going to welcome me Hwan?" Ji Lie bowing his head asked Hwan with a gentle voice.

Hwan realising his past deeds immediately froze on the ground, he replied, "I am the Dark Lord who ruined your life…I don't deserve to be by your side. I hurt you deeply…no form of apology will erase what I did to you." Ji Lie with his left-hand touch Hwan's hand, with a gentle voice he replied, "I came all the way here fully aware of your past deeds, deceit and lies. An apology doesn't erase faults or pain, it shows remorse and self-reflection of a person. I am here for my bride…"

Hwan kissed him before he could finish his statement, Isiah looked away as the two lovers passionately kissed each other. A red thread appeared on their hands, the oracle appeared before them and said, "What love united let no creature separate. The soul bond signify a marriage however the ritual has to be complete to seal the process." Isiah was the witness as the two got married under the blue moon.

The oracle disguised as an old lady bestowed the red thread to Ji Lie, recalling the past encounter the person under the hood smiled.

Zetia with trembling feet witnessed the whole process, she was shocked to see her brother who was a spitting image of their mother. Trembling down her toes she walked into her room, with anger she trashed the room and hurt her personal maid, gritting her teeth she said, "I will not give up on what is mine."

After the ceremony was completed Hwan personally bestowed his personal dragon ring in Ji Lie's hands. Removing a ring that he grew up and cherished Ji Lie handed it to Hwan. Isiah quiet fled the scene to give two lovers time to patch up things. Hwan kissed Ji Lie's hands, with a smile on his face he said, "If this is a dream I don't want to ever wake up. I don't care if you are here for revenge or to kill me… I love you Ji Lie." Hwan rested his head on his lover's shoulder.

Ji Lie with a flustered face replied, "I waited all night hoping you would return home. If I didn't come were you planning to marry someone else?" With a weird giggling Hwan dismissed the question with teasing Ji Lie. Hwan holding Ji Lie's hand escorted him to his bedroom, the room was huge and well furnished.

It was late at night, both of them were exhausted to perform their wedding night. Hwan helped Ji Lie to put on comfortable clothes, even in nightwear he looked flawless. With a smile on his face Hwan snuggled under Ji Lie's arms and fell asleep, for the first time in his life he actually had a good dream.

At the crack of dawn, the maids were all flustered as they witnessed a handsome man in their master's bed. Their faces were all red, who in the world would wake such handsome cute men from their sleep. Isiah bowing his head said, "Lord Hwan, please wake up…" Isiah knew Hwan was wide awake pretending to sleep, Ji Lie opened his eyes and said, "Good morning Isiah." Gently shaking Hwan to wake up he said, "Hwan, it is time to wake up."

Deep in their fantasies the maids were already seeing themselves married to Ji Lie, his voice was gentle and enchanting. Hwan sitting up straight replied, "Xia…" She was the maid in charge, bowing her head she replied, "I am at your service Lord Hwan." Ji Lie felt uncomfortable waking up to a bunch of people in their bedroom.

Hwan noticed the maids had taken a liking to his husband, pouting his cheeks he said, "From today onwards you shall tend to my husband's needs, Isiah will give you the guidelines. Immediately demote all the maids who are looking at my husbandwith lustful eyes." The silence in the room was filled with disbelief and broken dreams.

Hwan to fulfil his words kissed Ji Lie whilst glaring at the maids who dropped their jaws in horror. Hwan guided Ji Lie to their bathroom, on his way he explained to him how the bedroom and the surrounding environment looked. As they were taking a bath Hwan said, "Are you ready for your coronation?" Ji Lie knew the process wasn't going to be easy, he was a blind man that alone could raise a heated argument.

Hwan kissed his forehead and said, "I will give up the crown and return home with you if you aren't comfortable. I will rather lose the crown than you." Given his power and responsibilities if Hwan stepped down a great war would outburst as all kingdoms aim to seize the throne. Upon arriving to the palace Ji Lie made his mind to fight for his marriage and support his partner.

Ji Lie holding Hwan's face replied, "I will be counting on you to teach me the way around the palace." Hwan was happy to hear how supportive and determined his husband was, his reply lifted a huge burden on his heart. After taking a bath Hwan was dressed in his royal robes, Ji lie was awaiting to be summoned.

Hwan was excited to see Ji Lie in his royal robes, he kept smiling to himself. Ji Lie was dressed by Xia and Isiah with a couple of maids who couldn't stop starring at his face. Isiah escorted him to the temple to offer his prayers before facing the royal court. All royal families were already waiting for the coronation of Princess Zetia.

Ji Lie in the midst of his prayers sensed the presence of a stranger, Isiah knelt on the ground and said, "Greetings Princess Zetia…" Her lip was bleeding as her teeth kept biting deeper and deeper. Zetia shouted, "You are a curse ousted for a reason, how dare you set foot back here! How dare you dress in my robes!" After completing his last bow Ji Lie faced Zetia and replied, "Princess Zetia, a temple is a holy place meant for prayers and…"

"You stained this place when you married Lord Hwan, only a woman should be embraced by a man. Lord Hwan's mind is clouded by a cloud of confusion, you still have time to walk out of here with your dignity intact. No one will ever accept you…disable asshole who ruins people's lives!" Zetia's words were hurtful and cold but Ji Lie kept his composure.

Isiah wanted to intervene when Ji Lie held him back, looking at her younger brother with despiteful eyes she continued, "Do you want to bring shame to our family after the misfortune you bestowed on us! if you have an ounce of shame walk out of this place." She was hoping her words would make Ji Lie flee from the palace.

There was a moment of agonising silence as Zetia waited for Ji Lie's reply. Xia bowing her head said, "Your Highness your presence is required at the royal court." With a warm smile on his face he replied, "If you are done Princess Zetia please excuse me." Zetia clenched her fists as Ji Lie walked towards the royal court. Zetia shouted, "If you can't do it for us then at least do it for our mother!"

Hwan standing before the audience with a brimming face he said, "Servants of the crown it is with great happiness I stand before you. My heartfelt gratitude for all your efforts to select the best candidate to be my bride, what fate brings together no man can dare separate them. Please rise for my partner…" The doors were opened, Princess Zetia dressed in exquisite royal smiled as all royals bowed their heads to show respect.

When she reached the throne Hwan's face was filled with rage and anger, the whole room enchanted, "Hail the Empress may your reign last forever!" Hwan kept looking towards the door, Zetia's hand was hanging in the air as she awaited Hwan to help her up.

Zetia looking at Hwan whispered, "My Lord, I am here to serve you…." Hwan saw Isiah standing at the door. Hwan looking at the audience said, "Silence! Rise for Princess Zetia isn't my bride…" "My Lord as per your wish I excelled in the competition." Zetia was trying to seize the crown.

Hwan felt the presence of Ji Lie standing closer, he smiled as he replied, "Indeed you excelled in the competition however my heart belongs to only my partner. You had no right to take my lover's place…Reveal!" A red thread appeared on his hand; the other end was attached to a person standing by the door beside Isiah.

The whole room gossiped between themselves, Zetia lost face amongst all the crowd in her heart she cursed Ji Lie, "Why did he come back?!". Hwan with cold eyes looking at the crowd said, "Now pay your respects to the rightful person who shall reign with me forever."

The whole room fell on their faces, the person was covered with a veil.

Ji Lie was dressed in a white and golden unique robe, his veil was made of silk. Isiah held his hand as he guided him to the crown, Hwan met them halfway. Hwan looking at him said, "Thank you for standing by my side." On his command everyone stood on their feet.

When Hwan lifted the veil there was utter silence in the room, King Cyrus held his composure. Hwan taking the Empress crown said, "Receive the sign of glory as I bestow the crown of being the Emperor of this kingdom." There was total silence in the room as Hwan performed the ceremonial speech.

Hwan's eyes turned black, looking at the audience he said, "All hail Emperor Ji." The whole room performing seven bows repeated the words, "All hail Emperor Ji." Hwan kissed Ji Lie's hand with the dragon signet ring, Zetia already knew her younger brother wasn't as easy as she anticipated. Hwan bowing helping Ji Lie settle to his seat said, "Welcome home Ji Lie."