
When darkness meets light

Ancient times the realm was under one Dark Lord with enormous powers. With guidance to the oracle he managed to identify his lover, however his lover turned out to be a blind man ousted by his own kind due to his disability. The Dark Lord bestowed the Empress crown on Ji Lie a man in humiliation of his sister Zetian. It took a while for the realm to accept their marriage, however their marriage wasn’t the only problem. Ji Lie to fulfil his wife duties risked his life to a child for Hwan. Successfully he fell pregnant, Zetian with no exception to get Hwan back plotted a plan to kill her brother. The oracle projected even greater power was to uncover, the power greater and mightier than Hwan. A lover gave birth to a son, the day the child was born tragedy unfolded. Dark Lord sealed away his castle from all creatures, but his son was missing. To end the war a human king was bestowed as an Emperor to rule, to protect his people he trained his best human to hunt vampires. King Henry refused to fall under the jurisdiction of a human, the other kings sealed away his people. King Uriah raised a son from a mysterious mistress, he was calm and very beautiful. He was named Juan, all girls in threw themselves at him but he showed no interest. King Qin had two children, Princess Shin was older and Prince Shion was younger. Another love interest filled with adventure and pain unravelled…read more to find out how these four lovers stories ended. Disclaimer: The art work is not mine please support the authors. Thank you for such beautiful artwork.

DaoistvtdATq · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Volume 5 Soul bonding

Hwan found himself cooped up in his bedroom with a flustered face, the guests were arriving for the festival. Isiah was relieved Hwan had returned willingly to the palace, for a week he was conserving energy to drag him to the palace. Isiah reading the list with Princesses names and their kingdoms, their capabilities were enormous for women.

Hwan clearly remembered the events that occurred yesterday, he kept biting at his blanket. Looking at Isiah he said, "I shouldn't have left him all alone, what if he hurt himself?!" Isiah with an annoyed face replied, "He was doing great on his own way before he met you, you have to dress up my Lord and greet the guests."

Isiah's feet stood on the ground when Hwan blurted, "I have to return there! I shouldn't have left in the first place; I need to explain my actions." He felt a backache when he tried to stand. Isiah throwing the list on the wall yelled, "What have you done to my master?!"

Hwan cleared his throat and replied, "I had sex with…" He quickly dodged the sword Isiah threw at him; his face was filled with anger. Hwan tried his best to explain to an overdramatic Isiah, "You took advantage of his kindness, he is so pure and innocent! Until you broke his innocence with lies and deceptions…am sure that was your aim after making him drunk." The room was turned into shambles as these two quarrelled.

After calming his inner exploding demons Isiah said, "I will explain to my master and apologise for deceiving him, you have to stay here and choose a wife. I shall take my leave." Hwan sighed and mumbled, "What a terrible mess. This isn't how I wanted us to be Ji Lie, I don't even know at this point what I want us to be."

As soon as Isiah left the room Hwan fell on the floor, his eyes turned completely black. He tried calling for help but his voice was too low, he felt immense pain. His nose was gushing out blood, he slowly lost consciousness. In his sleep he kept mumbling Ji Lie's name.

Ji Lie woke up with a massive headache, he called out for Hwan, but he wasn't around to assist. Ji Lie thrashed the room as he lost focus to recall the steps. When he reached his bedroom he suddenly fell on the floor, he was bleeding profusely from his nose.

Isiah arrived late at night, he panicked when he saw the thrashed and looking messier than ever. Isiah calling his master's name rushed upstairs, he found him lying on the floor. Isiah quickly placed him on the bed, his pulse was slowly fading away, the pool of blood on the floor startled him. He felt hopeless as he tried to save his master from bleeding out.

When Isiah tried to open Ji Lie's eyes, they were completely black, Isiah pulled his head away when felt a sharp electric shock from contacting Ji Lie. A shield protected anyone from approaching these two, the maids at the palace were panicking, Isiah on his won tried to break the barrier.

Early in the morning Hwan was helpless crammed in a corner with tears dripping down his eyes, he felt a warm touch on his head. Ji Lie was awake, he followed the sobbing voice to a corner, with a smile on his face he said, "Why is my beloved student crying at the crack of dawn?" Isiah with a relieved face replied, "I am glad you are awake, I felt scared and helpless…does your body still hurt?"

Ji Lie avoided to open up about the previous night's events, he wanted to be certain before explaining himself to Isiah. After assuring that his master was healthy and preparing a day's meal Isiah quickly went to the palace.

When he arrived he saw a royal physician talking with Hwan, he saw a stain of blood on the floor. Hwan with a smile on his face said, "I missed on taking my tonic, I am lucky I got away with a small bleeding." The old man was extremely concerned with the pool of blood he saw on the floor, "I will take my leave my Lord, please look after your health."

Isiah escorted the doctor out of the room, worry was written all over his face. After reaching the gateway of the palace the old man said, "You have to look after the Lord, I saw no fault in his health. If the bleeding starts, please call me immediately."

Hwan was dressed in his black and golden robe, he looked as handsome as always, the maids helped him to put on his ornaments. Isiah looking at Hwan lowered his head and said, "My Lord, the guests are ready." Hwan tried to hide his pain with a smile, but Isiah could see through his lie, "I am looking forward to the competition."

The palace was filled with royal bloods of each species, each princess looked flawless and beautiful. When the doors were opened everyone fell on their knees with their faces buried in the ground, the room was dead silent. Hwan with a usual serious face sat on his seat, his misery and loneliness poured in.

Ji Lie sat on a waterfall, the cold water ran down his body, focusing on his spiritual power. His eyes glowed as he enchanted a spell, "Reveal to light the events hidden in my mind!"

The drunken night

Ji Lie clearly saw the two of them confessing feelings buried inside their heart, his heart fluttered when Hwan said, "I Love you" Ji Lie blushed watching their past selves kissing, in the midst of their kissing Hwan looking at Ji Lie said, "Will you still love me even if you know my lies and deceit?"

Ji Lie continued to kiss Hwan, with a flustered face he asked, "What lies Hwan?" Hwan holding his beloved hands replied, "I am the one who ousted you out from your family…the one who inflicted pain to you with my arrogance. Will you love me knowing l am the Dark Lord!"

Ji Lie's mind was hazed in his drunken state, Hwan's words didn't affect his aroused penis. Hwan kissing Ji Lie said, "I want to stay with you forever Ji Lie…only you can fill an empty hole in me." Ji Lie starring deep in Hwan's eyes replied, "Those words can only be uttered when one intends to propose."

Hwan busted out in laughter, Ji Lie staggered as he walked towards a drawer, he came with a red ribbon he kept hidden for years. He tied both their wrists, looking at the ribbon he said, "When I was travelling with Maria, an old lady handed me this string and said it binds to soulmates. I never thought I would use it. I don't know how this works, but I just thought of using…"

Ji Lie opened his eyes before seeing the sex scene, he remained calm and reserved. At that moment he realised he had soul bonded with the Dark Lord, and destiny united darkness and light as soulmates.

Hwan for the entire afternoon listened to the introduction of the candidates, his mind kept recalling about Ji Lie. Hwan standing from his seat said, "Welcome all to the festival…Isiah will show you around the palace. Excuse me." Isiah knew Hwan was going to visit his master, it was for the best for him to come out clean on his own.

Hwan arrived at Ji Lie residence and saw him sitting under a blossom tree, he recalled their first encounter together. Before he could utter a word, Hwan said, "I am here to apologise for deceiving you, you deserve better than me…but I love you." Before Ji Lie could answer Hwan had already left.