
When a life fades away

Hisuian tales book one. A young man with dreams and hopes ready to take on the world disappears in thin air only to find himself in the past with a mission not so clear. How Ash Ketchum can find his way back to his world? And how his friends in the present time will react to his sudden disappearance? Why Ash Ketchum of all the men? Amourshipping

Simic1997 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Volo ergo sum

That morning Ash was carrying woods with Greninja and Braviary to the pasture, and Pikachu and Growlithe were helping to milk the Miltanks that Akari captured last week.

Since Ash's arrival, the Village had changed quite a bit. People looked up to Akari who was like an inspiration for all of them.

However, most of them were starting to warm up to Ash as well.

Pokémon were starting to be accepted in the village and now Ash's and Akari's could go around without harm.

Cyllene was very happy for once. She had made some progress in establishing the Galaxy Team position on Hisui and the same could be said for Kamado.

Laventon was overwhelmed with all the information the Survey Corp was bringing back from the fields and more and more people wanted to learn how to catch a Pokémon.

The markets started to flourish: Gingko merchants started to come more often, and more material meant more buildings and more camps for the Survey Corp.

Diamond and Pearl clans' members started to visit Team Galaxy more often, bringing more knowledge to the Team. This was also used to improve arts such as farming, medicine, and architecture.

In six months, everything seemed to change for Hisui and, although someone was still doubtful, the majority of the population was taking the news in an appositive way. The future looked bright for them, after years of oppression and suffering.

The morning became afternoon and then sunset.

"So, how was your day, guys?" asked Ash walking down Floaro Road with Pikachu sitting on his shoulder and his other Pokémon following.

"Pika, Pikapi!" "Gren, Greninja!" "Braaaa" "Woof! Woof"

"Ahahah! Not all together guys!" laughed Ash. Then he noticed Pikachu's fur being sweaty and dirty so he got an idea: "I know it's kinda late and it's cold, but how about a small training session? We should take a shower anyway so better use this time!" he asked his partners.

Everyone went wild from excitement and cheered in choir with Ash pumping his fist into the air and proclaiming: "Okay guys! Let's run to the Training Area!"

As the sun glowed orange in the background, they leapt into a run.


Akari was home and was decorating the fireplace with two big socks and a bunch of other tinier.

"Here, Pikachu! And with this last one, we have finished"


The girl was in a happy mood. Christmas was coming on Hisui and, although people weren't used to this tradition yet, she looked forward to it, being one of the few good memories she carried from her childhood.

It turned out that Ash knew Christmas as well and that meant that the holiday was a thing even in the future.

As she made herself and her Pokémon a cup of tea and sat by the fireplace to sip it, she fantasized about how she was about to spend Christmas with a guy, happy to have someone by her side.

She saw the day becoming night but then she realized something: "Holy Miltank! I didn't buy anything for Ash!" she shouted jumping from her spot and scaring the drowsy Pikachu on her lap who fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"PI?" asked her partner, concern in her soft voice.

"No need to worry, Akari! I can still buy him something! Come on Pikachu! Let's get out!"

"Chaaaaaaaa!" yawned the mouse Pokémon, not very eager to go out. She pointed at the window with a paw and Akari noticed that snow was starting to fall on the village.

"Great! It's so cozy! But it's also bad! We must go out! Come on Pikachu, don't leave me alone!" yelled the girl, one moment excited, the other panicked. How many moods could this girl go through in a single sentence? If you asked Ash, he wouldn't know. Pikachu however was sensitive, so she jumped on her trainer's shoulder and nuzzled her cheek as if saying "I'm here, let's go!"

"Thanks a lot, Pikachu!" said the distressed girl, wearing her coat and putting on Pikachu her handmade tiny gloves.

Pikachu cooed at the attention.

With that, the duo went out, maybe without considering the fact that it was evening and that merchants were going away, and shops were closing.


"The general Store is closed, Choir is home, even Beni has closed the canteen" sighed a now covered-in snow Akari descending to the road.

"Pikaaa" said with low ears Pikachu.

"What can I do now?" she absently passed next to her house again, going on with her dramatic manners as she was trying to think of something.

"Where are you going, Akari? Isn't it too late to go on an expedition?" asked a masculine voice.

She snapped out of her thoughts to see that she had walked through the village and was in front of the front gate: "Uh? Oh sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" she excused herself.

She was about to turn back but then she saw a light on the hill behind some of the houses on her left and decided to see what it was.

She saw a kid with a Drifloon going away from a little shrine.

"Oh, young lady, what are you doing all alone on this snowy Christmas eve?" asked the old lay next to the shrine.

"Wait, are you the charm Lady Lucille? Wasn't your shrine near the training ground?" asked a surprised Akari.

"Yes, it was, but since your boyfriend is always there training, raising dust, and making noise, I thought it was better to change my position. I couldn't focus on praying there"

"That makes sense" stated the young girl, "But how come you are still here?"

"During the holidays, a lot of people would pay a visit and say an entreaty. I'm here for all those lost Mareeps"

Akari nodded and then an idea came to his mind: "Can I make my own Lucky charm?" she asked temptingly.

The old woman smiled: "Of course, my dear. It is a special gift for someone dear?"

She blushed: "It is" she answered, hiding her face in her coat.

A tender smile spread across the old lady's face as she placed a hand on Akari's shoulder: "Come with me here, dear.". We'll make a special charm for your special one"

Akari was purple but only followed the wise old woman.

Pikachu was glad their research was finally over.


"That was some good grinding, wasn't it, guys?" announced Ash, falling to the ground to catch his breath.

All the Pokémon collapsed to the ground elapsing a liberatory breath. It had been quite the training with everything now sweaty and hot, which could be seen by the condensation that the snow, in contact with their skin, was generated.

Pikachu had trained his speed and use of electricity to gain much more control during long battles.

Braviary had done special training on his psychic powers and also on his flying ability through a long battle with Ash-Greninja who also got in better shape by mastering the use of the form. Finally, Growlithe had gone through training on his ground weakness, using a Graveler from Zisu.

Last was a running session across the training area to increase stamina and to feel the connection between all the team members. It got a bit of time to get everyone's breathing even, but in the end, they started to feel each other's aura.

"So guys, who's up for a bath now!?" asked Ash jumping suddenly on foot, removing his jacket, trousers, and then shirt. He then ran to the river and jumped in while Pikachu was yelling at him to stop and that the water was too cold.

It was too late, and a giant splash was heard. "AAAAAHHH!" Shouted Ash, immediately resurfacing from the river and getting out of the water. "Holy Trubbish! That's frozen!" commented the trainer, holding his arms together and stroking his skin to keep the heat.

Pikachu went up to him, handing him a towel and his clothes.

"Oh thank you buddy…" Ash said while chattering his teeth.

Pikachu then proceeded to use Iron Tail on him to slap his face. Ash fell to the ground back first and Pikachu started to yell at him and his stupid behavior while the other Pokémon sweatdropped.

"I'm sorry, Pikachu, you are right" stammered out Ash but then a gust of sneezes caught him.

"Great, I'm catching a cold" muttered the Kantonian, careful to not make Pikachu hear this. He would be mad at him.

He raised his gaze while sitting on the ground and watched the sky as the snow was now falling copiously from it.

"Tomorrow it's Christmas" he whispered with a tone that showed a mixture of enthusiasm, nostalgia, and sadness.


Back home, Ash was welcomed by a dying fire, and all the lights off. No one was home. He called for Akari's name but she wasn't there.

So, he reignited the fireplace and Pikachu started to cut the vegetables for the stew. In these months, the boy had come to terms with his great weakness, his inability in the kitchen, and had somehow learned something, and Pikachu as well had grown into quite the chef.

Greninja was the stronger one among them and had prepared the meat for the stew. It came from a Miltank of the farm who had died a few days ago. Ash had accepted the fact that life was harsh in Hisui but couldn't make himself strong enough to treat the meat from a living creature, nonetheless.

With a bit more work the stew was on the fireplace. Ash finally noticed the socks and genuinely smiled.

He then went to his bed and took from under its sheets seven small boxes and one larger and proceeded to fill the socks with them.

"So, dinner is cooking, presents are out. We can go have a bath, can't we?"

The first round was with Pikachu and Growlithe, so that Greninja could stir the stew every once in a while, then Braviary and Greninja.

In a little more than an hour, since the squad had come home, everything and everyone was ready.

But Akari still wasn't there.

The boy started to worry for her: "Where the Diglett did she go?" he suddenly exclaimed from his newly made armchair.

Pikachu, who was sleeping on the armrest woke up and noticed his friend's distress. He was about to propose to him to go out and look for her when they heard the door opening revealing a chilled Akari and an even more chilled Pikachu.

"Akari? Where did you go with this snow? I was worried" said Ash, a look of concern in his chocolate eyes.

Akari removed her coat and went to the fireplace, ignoring him.

He put a little box in the sock with Ash's name, held her hands to the fire to warm them up, and then turned her face to stick out her tongue to him: "I had something to do!" she answered in a mischievous move.

Ash looked at her with sudden interest, fixating his gaze on her pearly eyes. The girl suddenly felt more warmth than she expected and turned again to end that game of stares.

Ash recovered and said: "I'm going to the porch for a moment now that you are home"

She mumbled something in response.

Pikachu followed him.


"I'm fine Pikachu, just thinking" he answered, lighting a cigarette.

Looking up at the sky, the image of all his friends, his mother and his other Pokémon appeared.

"Do you think they're doing fine?"

"Pika, Pipipikapi"

"Yeah, I know they are strong…"

The image of a honey-blonde girl appeared in his mind… and the present he bought her so many months ago still in a drawer of his desk in Cerise Laboratory.

"Pikapika, Pikapi"

"Yes Pikachu, Serena is looking for us. I only hope she isn't in danger"


Ash and Pikachu's conversation was put to a halt by Akari, approaching the porch.

"Can I have one?" asked the girl pointing to the cigarettes.

Ash handed her the small wooden package and lit one for the girl.

"How's Christmas in your time?" asked the girl.

"It's a Wa-Bam moment. Everything is like woosh, and you feel the care of your loved ones. When I was out journeying across the regions, I usually took two or three days to come back to my mother before or after Christmas. After all, it's all about family and the one you love…" Ash trailed off.

Akari watched as his eyes brimmed with a spark but also with sadness. He was alone here. He spoke so highly about Christmas and the importance of family and friends but now he hadn't them.

"I've spent the last three Christmas alone" intruded the girl, "I know how you feel. But today, I really want to be happy. Finally, someone is with me, and it's you Ash. You really brought joy to my world, made it wider and open my mind. I owe you a lot…" she said, blushing a bit in the process, her eyes sparkling in admiration and happiness to be there, in that moment, with that boy.

Ash's eyes widened. She was right. He wasn't alone. Still, he was sad for his dears, but right now he had his Pokémon and Akari.

He got up and hugged her tightly, surprising her so much that her cigarette fell to the ground.

He started to sob a bit.

Akari hugged back, caressing his hair while all the pent-up emotions were being released by Ash. Pikachu didn't want to disturb the scene.

Finally, Ash calmed down: "Is it better?" she asked to which Ash nodded and smiled widely without saying a word.

The ate their dinner and then it was midnight.

Akari heard the bell ringing in the streets and the people singing carols from the windows. It was their small tradition.

She wanted to call for Ash but she eyed him near the kitchen making something and so she decided to go by herself with Pikachu, Clefable and Piplup.

Half an hour later the Village was quiet once more, the snow still falling, canceling every other noise.

"Akari, here" called Ash holding a cup of hot cocoa for her.

"Where did you?"

"Oh, I bought some cocoa yesterday and asked how to use it" he scratched his nose. "I think it suits Christmas time"

The girl was touched by the gesture and they sat by the fireplace once more.

Pikachu took the socks and every Pokémon got to see their present first. Ash had made them some Muffins.

"They are the Jubilife muffins. I asked for the recipe and tried it out with Marie, the lady of the pasture. I hope you like them!" said a joyful Ash to which all the Pokémon took a single bite and jumped to hug Ash who was caught by surprise and fell again to the ground.

Akari gently laughed at the scene, but her heart was pounding in her chest from the warmth of the scene and from anxiety about her present.

Ash stood again and handed Akari her sock which contained a package.

"Is it for me?" she asked shyly to which Ash nodded enthusiastically.

"Come on, open it!" exclaimed happily Ash, to which Akari started to unwrap the package and found a little box.

She raised the lid and inside found a silver necklace, with a splendid pearl, perfectly smooth and lustrous.

She couldn't believe it.

"I managed to buy it from Ginter. He was a bit rude so, after I bought it, I took some lessons from Tao Hua who's great with all this stone processing. For the necklace, I used the one with the Pikachu Poké Ball that I had. Unfortunately, the pearl left me broke but that's not a problem. I immediately replaced it with a rope. Shishishi" he stated watching Pikachu who had in the first place suggested the idea and now was nodding while eating the muffin.

Akari threw herself to Ash, hugging him very tightly, softly sniffing. She whispered: "Thank you… It's the most beautiful gift I've ever received"

"I thought about the pearl watching your eyes. It has the same reflexes as your eyes when you are happy. That's why I was watching you before" Ash retorted, hugging back in the process.

The girl suddenly broke the hug and took Ash's present: "This is from me" she said, offering the small box to the boy.

"Oh Akari, that's why you came back so late?" he said. "Open it and shut up!" she answered.

"Damn, you've got quite the temper" he commented opening the pack.

Inside was a little bracelet, which looked like a charm. The pendant was a Pikachu's face made of terracotta. The borders weren't super smooth and the color of the cheeks wasn't polished but Ash could tell that Akari had put all of herself into it.

"It's a Lucky charm, it has a message on the back" she commented, waiting for a reaction from him.

Ash turned it and saw the message:

"A charm to wish a person luck. To the boy I admire, to the one I want to thank. Please, Almighty God, protect him as he's the person I care about the most. Merry Christmas, Ash.

From Akari"

"It's beautiful, Akari, you shouldn't…" he was cut short again by Akari suddenly closing the gap, taking Ash's wrist and giving him a kiss on his lips.

She felt thrills down her spine, her whole body warming and melting, and her brain obscured by the bliss. It was only a quick peck, but she felt her lips still tickling. She then went ahead, walking away.

Ash stood there, befuddled, completely mouth agape as if he didn't understand what had happened.

Akari mustered all the courage she had left she turned to face him, sticking her tongue out again, her cheeks still pink, and said jokingly: "It's your fault. You were under the mistletoe all this time!" and with that turned the corner.

Ash looked up and saw the mistletoe: "I thought this wasn't a tradition here yet" but shrugged it off. Pikachu sighed. It was Christmas also for him and the obliviousness of his friend was not his problem today.

Also because Ash wasn't always oblivious. There was something Ash knew about love… He sighed again, resuming his training session with the muffin, this time on Ash's lap while being petted by his trainer who had lighted a cigarette to enjoy the tranquility of the moment.

From the corner, Akari held her hand to her chest, feeling her heart pounding. With the other hand, she touched her lips. Her first kiss was even better than she was expecting. She took out of her pocket the necklace, observing it once more. She sighed happily, before coming to the living room and to Ash to enjoy her well-deserved cocoa.

She sat next to him, while he was petting Growlithe and telling him and Braviary stories about his life.

She snuggled closer to him as she spoke and took his hand.

The boy stopped to look at her and she said: "Can I snuggle next to you for a while? I'm a little cold"

He sent her a warming smile and answered: "Sure, I don't mind" and went on telling the story of his first day as a trainer when he met a certain mischievous Pikachu.

She watched him and listened to him, her Pokémon next to her as well on the coziest Christmas night ever.


That night, a light appeared, waking Pikachu up. The light was in the fireplace and the mouse Pokémon walked sleepily to it. Suddenly it disappeared and in its place, a little piece of smooth rock appeared. It was white, a white so perfect to look almost unreal. To Pikachu, it seemed like a plate. He took in his paws and a voice inside of him said: "From all creations, over all creations, does the Original One watch over all." Then it added: "Take this with you, my little friend. I'll show you the moment where this will lead you all to me".

Pikachu was confused by all this but quickly recovered. He understood that it should have been Arceus itself to bring that plate to him and that its plan had to be hidden from even Ash. Perhaps It knew something about this whole story that they still didn't. He took the tiny plate, and the Mouse Pokémon chose to hide it. But where? He thought and thought and then it clicked. He knew very well to hide something for Ash to not know but be easily accessible.


"Come on guys, we should head out and look for Volo!" shouted Ash, going out of the house that morning. Akari had informed him about the fact that he was looking for him so the boy was ready to see again the merchant that had given him a goal all these months ago.

Sun was finally out after some days of snow followed by rain. This was the encouragement Ash needed to start his quest.

Greninja left the house quickly after Pikachu jumped on his shoulder. He was ready and his jacket looked like new thanks to Akari's help.

He was now reaching the front gate when the exact same guy he was looking for appeared in front of him, greeting politely the warden of the front gate.

"If it isn't my best customer and the guy on everyone's mouth!" exclaimed the tall blonde merchant in his usual outfit.

"Volo! Is that you? I was coming for you right now!" exclaimed Ash, surprised.

"I figured, but, since I had some errands to do in the village, I thought it was nice to see how you were doing"

Ash closed the gap and Volo went on: "I finally found who can help us gather the last three plates"

"Wow, That's fantastic!" exclaimed the boy, " but first", added Volo, putting a finger on Ash's forehead, 2I want to see how much you grew during your adventure," said the merchant with a grin that looked like a smirk.

"Are you really challenging me to a battle?" asked Ash, quite incredulously.

The man pulled out a Pokéball and proclaimed: "Come on, are you up for a two v two?"

Ash grinned excitedly and Pikachu jumped from his shoulder but was recalled: "No Pikachu, I think I'm going with the others for now. They could use some official battle"

Pikachu sighed, low ears, and walked back while Volo sent out a Lucario.

"Wow, a Lucario" commented Ash impressed that such a strong Pokémon was in Volo's team.

"Come on Growlithe, I choose you!"

"Growlithe, let's start with Crunch!"

"Low Kick, Lucario" Volo commanded calmly;

Lucario smacked Growlithe's paws as the puppy Pokémon was about to jump and connect with the opponent. So he lost his balance and crashed to the ground.

"Now, Bone Rush!" he commanded Volo with a mischievous look.

Ash clenched his fists: " Firespin, dodge the flurry of bones with the moment of rotation!"

"Extreme speed, Force Palm! Surprise him from above!" Lucario disappeared with lightning speed to reappear above the fire-type pokémon, its paws glowing with a deep blue aura.

Immediately after noticing the intense color of the attack, Ash refocused on the fight: "Use the rotation with Flamethrower! Counter Shield!"

With a quick movement in place, Growlithe began shooting flames from her mouth, continuing to spin in place. A huge circle of whipping flames hit the Pokémon Aura.

"Come on, push harder!" Volo exclaimed, nervous.

Lucario freed himself from the grip of the flames by releasing an aura and then attacked his opponent.

"Growlite, no!!" ash yelled, concern in his voice.

A cloud of dust rose and, as he descended, Ash could see his Pokémon on the ground, with swirly eyes.

"Come back, Growlithe" the trainer called calling the poor Pokémon back to the Poké ball, "You were amazing!"

Ash looked at the opposing Lucario, clearly exhausted and with singed fur.

He took another Poké ball from his belt: "Braviary! Your turn!"

"Well Ash, it seems that you have won the trust of many Pokémon here in Hisui too! I congratulate you." commented the merchant.

"Thanks a lot, Volo. I see you are not a fool at all. Your Lucario is extraordinarily strong!" complimented the Pallet town trainer.

"But now..." he added, "It's my turn!"

a grin appeared on his face, and he commanded: "Braviary! Approach quickly with Quick attack and close quickly with Psychic!"

"Lucario, Extreme Speed! Get out of there"

Unfortunately, Braviary proved to be faster and after hitting the opponent, released Psychic and the poor Lucario fell to the ground, exhausted.

"You never cease to amaze me, Ash!" Volo commented bitterly.

Suddenly Akari appeared behind the boy and started yelling, "You two! Are you crazy to start fighting in the middle of the street!?"

Ash turned around and scratched the back of his head: Oh, you are right Akari, I got a little transported…"

"Yeah, she's right" approached Volo, "Come on now, let your Pokémon rest a bit and then come with me. I'll take you to the wise lady Cogita. She's the one who can help us" he commented.

"Nice!" answered Ash, give me two hours and I'll be ready.

He then took Akari's hand and dragged her down the street to inform Captain Cyllene and to give Growlithe some treatments.

The girl blushed all the way and protested heavily but Ash didn't let her go: "Come on! We have to hurry!" he exclaimed happily, Pikachu cheering from Ash's shoulder.

Volo smirked: " So maybe that bitch will lead me to the final plates. I don't know why she stopped giving me information, but this guy is the ultimate lead to obtaining the Red Chain"

He hid his grin under his hat and proceeded to pay a visit to the Gingko Cart.

Welcome to chapter 29, the chapter that sets the last 12 chapters of this story.

Hope you liked it. Please leave your comments and be ready for the next one.

Your reviews help me stay motivated and fight this strict schedule of mine.

Until then, SEE YA!

Simic1997creators' thoughts