
When a life fades away

Hisuian tales book one. A young man with dreams and hopes ready to take on the world disappears in thin air only to find himself in the past with a mission not so clear. How Ash Ketchum can find his way back to his world? And how his friends in the present time will react to his sudden disappearance? Why Ash Ketchum of all the men? Amourshipping

Simic1997 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

The sun setting on Hisui

Akari was there, standing on the cold terrain, panting and breathing hard releasing vapor from her lips.

Clefable, Pikachu and Piplup were standing next to her, exhausted, and bruised, the wind whipping their fur, sharp as a blade.

From Akari's white skin, made even whiter by the symptoms of frostbite, a weak tear was making its way, increasingly cold, until it fell from her already crystallized face like a small spark of ice.

Around her, everything looked quiet until a loud roar filled the air. In the frozen land, Avalugg cried out, his body oozing its power.

Gaeric was in the rear, held by Adaman, with his skin turning paler and paler. The harsh cold he once had no problem with was now reducing his chances of surviving his wounds. Irida was as well held by Adaman, still unconscious.

The leader of the Diamond Clan had a somber look on his face: "He's about to release Avalanche" he muttered, catching Akari's attention which was instantly regained by the frenzied Pokémon.

It was accumulating energy in its mouth in the form of a sphere, a crystal blue orb that radiated a freeze so intense as to make even the Piloswine shiver.

"It's over…" proclaimed Adaman, gritting his teeth. Akari felt her body collapse from the sudden loss, leaving only her nerves to keep her body bound.

During that exact moment, while the beast was about to unleash its finishing bowl, everyone felt a strong, hot wind pass through them, and a yellow bolt fell from the sky and crashed vehemently into Avalugg's head with a silver tail, smashing the Frenzied Noble as well as its attack. The loud crash generated shockwaves and a crack in the permafrosted terrain.

The beast let out a mighty roar, agony in its eyes, blood spluttering from its mouth with saliva.

The impact sent everyone to the ground. Akari heavily recoiled and was sent flying some meters away but, instead of hitting the ground, was caught by a soft fabric hugging her.

She turned around and her eyes met Ash's who had caught her and was holding her on the back of a Braviary.

She was so stunned that she didn't say anything, staring only into his eyes, until a few tears began to dwell in her glimmering eyes. In order not to show her weakness, she closed her eyes, but Ash was already staring at her without saying a word.

Braviary landed in front of everyone, and Ash lifted Akari up bridal style making her red as a tomato, before directing his gaze to the Noble Pokémon and Pikachu who was waiting for his trainer to end his triumphal entrance with his paws crossed and stomping his tiny foot on the ground impatiently.

"Yes, you did well Buddy!" Ash commented sassily to which Pikachu sobbed. His best friend was a dumb idiot.

Adaman was astonished: he knew the boy was strong, but this exceeded all expectations.

Then he noticed something: both Ash and Pikachu were panting a bit like they were consuming energy at the same time.

The Kantionan's gaze became more serious as he started a conversation with Pikachu telepathically:

"We sure have spent a lot of energy with that attack. Thank you, buddy"

"Pika pika, Chu pika!"

"I saw him… Let it to me. Keep the Avalugg occupied alongside Greninja for a bit"

Pikachu nodded and with only an exchange of glances, Greninja prepared his body for the fight.

Ash then passed next to Akari, surpassing her and then approaching Braviary who had understood what his new trainer was thinking.

Ash took the scarf he was wearing off and tied Gaeric and Irida to Braviary's back, being sure that the knot was strong enough to keep them in place but not to suffocate them.

"Adaman!" called Ash, "stay with Braviary and make sure they make it to Pearl Clan's village safely"

His tone wasn't harsh but exuded impatience, and the man only watched him turn around and walk back to where he was standing before.

"Braviary, I trust you with this task. And of course, come back as soon as you can! I wouldn't want you to miss the battle!" Ash added with a wide grin, a great difference from the tone he used only seconds ago.

Pikachu cracked his fingers and knuckles. Everything was ready for the final battle as Greninja stopped his preventive attacks to line up with his trainer: "All right guys! Let's do this!"


"You felt that surge of power?" asked a man in a cavern inside Mt Coronet, staring down to the Hisui Region.

"Grawl!" answered his Pokémon.

I will make sure our strength can't be overcome by him. Master's gonna be proud of us…" he said, caressing his blonde hair.


"Meowth! We found nothing helpful for dat Brat boi!"

"Does that mean that our twerp is lost forever?"

"I don't think so. We should hope that the other twerps can do something…"

James' transmitter suddenly rang. From the display, Matori appeared: "You three are convocated by Giovanni to come to the base. A private airplane is already on its way to pick you up. That's the end of the conversation," she muttered absentmindedly without even watching the dumbfounded trio.

With that, the display turned off again, leaving Jessie, James, Meowth and even Wobbuffet confused.

"WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS THAT STUPID GIRL?" Jessie screamed, bursting out in anger.

James sighed. Whatever their boss wanted from them, this time he wasn't that excited to e called back. For the first time, even Giovanni couldn't bring excitement to his mood.

He lifted his gaze and followed a still-agitated Jessie and Meowth who was seemingly thinking something.

"Why did you bring us here? You modified the Ruins to catch my interest and lead me here, am I right?"

"Thy are quite the smart one. Thy are not here to help Ash but Lucario is. I want him to stay with Ash and give him these…" said Arceus from his light form, making appear a Dynamax band and a Mega ring.

"Are they really those?" asked a surprised Gary.

"Indeed, these are Ash's… I want him to be in shape for when the time comes"

Gary's gaze became serious: "So my suspects weren't wrong after all. You know what's going to happen. Why aren't you involving more people if you are worried?"

"Because I can't. I haven't the power. My grip on this world is fading, my Sons are corrupted and their pain is tormenting me. Chaos is unfolding and I can't hold the entire world together anymore. That portal you found was put there long ago, made inaccessible by my will. I only released it. Bring here the boy had drained all my remaining energy"

As Arceus was saying that, his light was starting to glow less and less. As this was happening, Gary's and Blastoise's body started to fade as well.

The young researcher noticed it and let Lucario's Poké Ball fall to the ground and directed his gaze to the Aura Pokémon and with a sad smile said: "Go and find Ash. I promise that I will find a way to come back and bring you and Ash back. Wait for me!" and with that the light faded as well as Gary.

Lucario watched his surroundings again. He was upset to see Gary go since the two had become quite close.

Nonetheless, he had a task to accomplish: find Ash.

However, he couldn't shake off the feeling of something odd in his proximity.

"Come on Growlithe, jump on the rocks and get close! Greninja! Double Team!"

Ash was commanding his Pokémon to beat the Giant Avalugg. The Beast was rampaging with even more fury than before, something that shocked Akari who was still shocked and paralyzed, surrounded by her Pokémon.

"Greninja! Water Shuriken! Strike its back!" The frog Pokémon launched some shurikens which stuck in Avalugg's back.

"Pikachu! Make a giant Electroweb! Growlithe! Fire spin towards the Electroweb!"

Growlithe leaped forward and rolled to the Electroweb made by Pikachu which made the Puppy PokéMon use his momentum to bounce into the air.

"Come on Growlithe! Now Fire spin again and aim for the Shurikens on Avalugg's back!"

Pikachu went forward and dodged a Rock Slide to get close and finally made a full jump, towering over the head of the beast and distracting it from Growlithe.

The mouse Pokémon rolled in the air and smacked an Iron Tail on Noble's head, making it fall to the ground.

Ash grinned!" Now Growlithe!"

The Fire-Rock Pokémon gathered all his energy and leaped forward again in a rolling movement, becoming surrounded by crimson flames, bigger and bigger the more he rolled until he collided with the first Shurinken, and then the second and then again. Every collision resulted in an explosion making the Frenzied Noble cry in pain but suddenly it regained control and its body became colder and colder, so cold to put out the Fire Spin and freezing Growlithe on site.

His body lost strength and was enveloped by ice.

"GROWLITHE NOOOO!" Shouted Ash, feeling the danger his Pokémon was up to.

He heard Growlithe calling for him through Aura and so was a bit relieved but it was a dangerous situation nonetheless.

"I wasn't expecting this one to be this strong…" admitted the boy, now reunited with Pikachu and Greninja. His fists were clenched and his teeth were gritting.

Pikachu jumped and slapped Ash on the cheek, making the boy fall into the snow.

Akari's eyes went wide as she put her hands in front of her mouth.

The angered Pikachu shouted at his trainer: "Pika! PIKAPIKAKA! PIKAPIKAAA!"

Greninja watched the scene with crossed arms.

Suddenly Avalugg roared again and made a motion to release another Rock Slide to the now defenseless trio.

Akari made a move forward and called: "Pikachu! Use Thunder on yourself! Clefable! Go with the MoonBlast! Piplup! Hydropump!"

The Penguin Pokémon and the fairy one managed to resist the Rock Slide and the attacks nullified each other.

"Now Pikachu! Volt Tackle!" shouted Akari, with the mouse Pokémon sprinting past Ash and directing his whole body, now full of sparkling electricity toward the beast still standing and rampaging.

The collision was hard, repelling the monster back some centimeters and launching the poor Pikachu back at full speed against a rock that she never hit. Akari had already run toward her and had put her body between the Pikachu and the rocks, catching her before the hit.

Ash lifted his gaze and saw the scene, mouth agape at her courage. He was proud… but also understood his Pikachu's action: he couldn't afford second thoughts or doubts right now. A friend was in danger and he had to help him.

"Akari, are you okay?" shouted Ash getting up from the ground.

The girl was occupied checking on Pikachu's condition and merely nodded. Ash was pleased.

"Okay! It's time to save Growlithe and then wrap this up! Let's make this Boom and Sca-voosh!"



"Greninja! Start with Double Team and go into Cut! Don't make yourself recognizable! Pikachu! Quick Attack to get close and try the Volt Tackle with ThunderBolt!"

Greninja multiplied himself and extracted a Cut attack from his paws while Pikachu accelerated even more than Greninja with a quick Attack, charging his electricity while running and aiming at Avalugg.

The beast looked like was keeping more track of Greninja as if it was expecting him to try to free Growlithe but Ash was mixing things up and had noticed this.

"Pikachu! Strike the Volt Tackle from beneath its chin! Greninja, Use Cut to land on its back and get a grip!"

"PikapikapikapikaCHUUUPIKA!" Pikachu made and harsh stop when he got under the monster and jumped at full speed, crashing the Pokémon at full power.

Meanwhile, Greninja had jumped as well with multiple copies and was using Cut to skate on the back of the Ice Type dominant.

The Avalugg was in great pain but didn't want to surrender. He caused an Avalanche to generate over its back in an attempt to destroy Greninja and prevent him to free another foe.

"Cefable! Moonblast! Pikachu! Thunder! Piplup! Whirlpool!" suddenly Akari jumped into the fight to protect Greninja and give him the chance to reach for Growlithe.

"Thank you, Akari!" grinned Ash who was now focused on the final move.

Greninja finally cut through the ice and Growlithe was freed.

Ash ran toward him and caught him while falling:" Growlithe! You are free!!!"

"WOOF!" Exclaimed excitedly the cold Puppy Pokémon. Greninja jumped and took Ash and Growlithe away from the beast who was starting to lose its golden aura.

Ash landed safely and saw this as the opportunity to close the fight: "Pikachu! Are you ready!?"

His partner nodded and ran to his friend.

Ash's Z Ring started to glow, and the boy saw Pikachu coming. He threw him his hat and the mouse jumped to fist-bump his best friend.

A jolt of energy flowed from the bracelet to Pikachu who got surrounded by a golden aura.

"Stronger than a Thunderbolt! Yes, much much stronger. This is our Full Power!"


Akari was watching the scene and was trembling with fear. What was this? This power? She could feel it but wasn't sure whether it was a good thing or not.

"Much bigger than a Thunderbolt, 10, 000, 000 Volts Thunderbolt!"

"Pikapikapikapika!" Pikachu was gathering electricity of all colors while the sky was getting darker and darker, clouds accumulating around the zone and a vortex in the sky.


"Pika pika! PIKAPIKAAA!" Pikachu's body released energy, a jolt of all colors of electricity directed toward Avalugg who was engulfed by the hit and crashed.

A loud explosion occurred, investing with the recoil everyone on the battlefield and everything went blank.


A heavy headache was what Ash was facing now that he was starting to wake up.

He opened his eyes and was in a house. A fire was warming the ambiance and soft candles illuminated the surroundings.

"Ugh! That's the second time in a few days. I should stop this trend.

He noticed beside him three plates with a note attached to them which said: "These are from Braviary, Regigigas, and Avalugg. I saw you were looking for them. Kisses, Sabi.

"Oh, well, so we won at the end…" thought Ash while collecting the items and reading the incisions they showed.

The first one was the Sky Plate which said: "The being poured the remains of its power into stone and buried it deep."

The second one was the Blank Plate which said: "Three beings whose power can hold both time and space fixed."

The last one was the Icicle Plate which said: "Two beings of time and space set free from the Original One."

Finally, the boy stood up, feeling his legs all drowsy. He should have been unconscious for quite some time by now.

He looked at his image in the mirror and found himself with a bandage on his head as well as some other dressings on his body. His jacket was hanging from a chair near the bed and was worn out. Cut, bruises, and stains were covering it.

"Oh great!" he huffed. He saw Growlithe, asleep near the fireplace, and kneeled to pet him. The Puppy Pokémon woke up and excitedly licked the boy who smiled softly: "I'm so happy you're okay buddy!" he said.

"Hey Growlithe, what about we go out and look for the other? I'm sure they are worried" the Kantonian boy told his partner while wearing his jacket.

The Fire type nodded with enthusiasm and the duo went out, being welcomed by the harsh cold they didn't miss in the slightest and what looked like a little village with some huts.

Then Ash saw Pikachu, Greninja, Braviary's and Akari, sitting on a bench with Irida and Adaman.

"HEY, GUYS! I'm glad you are all right!" shouted Ash coming toward them.

Akari immediately recognized the voice, got up, and ran toward the boy she admired so very much and tackled him into the snow, hugging him in the process: "YOU ARE AN IDIOT ASH! WHY DID YOU DO THAT MOVE WHEN YOU WERE SO CLOSE TO AVALUGG?!" she shouted from his chest, where her head was currently snuggling into.

"Were you hit?" answered Ash.

The girl raised her gaze to face him, still in the snow and said: "Yes but it was nothing. My Pokémon shielded me and then Braviary came with Adaman and saved us. You were asleep for three days…"

"And, about the plates?"

"Well, one was given me by Avalugg once he recovered and the other two were brought here by the girl that gave you Braviary…But that's not the point…"

"What about Laventon?"

"Well, he is waiting for us at the campsite where we split near Mount Coronet"

"Right! Sure, he has some patience" the boy commented letting out a small chuckle.

"How are you, Ash?" came the voice of Irida.

"I'm fine thanks. Glad you are fine as well. How about Gaeric?"

"He's recovering but we still don't know…"

Ash lifted from the ground and held a hand out for Akari to lift her as well. She blushed.

"Keep me informed then..." he was about to speak again but was tackled by Pikachu, Greninja and bRaviary to the ground again.

"Ahahah Guys, I was worried as well for you! Stop it, Pikachu, you're tickling me!"

The sweet moment eventually came to an end and Ash was helped by Akari to get up.

"What are you two going to do now?" asked Adaman.

"Well, if Akari is okay with it, I would go back to Laventon and then Jubilife to rest a bit. Then, I'm going to the top of Mount Coronet and see what I can do for that hole." He said out of the blue.

The two leaders were astonished while Akari was worried, but no one said anything.

Ash looked around and found a cliff. He grinned: "Akari, have you collected all your stuff?"

The girl didn't understand why this rush but nodded nonetheless.

Ash recalled Growlithe and then spoke up, a wide grin on his face: "Are you ready Braviary?"

The bird Pokémon understood immediately and flapped his wings raising into the sky and disappearing.

"Greninja, stay close and take an eye out for Akari's Pikachu!" The Ninja Pokémon smiled and nodded.

"Buddy, are you ready?!" said Ash to his partner Pikachu who was super excited about what was to come.

"Pii, Pikapi!" he answered stroking his head to Ash's cheek.

"So, Goodbye for now!" Ash proclaimed.

In all of this, Akari wasn't understanding anything until Ash took hold of her hand making her jump in surprise, "Come on, Akari, stay with me!" he exclaimed with an enthusiastic look, his auburn eyes sparkling with joy. Akari was caught and followed Ash's lead.

The boy ran, ran, ran until the end of the cliff: "TRUST ME, AKARI!" shouted Ash and then jumped off the cliff.

Akari was panicking even though she was still holding hands with him: "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" she shouted while falling from the sky.

She closed her eyes and then she opened them again, she was on Braviary's back, Ash ahead of her, the As's Pikachu on Braviary's head like he was the pilot enjoying the incredible panorama, and Greninja tightly holding onto her, keeping her stable.

She embraced Ash from behind to further stabilize herself.

"It's incredible, isn't it?!" commented excited Ash, who was petting with a hand her Pikachu.

She only let out a soft "Yeah…" before deepening her grip on Ash by resting her head on Ash's back with a content smile. Ash felt this and smiled as well; their embrace was kissed by the sun setting on the vast land of Hisui.

I know it’s been a while but I hope you can forgive me and my busy life.

With this, another chapter is over. Tell me your thoughts and see you in 2023.

Until then,


Simic1997creators' thoughts