
When a Game got Real

New World Order, A VR MMORPG with a Gacha aspect. Matthias 'Exu' is a Gacha fanatic. When he heard about the game, he was interested in playing it. So he did play it. After completing a certain quest in the late game stage... He figures out the reason on why the Game was created. After that day, the life of he and his family and friends. Changes. It's, When a Game got Real...

Bobbayee · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 8: The First Raid Start.

"Alright. Are you ready Exu? If we finish this Raid, we will be able to gain a lot more material and EXP. Golem Habitats is very important in this game after all."

"Of course I'm ready. It's my goal from the get go."

"Alright! Before that, let's do a good luck Gacha."


Since she wants to do the Gacha first thing first, we pull the Gacha Screen. Previous Gacha that she pull doesn't end well. It's a common equipment. So, she threw it away because who wants to get a common equipment.

The acceptable equipment is Rare. Unique is what most top player like Belian uses.

Anyway, I pray for the god of Gacha... And look at Belian.

"Best luck to you, Baby."

"Un. Good Luck Belian."

With that, the two of us press the pull button... And immediately... A Red Particles comes out from my Screen... I didn't show my excitement but deep inside I was like 'FUCKING YES! THAT'S WHAT I WANT!'

Three days, two legendary pull. It's very good. Of course, because I my account is Private, all the notifications from the pull is not shown on the screen. Which is sick! I don't need to worry about people trying to call me...

I hide the gacha screen by sliding it away... And I look at Belian...

She's looking at her screen with a smile... So I let out a smile as well... She's very pretty... Since it has been a long time since I see her smile like that, I can't help but feel like I'm falling for her over and over again...

I need to be more aggressive in this relationship. Because I want to take back the two months that passes without contact... And it starts today... With the two of us raiding for the first time...

"What did you get, Belian?"

"Fufufu~ I finally get a Natural Unique Skill from Gacha! It's called 'Inferno Storm' and as the name suggest, I can summon fire balls from the sky and drop them like a meteor!"

"Can't you just do that normally?"

"Yes. I can. But that's using a normal Fireball. Meaning that I need to use a lot of Mana to do it. But with Inferno Storm, it has a set Mana need. And it's a lot cheaper than doing it manually. So I can always spam Inferno Storm."

"I see..."

I quietly look over at my Legendary pull and immediately felt guilty... She looks so happy when she pull a Unique Skill. While I got a Legendary Pull. And I'm fortunate enough to get a Legendary Skill...

"What did you pull, Exu?"

"... I pull, this."

I take the screen toward her and her eyes widened again. She stares me down with a death stare.

"What's with your luck to pull another Legendary Natural Gacha?"

"... I don't know... I feel like the game wants me to have it..."

"And this skill? It's a very good skill for you who has an innate Attack Buff and Penetration. 'Star Extinction' an Ultimate skill that has a cooldown of five minutes, penetrates enemy defense by Fifty Percent without any condition. And the attack of this skill is Five Hundred Percent of your damage? Not to mention, if the target is a monster, applies extinction. Which unable them to be revived with their innate talent if they have Revive or get revived by another monster. And it also applies to Player? This shit is broken PVE and PVP..."

"I mean... S-Shouldn't you be happy... Belian? I can clear tanky bosses for you all the time now."

"Well, I am happy. Because now you at least have a reason to continue playing. Not to mention, you are my sweet lover. BUT! I am salty that during all the time I play this game... I never even gotten a Legendary. I just got my first ever Unique Skill! And you got a Legendary already?!"

I just look away from her. I can't do anything when she started rambling like this. When she ramble, then I would just listen. Of course, I would try to ignore her rambling, but it's her... I can't really use my selective hearing to ignore her ramble. Because there's a reason why she rambles so I will listen and try to fix it...

Unlike Jonas. I would ignore the living hell out of him if he rambles because he rambles about unnecessary things...

Anyway... I look at her and try to get her mood to be happy again.


"Haaah... At least you're mine though."

As I try to make her mood better again. She smiles and then hug me for a bit... Of course, it takes me by a surprise. But I hug her back...

"Alright! Let's start the raid shall we?"

With the preparation completed... It's time for the two of us to actually raid this mountain... Of course, since we're prepared to the tee... We don't need to worry about anything else... We just go to the entrance of the raid spot. The system asked us if we want to enter the Dungeon Raid. And of course, the two of us says yes... Since we're in the same party... We got into the dungeon and got teleported into the same spot at the same time...

"So this is the dungeon huh..."

It doesn't seem like it's the first time Belian's here... So she's not that surprised like me... The atmosphere is bad...

There's a definite death feeling in this area... The sky is very dark... There's very little light that can provide us with proper vision... And I can feel monster lurking in the shadows of the dead trees...

"Be careful, Exu. In the entrance of the raid, the monster is not Golem. It's a bunch of Crystal Snakes... If you kill a Crystal Snake, they will give you a random debuffs..."

"Well, that's fine then. I'm the cleanser after all. You too, don't need to worry about killing it. I'll take all those debuffs and cleanse it."

"Right... I forgot about that... Alright then... Let's get this party started~"

Without hesitation, Belian raises her hand and then snap her finger... A Massive heat wave comes out from her and immediately, it turns all the dead trees that's already withering, into dust... Revealing tons of Crystal Snake waiting to be ambushed...

"This is what gave me trouble as a solo player. I spend too much resources on cleansing their debuffs that when I reach the boss, I have none left."

So this raid really depends on my ability to cleanse... Which is very good... Since I would never be Crowd Controlled or even get any debuffs at all...

"First thing first... Let's gather the enemy."

It's my turn to use my skill... I swing my hand forward

"Spatial Rupture!"

Twenty meters in front of us, a massive space cut appear and it immediately let out a massive gravity pull... All the snakes flies toward the Spatial Rupture...

"Very Good CC. I'll end this in one move. Cleanse me afterwards."


"Fire Storm."

A Massive Flame tornado appears around the Spatial Rupture and it burns all the Crystal Snakes... And the moment that happened... A lot of debuffs hits Belian. And her HP started going down and she can't do anything...

I hold my left hand and immediately use the most broken ability in term of cleansing.

"Fully Cleanse."

A Bright light comes out from my WHG and immediately, all the Debuffs that Belian had... Gone...

"As expected... That ability is too broken."

I ignore her comments and take the front. The two of us moves forward deeper into the dungeon.