
When a Game got Real

New World Order, A VR MMORPG with a Gacha aspect. Matthias 'Exu' is a Gacha fanatic. When he heard about the game, he was interested in playing it. So he did play it. After completing a certain quest in the late game stage... He figures out the reason on why the Game was created. After that day, the life of he and his family and friends. Changes. It's, When a Game got Real...

Bobbayee · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 7: First Raid Preparation.

Night fall quite fast... Me and Alya have rested. A lot. All of that for raiding the Black Iron Mountain Range Raid.

The Raid will start at midnight. Because I won't change the plan to Gacha first before raiding. And Alya also think the same. She wants to gacha for today's login and then the next day gacha as well.

Of course, she also told me that she will be making preparation for the debuffs... I don't know what she's trying to do, but I just told her to meet me in the Beginning Town. The particular spot that I chose is the center of the city.

Anyway, I'm in the game already... I look through the search friend and search 'Belian' and of course, I found her immediately. After all, there's a golden 'Number One' beside Belian name... Her profile is private. Meaning that no one other than her friend can see it.

Since I'm not, I can't see how exactly Belian look. But that's fine. I just add her as a friend and she immediately accepted me...

Immediately, a message from her appear out of nowhere.

(Let's call each other using our IGN rather than real name~ So that people won't dox us. Okay?)


I'm honestly very excited to see Belian's model. I heard some stuff from her. And it seems like there's more feature than I expected... The Feature that I don't expect is of course, Race Change.

It doesn't take a long time for Belian to come... Of course, I recognize her from miles away. Even though she looks different, Alya will always be Alya.

"Exu. I'm here."

Belian looks very cool. Bright Orange Eyes and Crimson Red Short Hair, really gives off her 'Demon' Vibe...

She said that when you change Race, you unlocked their Realm. Which unlocks even more possibility of Raids and Lore... And that feature is unlocked when you reach level One Hundred...

"Shall we go immediately, Belian?"

"Up to you. I would like to buy some potion of cleansing. But you say that I shouldn't."

"Well, that's because I have this."

I change my gauntlets from Black Iron Gauntlets to BHG n WHG... And of course... Her eyes widened...

"T-T-T-T-T-T-T-That is?! L-Legendary Item?!"

I stand up and immediately take her hand with a smile.

"I can cleanse for days. So, you don't need to worry about it."


It seems like she is very excited. Well, more like surprised, but I like to think that she's just excited. I forgot that we're in the middle of the city. So we immediately get a lot of attention. People know us both. They know Belian as the number one player. While they know me as the only one with Legendary Gacha Equipment.

We make our way out of the city and to the wilderness.

"So~ What do you think about my character? Exu?"

"... I think it looks very pretty... I never thought that I would say this, but the Demon Vibe really fits you..."

"Heeeh~ Should I act more like a demon queen in the future?"


I can't say anything toward that... But Belian knows... She just chuckle and then clung to my arm after that...

"Alright then, I'll try to act more like a demon queen. In game of course."

"You know what... T-This type of Gap is also really good..."

"... You are very hard to please huh... But well, I will do what you want to do. After all, this is a reward for you after holding back for two months."

It's weird for us to flirt in the wilderness. But since Belian is almost level two hundreds, monsters around here doesn't even dare to come close to her.

And about her Gap Moe... It's... So fucking good... She's a cool older sister type. She likes to pamper me a lot. But sometimes, when she act all cute like this, my heart melted...

We reach the Black Iron Mountain Range and start preparing our first raid... Of course, I waited for Belian. She's looking through her inventory for equipment for me. While I'm looking through all the skill books she has put out...

It seems like Belian has been farming for good equipment and skills for me to use. Because she wants to eventually get me addicted to NWO.

Anyway, out of everything, I found three skill books that will works wonder with my play style.

The first one is 'Spatial Rupture' which allows me rip open the space in front of me and pull everything into that Spatial Rupture. It's a very good CC Skill that keeps everything at bay.

This skill is also important because of Belian's ability. She's the strongest Fire Mage in this game... Her status spread is Five INT, Five DEX and Five AGI. She's fast and destructive.

And that fact, also goes well with the next skill that I take.

You know how only my Full Cleanse can cleanse other people? Well, this skill allows me to cover for my allies and take all the debuffs for myself. Which mean, I can spam Cleanse to cleanse all debuffs from allies and myself all the time.


That's the name of the skill. I feel like it's a skill specific for a very supportive unit. I'm not exactly a support since I like to punch things. But at the same time, it's convenient if I can do that.

And this is the skills that I need... I look over toward Belian and she's staring at me sweetly.

"Oh? You've finished?"

"Yes. I have finished picking my skills. You don't need to worry about debuffs. So, just focus on dishing out tons of damage."

"I'll carry the damage part. So, don't worry. Meanwhile~ Here is the set that I specifically make for you. I know you're the type of guy who would spread your stats very balanced. So, I craft the same Demon Blood Armor that has the spread that's very balanced. Try it out~"

She gave me a proper battle suit. Not like Armor, but it's a suit. Just like her. It seems like Armor just looks obnoxious, so she opted to make it look like a proper clothing.

And I like it. Because BGH n WGH is not obnoxious.

I wear the suit, the pants, the shoes and she also gives me a necklace, two rings, and two bracelets.

The accessories focused on all the stats individually. While the rest of the suits spread is balanced like she said...

I feel very natural in this suit... It doesn't hinder my movement. It provides me with a lot of HP, Defense, Attack and Speed.

And the Demon Blood Armor set gave me a Forty percent Crit Damage and Thirty Percent Crit Rate. And then, Midnight comes around...