
When a Game got Real

New World Order, A VR MMORPG with a Gacha aspect. Matthias 'Exu' is a Gacha fanatic. When he heard about the game, he was interested in playing it. So he did play it. After completing a certain quest in the late game stage... He figures out the reason on why the Game was created. After that day, the life of he and his family and friends. Changes. It's, When a Game got Real...

Bobbayee · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 9: Second Stage.

We reach the next area of the raid... It seems like we have to go underground to fight the boss... Not to mention, before we can even go into the underground part of the raid, we need to solve a lot of puzzles and kill every single monster around here... We can't do anything if even a monster survive...

"Hmmm... It seems like the puzzles now have changed."

"Well, makes sense. There's no way a developer would keep the puzzle the same after someone like you enter. But fret not, Belian. I'm quite good at figuring puzzles."

"Then, I'll leave the puzzle part to you. I'll try to bait out all the monsters. Just be prepared to use your Spatial Rupture."

"Alright. I'll be ready to use it."

She splits up from me to take the aggro from the monster... While I'm here trying to figure out the answer to the puzzle. The puzzle for me is not that complex. Because I'm a very observant person...

While we're walking toward this area, I see three numbers being spread around randomly. That number is Three, Seven and Nine. It's all over the place... But the puzzle in front of me requires me to put five numbers. I can just systematically do it one by one. But since the number from one to five is random... It's just not worth it...

And not to mention, There's a clue given on the pedestal where the answer is going to be inputted... And the clues is very poetic. But the translation is literally like this 'Put the level of each player from the highest to the lowest. It's that simple, stupid.'

Yes, there's a very insulting remark on the end of the poem. But, since I'm not stupid, I don't really care... Since I manage to figure it out...

The Numbers Three, Seven and Nine is just a red herring for people with big brains. Anyway... With the first puzzle unlocked, come the second puzzle...

I must say that this puzzle is extremely confusing. There's nine balls, and two of the balls is broken... There's no clues whatsoever. So, I try to put a lot of shapes and make what seems good in the eyes... But I got no results...

Now I really need to start trying...

Meanwhile, as Exu is struggling like an idiot with the puzzle, Belian is having quite a nice time just roaming around the place gathering all the monster that the area has to offer...

Of course, because they're in the second part of the area, their opponent is golem. Belian knows what type of opponent she's facing against. And how many they are in total. She has done it before...

And of course, she started counting the amount of golems is chasing her...

"Alright... That's Fifty Seven Golems... There's three more golems that I need to find. And they're all mithril golem... And I know where they are..."

Belian dashed forward even faster... With flame bursting out of her boots giving her extra boost and speed... And she finally found the last three golem...

"Hello Money bag~ Come here~"

She throw a small fireball to get their aggro. And immediately bolted back toward where Exu is...

"Alright, I hope he uses that smartness of his to finish the puzzle~"

Meanwhile, back at the puzzle bullshittery

"And done deal."

Turns out, I just need to break the rest of the balls so. And with that, the puzzle completed... It seems like the puzzle part is finished... I don't know what the reason for the puzzle to be static and like this... But if I have to guess, the harder puzzle is going to be given at other area.

Black Iron Mountain is right near the beginner city after all...

Anyway... I waited for Belian arrival... And from a far, I see some fireballs in the air... Alright then...

I stretch my hands and immediately take my stance... I'm not going to hesitate on using my Star Extinction... Since the cooldown is five minutes, the moment we reach the boss, I should be able to use it again then.

"Exu! Use Spatial Rupture now!"

"Got it."

From the comms, I heard her say that... So, I swing my hand forward once again and activate my Spatial Rupture... Gravity pulls all of the golems toward the center of the Spatial Rupture... And I immediately said.

"Prepare for the clean up. I'm using Star Extinction."


Although my Damage is high, my opponent is still Golems. My Defense Penetration is Maximum using Star Extinction. But my BGH n WHG is still in the base level... So the base damage is still very minimum...

I would be able to kill some of them, like the weaker one. But not the higher grade one... That's why, I'll be leaving it to Belian.

I use Flicker and teleport all over the place until I reach the top of the Spatial Rupture...

"Star Extinction!"

I swing my fist down... And a massive energy beam shoots down from my fist... And when it reaches the ground, the energy beam shoots back up and then shred everything in its way...

I watch as Sixty Health Bar goes down very quick... Half of them, died. But the other half is still alive... But it's easy to kill now...

I use Flicker away from the crowds and then watches as a massive magic circle in the sky pouring down meteor like fireballs...

"Inferno Storm!"

The fireballs pours down like a downpour. And destroy is an understatement to what's happening to the golems and the area... It was a massacre... Nothing left from the golems... And the ground around us is burning like it's the sea of flames...

"Second Stage, complete. Last stage is next."

Belian snapped her finger and all the flames in the sea of flames dies out immediately...

"Shall we go into the depth of the Raid?"

"Let's not waste any time then."

I turn around and then take the lead once again. The barrier around the entrance to the boss has disappeared... And below, is a single creature... It's an Earth Dragon. Black scales with ores around it, very bulky body, a very high HP. Very high defense... And of course, a lot of lesser drakes around it. It's waiting for us to come down...

And without hesitation... Belian and I jumps down.