
When a Game got Real

New World Order, A VR MMORPG with a Gacha aspect. Matthias 'Exu' is a Gacha fanatic. When he heard about the game, he was interested in playing it. So he did play it. After completing a certain quest in the late game stage... He figures out the reason on why the Game was created. After that day, the life of he and his family and friends. Changes. It's, When a Game got Real...

Bobbayee · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 28: Stupid yet cool.


Gee dodge my dash by ducking... And my face turn into 'Oh fuck...'

I can't stop... And in front of me is a massive ass tree that is pretty much, unbreakable. Because this is a safe zone... Meaning, no damage can be actually dealt to player. And the environment cannot be broken.

I slam my head to the tree... And my back flip up and slam the tree as well... Everyone laugh... And the one who laugh the hardest is none other, than my own girlfriend...


Gee look at me with pity. It's like he's telling me something like 'You had it rough huh...' The thing is... Belian is also the type of lover that will tease me whenever I do something stupid. And honestly, I like it when she teases me like that. It makes me feel like the stupidity had meaning. She laughs, she's happy. So, it's fine.

I stand back up properly and hide my wings. I also hide all of my scales...

"Bloody hell..."

"Good fight though. If I didn't duck down, My head would've gone."

"Fuck your head. Your entire body will explode you know? It's like you're getting hit by an airplane."

"Sure. That too... Just... Cheer up."

"I'm cheerful! It's not like I hate being laughed at by Belian."

"You really love anything she do to you huh..."

Well, she is my lover.

I put all of my usual gear back on and then twist my BHG n WHG so that it felt comfortable..

"Do you want to continue?"

"No no no no no. I don't want to fight mister top two when he's serious."


With that, the two of us walked toward the girls group...

"Good job, Exu. You look very cool!"

"Thanks... It's a bit stupid that I let out some major mistake... But, as long as you think that it's cool, it's fine."

"I mean, your form is very cool. You're a very good looking guy in the first place already... And when you turn into a Dragonman, it enhances your charm... And that stupidity that you sometimes let out, really let people know that... Behind those very calculated and gifted guy, he's still a human."

True... Whenever people sees me, they usually think that I'm a monster and it's unfair for someone like me to be like this... But I usually do some pretty stupid stuff as well...

I sit down beside Belian and lay down on the grass. I really want to take a nap right now... So...

"Gee, Wake me up if you want to do something."

"Eh? Aaah, Sure! I'll try to figure something out if you need me to!"

"Fight Monster. Just arranged that for now."


I take a nap right here and now. While letting the other take care of the rest... I mean... It's barely a rest though... Because sleeping in NWO feels weird... Because the time difference between real life and NWO is big... Like... An hour in real life is six hours in NWO. I don't really want to mess my sleep schedule. So, I overload my brain with unnecessary stuff...

Until finally... Belian tap my shoulder lightly... And then she 'Bopped' my nose.

"Exu. Wake up. We're going to fight something as per requested."

I open my eyes and then stare at Belian's pretty face.

"Hm? What are we fighting?"

"I don't know. But GeeLouis told me that he had found a good opponent for him and the other girls."

"Alright. Where are they right now?"

"Already moving toward the monster... I told them that we can caught up with them just fine. So they're going first."

"Alright. Shall we move out then?"


With that, the two of us make our way toward Gee's location. Judging from the map where he's at right now... We're moving into a very familiar territory. The Black Iron Mountain Range.

We meet up with Gee again... And this time, I immediately went straight to the point.

"You want to unlock other golem habitats?"

"Yeah... Unfortunately though, we never able to finish this raid... Have you finish this raid, Exu?"

"Yup! It's easy for me because Belian is the DPS, and I'm the Tank and Cleanser."

"Right! The debuffs from that damn crystal snake is what hindering me and my raid party!"

"The thing is, with Raid Party, the more member you have, the more monster spawned. And if you're in a party where most of them are practically useless... Then you're just going to fight extra mobs. Sometimes, it's good for EXP. But as expected, when you kill too much of one thing. The EXP becomes close to none."

"Yeah. Fortunately though, I only kill a couple of Golems!"

"That's good. Since the girls level is not that high, I can say that they're playing for fun. So, this raid will at least give them a good amount of Level, and you, a couple of level as well."

"Wait, why a couple of level though? I know that I'm level One Hundred. But, you make it feel like I'm not going to get too much experience."

There's a lot of reason on why that will happen. First of all, you're in a massive party. The EXP spread will also goes to us. Not to mention, EXP spread is dependent on who is the most useful. Then, he doesn't have the EXP buff...

But, he doesn't need to focus on what's in the raid though. What he needed to focus is the fact that he's going to unlock other golem habitats...

We prepared ourselves... By I mean preparing ourselves is wait to Gee and the others to finish. Belian and I have done this raid. We know that it's hard. But at the same time, we're very strong now. To the point that we don't need to worry about it...

Unfortunately though, Gacha Ticket is one time thing... So, we can't farm Gacha ticket over and over...


I asked Gee as I twist my BHG n WHG around.

"Yeah. We're ready. Please carry us."

"Don't worry. We will."

All of us immediately walk deeper into the Raid... The raid went very well. And I can see that everyone is very surprised to see both me and Belian power... No debuffs throughout the raid, no damage was dealt to me as a tank because I dodge everything. And we one shot every single monster in front of us with massive amount of damage...

And at the end of the day...

"Thanks, Exu. I will call you again if I need some help with Raid."

"Sure thing. I'm always up to play together. And for you girls as well. Good luck with this game. Don't rush things forward too fast. Enjoy the game, enjoy the progress. NWO is a very beautiful game."

Everyone smiled and nodded. It seems like Irene and the others started to appreciate me more as a person. Which is very reassuring...

Since it's night now in real life... They all needed to go. And with that, our session ended. But it's not going to be the last time we played together though.