
When a Game got Real

New World Order, A VR MMORPG with a Gacha aspect. Matthias 'Exu' is a Gacha fanatic. When he heard about the game, he was interested in playing it. So he did play it. After completing a certain quest in the late game stage... He figures out the reason on why the Game was created. After that day, the life of he and his family and friends. Changes. It's, When a Game got Real...

Bobbayee · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 27: A Normal Time.

We hang out at a particular place around the beginner town. No one other than Jonas actually reach level one hundred yet... So we can't afford to go too far out into the wilderness. Because all they will do is feed...

Unlike me, they doesn't have a very special innate talent like me. So they can't really be the hardcore type player...

"Hey hey, Exu."

"What is it, Gee?"

"Don't you think that Belian and Irene is getting too close?"

"... Who the hell cares? Belian is a lot older than all of us here. So, Irene is probably thinking of Belian as someone she looks up to... Being in a relationship is not easy you know?"

"I know! But... I just feel a bit weird when hearing their conversation!"

Speaking of which, It seems like Gee is worried with the way Irene, his new found love... Is asking some very interesting thing to Belian... The other girls is of course, listening intently to what the oldest has to offer...

"How do you handle the pressure, Exu? I feel like the girls are going to want too much stuff from me now!"

"Gee, I'm wondering... Are you close with the four of them?"

"Yes... You can say that... All four of us like a massive family."

Yeah, Thought so. I have a hunch that was the case... In real life, Jonas is a bit too close with all the girls. I have a hunch that everyone has a feeling for him. And he is willing to take all of them. It was honorable for him to not reject anyone.

But at the same time, you don't have any idea what to do... I wonder if it's courage or stupidity that leads you to this road, Gee...

"What do you usually do when you're with your lover, Exu? Since she's older, is she the one that takes the lead all the time?"

"Not really. She does like to lead me because she thinks that it's appropriate for her to lead me because the difference in our age. But when I feel daring, or when I feel like she deserved a better time... I take the lead."

"I see... So insightful..."

Gee turns extremely serious. I can't help but just to smile at the guy. He's doing his best to satisfy everyone... Although, I don't think he's going to satisfy his family though... If it's not for me, Jonas grade would fell bad...

But since I don't want him to fail, I let him copy my work... So when everything works out for him, I can take a bit of credit for my own sake...

Anyway... Let's not think about weird things for now..

"Anymore thing you want to know?"

"... How do you take four girls on a date at the same time?"

"... Spread the schedule, or take them all like a massive family. You said it yourself. There's going to be a lot of pressure on your back, but you choose this path. You need to bear it yourself."

"I see... Thanks... Talking with you always open my mind, Exu... When you're not in your gacha or game addict form."

Shut the fuck up man, stop saying that I'm an addict! Although, I can't really disagree with that... When I was into a game too much, I turn into a weirdo...

"Alright then... What do you want to do now?"

"I mean... No one wants to level up today... Because the girls wants to talk to Belian more... Just look at them four... Even Diene, Ayaka and Reyna..."


"Shall we spar? I want to see the power of the Rank Two player in NWO."

I see... Well then, we can spar...

I take off all of my OP gear and use a more generic gear... It's a rare gear. So my stat went down quite a lot. But it should give Gee a bit more fair fight...

I roll the sleeves up and then take my stance. Gee gulped from the pressure and take his sword out...

"Don't be nervous, Gee. It's a good time for you to show off, no?"

"Bastard... You seen right through me."

He smiled wickedly... I know his intention from the get go. The moment we change gears and stand the opposite way of each other, all the attention shifted toward us...

"I'm ready, Gee."

"Okay, I'm coming!"

Gee dashed toward me while holding his sword. Judging from the flow of his movement... I know that he will be using an upward slash to slice my shoulder. There's no possibility of a fake or anything...

But, just in case... I moved along the flow of that upward slash... To make sure that he's doing the move that I want him to do. So that it's easier for me to dodge...

And as expected, Gee slashed upward. I just slowed down and then dodge the slash... I use Flicker to move right behind Gee... And I take a bit of air to swing my leg toward Gee's Neck.

"Uwah! Dirty!"

Gee dodge the kick by leaning back... I use Flicker to go to the ground. I crouched down right behind Gee and push my shoulder on his knees... I let my tongue out cheekily and stated.

"Caught you defenseless~"

And Gee was pissed, but at the same time, happy. Because I take him seriously. Even though he looked like a joke in front of his loved one... He is still happy that I make him look like that. Because it is better getting played by someone serious than getting played by someone not...

Gee use his hand to push himself up and he regain his balance. He jumps back for a bit and then raise his sword properly...

The way he hold his sword... He definitely has the Expert Swordsmanship. There's no flaw in the way he hold his sword. Meaning that he is now getting serious...

"Hey Exu! Do 'That' for me!"

I heard Belian says that. And I turn around towards her with an awkward look.

"Do I really have to do that? I still can't control it as well as you do."

"It's fine! It's better for you to train it right now! I know it's hard! But, just do it! I like to see you in your cool form you know?"

"Alright, for you, I'll do it."

I then turn back toward Gee and sigh like 'Geez, why does this happen right now?'

"What is she talking about..."

"... You'll see in a bit."

I focused up... My body started to change form... Scales started rising from my body and it form an armor on top of my gear... The scales color is Dark Purple... And a pair of wing that has the same color of the scales appear...

My arm is covered in a very thick scales. to the point that it makes into a very good Gauntlet...

I spread my Dragon Wings and then rises... It feels super weird... And I think everyone can see it in my eyes... It's not exactly comfortable even though it looks cool.

"What the fuck is that?!"

"I've done my second Race Change. It's normal for me to have this!"

And with that... I Flies straight toward Gee... Sorry Gee, I know you want to look cool in front of your girls. But they're already captivated by you... So, even if you lose, they will still think that you're cool.

But I have someone who wants to see me like this... I'm stealing your spotlight!

Three Chapters today. I hope you forgive me for the breaks that I took. Thank you for understanding.

Bobbayeecreators' thoughts