
When a Game got Real

New World Order, A VR MMORPG with a Gacha aspect. Matthias 'Exu' is a Gacha fanatic. When he heard about the game, he was interested in playing it. So he did play it. After completing a certain quest in the late game stage... He figures out the reason on why the Game was created. After that day, the life of he and his family and friends. Changes. It's, When a Game got Real...

Bobbayee · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 29: Something so out of Bounds.

After Gee's group left... Belian and I sat down on the neutral city in the demon realm...

"Fuuh... It was pretty fun huh..."

"Yes~ The girls are very talkative with me. They really want to know how to make themselves happier with the way their relationship is going right now."

"True. I never thought that Jonas would have a harem though."

"Really? He's your friend in school, no? He should talk about this to you?"

"No... Not really. The only time he asked me to help him with girl matter is when he's first meeting up with Irene... So I thought that he is only interested in Irene. But turns out... The moment he take a real interest in other girl. The other girls immediately realize their feeling."

"I see. So he's that type of guy huh. Not bad. What about you though, Exu? Will you have a harem?"

"No... Physically impossible and mentally not possible. My body belongs to Alya. And my mind can't accept the fact that I'm in an embrace of another person other than Alya... Alya is the only one for me."

When I speak with full on passion toward her. I'm saying that all of me is hers. And that makes Alya very happy. I can see that Belian's cheek is crimson. And she's smiling sweetly...

"You and your sweet words~ I love it..."

"... I mean... It's not... Really sweet words... I'm just stating the truth. I'm not saying it with the purpose of teasing you. I'm genuinely saying it to announce that I'm yours."

"Yes... I know..."

She planted her face on the table. She's definitely flustered from my passionate confession. I just smiled lightly.

"Anyway Belian. I'm thinking of making a Guild. Do you want to make one with me?"

A Guild is a very important content in NWO. There's a lot of additional content that turns out, can be gotten just by unlocking Guild. For example, Guild Realm, where you can make your own Guild Building and customize the area around your building and the building itself depending on your taste.

Then, there's Guild Wars. PVP content where you can get Guild Armbands. A currency that can be exchange into Gacha Ticket, Guild Equipment that has a very good stats where the set gives thirty percent more damage in Guild Wars... Specifically guild wars. Just like Arena Point can be exchange to the same type of reward.

And of course, the thing that is really important in my opinion... Guild Quest, and Guild Raid. PVE Content that just seems and sounds fun.

"Guild huh... I did enter a guild once. And it is indeed a very good content to have. But, we will start at level one guild you know? There's already people with level twenty guild. Which is the maximum Level."

"It doesn't matter. We can always overtake the number one. Because in term of level, we're the rank one and two."

"I guess that's true~ Let's just do it then! Whatever you do, is whatever I'm going to do. Isn't that what you say to me? I will return your passion with the same amount of passion."

"Thanks Belian..."

With that, I moved beside Belian. Before, we're sitting face to face. But now, we sit shoulder to shoulder.

"So, what should our name be?"

"Hmm... Eksia."


"Yes! Exu, and Belian! Since E,X,IA is a bit too clear, Eksia is better."

"I see... That's good."

Eksia. That's what our guild name should be. I put that as our name and just create the guild. A new guild was made and it's just me as the member for now. And immediately, I direct invite Belian. She accepted the guild invitation and then I immediately put her in the vice leader of the guild...

"Alright... We need to wait for a day until all the guild feature is properly unlocked. So, shall we logged out for now?"

"Sure. It's not too late for dinner."

With that, we leave the game... Tomorrow is going to be very exciting! Finally some more contents for us to play!

But for now, Alya and I focused more on dinner...

At school... I sat down on my chair as usual, with Jonas for some reason giggling like a madman while looking at his phone...

I don't know why he's giggling like a madman. If I were to guess, it's about the girls..

"What's up, Jonas?"

"Hm? Oh~ Nothing. It's just that... Me and the girls are going to a hot spring trip in the weekend!"

"Hoo? You and your harem?"

"Yup! Irene got us all a ticket."

"They're using their real name to play?"

"Yes. I didn't tell you about their name haven't I? Their account is private anyway. So, no one would be able to see how they look. That's why I just tell them to use their real name. They're not a gamer to begin with."

"I see..."

Now you makes me wonder how in the world did you meet Irene... I know that he meet the other three when he was in middle school. And out of them, he met Ayaka first... Then the other two follows, then Irene...

"So, what does it feels to have a harem?"

"... It's... Hard... Keeping up with four girls is hard... Man, Talking with you sometimes feels better than going out with those four... It takes too much of my mental health. Because people looked at me with killing intent."

"I understand what you're talking about. Even when I'm with my lover, people look at her with bad intention. And then wonder if they can take her from me. Most of them backed away when I smash their face in though."

"... You're a very protective guy. I forgot about that..."

"Well, I just like to protect those who is close to me. Remember in the past when people bullied you? And since you're my friend, I smash their face in?"

"OF course. You're the one who makes my high school life bearable. I'm still thankful for that."

I just smiled and laugh.

"Haaah... Just good luck man, with your trip. Just enjoy your life. And when you come back. Let's play again together."

"For sure man. I'll give you some present later on. And I bet that the girls wants to give Miss Alya a present as well."

"You don't need to give me present. The girls giving Alya present is enough for me."

"Alright. I'll keep that in mind. Keep my chat open though. I might need your help at the end of the week!"

Sure sure man. If you need my help with the girls. I'll be there just hearing you rant. Not that I will actually reply to your rant because I have my own time with Alya...

Well, it's your fault to have a harem to begin with. But who am I to stop you, Jonas...

At the end of the week, I'll invite you to join my Eksia later.