
What If: Rewrite the stars

Four years ago Mi ran gave birth to a child of still born of an unknown paternity due to her step sister scheme . Four years later she married the man who made everyone turn pale with fright . She thought it was a marriage that will never be intimate she didn't expect to be loved by two big men , one small one big . The world says his heartless and ruthless but who would have thought that this tiger not only sticks to people but also protect his loved one with excellent ability to identify and deal with scheming woman . However later on the hidden past was revealed and she resolutely handed a divorce agreement. "If you want a divorce I'll only give it to you when I'm dead " . She could have decided to put her past behind her and love him with all her heart , but how could she when he was behind the death of her most cherish woman .

Ayodeji_Kehinde_ · Fantasy
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25 Chs

You’re bound to meet

"Crazy la

"Annoying jerk" , with her mouth wide open Mi ran stare at the crazy annoying psycho .

What? Is the heavens joking with her how could he be! , how could he be the CEO of 'Aura Light glowuo Ltd '.

"You're Mr Lee" She asked staring at him , what's she expecting.

No! What the use of asking the obvious.

With his hand in his pocket , Mr Lee turned to his secretary, who bend her heads in fright . Did they perhaps have a terrible encounter .

"I'm sorry sir" .

Huffing , he walked closer to her placing his hand on her shoulder and his other hand in his pockets .

Staring down at her he smirked , life is so full of wonders , he had been wondering how to get back at her and she happens to walk into the lions den herself .

As if she could read his mind , she lift her head up tiptoeing on her knees .

Tsk! He is truly Lee Young joon , the most annoying selflish jerk , heartless and ruthless . He might be able to make everyone around him scurry away in fright but definitely not her .

Smiling ,"I'll never beg for your mercy never , I'm out " She pick up her bag and head out .

True she can't find a job now but she'll never , definitely never beg that scum .


She had been working nonstop for hours , how can life treat her this cruelly? .

"Hey! We have customers waiting " her granny yelled .

She dropped the tray on the counter angrily,

"Yes?" .

"Aigoo!, you this lazy! , we have a delivery to make" , She gave her the address .

Shaking her head vigorously she set out to deliver the food , she sat on her motorcycle.

Vroom! Mi ran kicked the motorcycle into gear and sped off.

"in L.S fashion exhibition , both the guests and reporters were present to capture the most awaiting event of all time .

Suddenly the light of the whole hall turned off and only a single golden ray of light was lit directing from the stairs to the middle hallway and the sound of heavy footsteps appeared from the back. It was none other then the captivating presence of a strong entity , the ceo of L.S has appeared on the stage.

The lights glammering at his body and highlighting the board and sturdy shoulders.

As he cough a bit in order to take the attention of the audience, the whole hall fell silent unable to eradicate the presence of .This beautiful yet powerful figure.

"Hello, my dear friends and elders."

" i sincerely thank you all for your glamorous presence in today's event." He said in a calm yet capturing voice, making the ladies to pout their lips at his words and presence.

" As always our organisation has again after a long period of hard work has launched a new line of products." He says while his gaze remains cold and distant unhindered by the reaction of the public.

" i would like to thank our team and staffs and hope that you will enjoy this new line and support us as you always have." He bowed a little before coming to a conclusion showing of his tight jaw line with a soft deamanour.

So I just have to write ,

After the ceo departure from the stage the light of the whole hall turn back on .

The first model walked in gracefully.

Showing off her fine figure ,

another then another model walked in then finally it the most amazing, popular model who got everyone on their feet , just her presence alone makes the man go crazy .

She was said to be the most beautiful lady in the industry.

Thought she's a newbie but she has more fans and fame than the others .

The man stood up to welcome her , clapping and shouting.

"Lim yi Ji" the men chant , clapping and whooping in anticipation of their beloved model .


Back stage ,

The head of L.S fashion was about to lose it all .

She had inform the ceo that everything has been taken care of, she didn't expect the model to bail on her at the dime minute , how could she! Dam it!.

The workers and everyone couldn't imagine what could be the outcome of this unfortunate....

How could she?, what will she do now ? How will she find another model at this minute , is she going to lose everything she has worked so hard for .

The guests won't stop chanting her name which makes her head and heart ache .

She's really going to lose her job , she was experiencing a splitting headache.

She was about to lose everything she had work really hard for .

She lean against the door and slid down to sit on the floor without a word .

Her staff couldn't do a thing ,

What will she do ? , she couldn't get Lim Yi . She had better call the 'Head' and issue her resignation letter .

As she pondered this , she suddenly hear a small voice she glanced in the direction the voice has come from .

"Hello" ,

Mi ran handed the food to her , she was feeling uncomfortable under the woman gaze .

"Hey! Will you stop staring " she said a little annoyed , talking the lady's credit card .

The head couldn't keep it in , she really wants to ask her , her workers are right, she has similar body to that of Lim yi .

"Hey! Will you make your payment or what ? " she said giving her the sinister look .

Looks like everyone's bent on getting on her nevers, and she blame no one but that bad luck jerk .

Ever since her encounter with him things have not been working out so well , she really wants to grab his face scratching it till she .... she was so lost in thought that she didn't know when she burst out laughing at her weird imagination at the crazy jerk .

she covered her mouth with her hand , staring at everyone ackwardly .

Clearing her throat, she gave the credit card back to her , ready to leave but the lady stoppped her holding her hand .

"What ? Let go" she said annoying shooting lasers at her with her eyes .

"Please help me " she pleaded, almost getting on her knees .

"Hey let go of me , gosh!".

"I'll pay you "

"What ?" She asked not believing her eyes , what a crazy lady .

"50 million"

Her eyes and mouth wide open in shock , she could feel the light bub in her brain exploding.

Her brain travels fast , she could imagine million different things she could do with the money .

She tried to speak , her mouth was tongue tired . She was trying really hard to suppress her feelings. She was trying really hard to stop herself from screaming .

"Is it little ?, I'm sorry but I have a dire situation.

Pretending to be considering her request,

"Sigh, alright but one hour ok? That all I can give " .

The lady was really grateful she hurriedly took her to the dressing room .


Once again the light of the whole hall turned off and only a single golden ray of light was lit directed at the center stage .

The lights shining at her body . the Crowd Murmur , this was not their darling Lim yi but she was more beautiful and stunning .

Mi ran walked gracefully on the stage , the Blue linen gown.fitted her perfectly bringing out her lovely curves .

Everyone was gazing at her , through her masked one could tell she's a goddess .

Mi ran was slim and as tall as a model , 5'11 with a smooth auburn hair , perfect light skin and a beautiful straight white teeth.

Mi ran flashed them her most beautiful smile , the man couldn't keep their cool anymore, they were drooling .

Whispering and sounds of clapping were still heard even in the darkness that shallower the whole auditorium and after a whole the neon lights were turned on leaving the area in a semi dark yet colourful atmosphere.

As soon as the light came back the interviewers rushed to the ceo and the head of the fashion department, even before saying the price orders were coming up and the new edition was almost sold out and booked again

It a second for the guest to put their act together after her departure .


"Miss jang, w...we did it!"exclaimed her workers hugging the head of the department as she was taken aback tears rolled down both of their cheeks.

The head lady couldn't contain her joy , she hugged Mi ran .

Mi ran has never been prouder for once in her life she really felt she belong somewhere,

She was having trouble taking off the cloth .

"Gosh! Guess the cloth really found the owner " the head lady said .

Mi ran turned around with excruciating slowness,

"What ? "

"You can take it consider it a gift " but please do keep it safe it our biggest masterpiece.

Mi ran hugged her tightly smiling happily .

"Thank you " she whispered .

The head lady took her details promising to take her out to appreciate her help .