
What If: Rewrite the stars

Four years ago Mi ran gave birth to a child of still born of an unknown paternity due to her step sister scheme . Four years later she married the man who made everyone turn pale with fright . She thought it was a marriage that will never be intimate she didn't expect to be loved by two big men , one small one big . The world says his heartless and ruthless but who would have thought that this tiger not only sticks to people but also protect his loved one with excellent ability to identify and deal with scheming woman . However later on the hidden past was revealed and she resolutely handed a divorce agreement. "If you want a divorce I'll only give it to you when I'm dead " . She could have decided to put her past behind her and love him with all her heart , but how could she when he was behind the death of her most cherish woman .

Ayodeji_Kehinde_ · Fantasy
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25 Chs

you’re bound to meet 2

The new launched was a big hit , the telephone has been ringing nonstop . Within an hour they've sold over 5billion all thanks to the secret super star . It so hard to believe, even Lee young couldn't believe his eyes


"Miss jang, w...we did it!"exclaimed the young master, hugging the head of the department as she was taken aback tears rolled down both of their cheeks.

They both were unable to react because of high end sounds from the audience section and their fashion show became top in the news of tonight .

"The ceo of L and S Ltd, just made the fashion show a hit and became the youngest one to earn such a big revenue and prestige in the fashion industry." The reporters said, there were so many reporter and so many clips that the area became gagged with the tight atmosphere of people.

After a long and tiring day the assistant director took the workers out to celebrate and plus giving each a bonus and a trip to Hong Kong to celebrate for their hard work .

"You're all going to Hong Kong for a nice vacation " young boss said . The workers stare at him surprised, this was alright but a trip wow! .

They all thanked him profusely.

Lee Hyun was smiling sheepishly, it all thanks to his brother Lee young but since he asked him not to inform them of his Favour , he'll enjoy the glory while it last .

"Woah! So let share to more success " he said raising up his glass , the workers did the same . They all loved him unlike the ceo who is heartless.


After a long day and a tiring interview the ceo of L and S Lee young finally returned home, he still had a party to attend but he was so tired that he couldn't get his mind straight also now there was a tension in his head about the order of the stocks and most importantly about this mystix superstar who just saved night. He brought out his phone and gave his brother a call .

Lee Hyun picker it up at the second ring ,

"Meet!" He said and just that simple word got Lee Hyun flying .

He wondered what the problem is , he shouldn't be all grumpy agian , at least tonight should be a night of celebration.

Lee Hyun stood up , "sorry I have to go your boss need me " he said picking up his suit staggering out .

His workers murmured expressing their disastifaction .

The boss is really heartless why can't he allow their wonderful young boss have the night to himself.

Or is the rumor true?! Nah! So impossible.


"Who is she ? He asked ,

"A delivery lady" Hyun answered shortly .

Maybe he understand his brother since he had been with him all through his life , guess he knows where this conversations going .

"Find out about her and set up a meeting with at the office tomorrow " he siad then dismissed Lee Hyun .

Lee Hyun knows that behind those facade there lies a giant heart .


Mi ran received a call from the director of L.S fashion asking to meet up , hence she headed there.

Just as she walked out of the elevator she bumped into someone, rather than stretching out his hand to prevent her from falling he watched her fall flat on her back .

Gosh! What with her bumping into people who don't know how to treat a lady .

She stood up angrily hitting who so ever it is she bumped into on the head .

"Hey!" He yelled not trying to keep his cool or acts .

"What? , she raised her face to look at him it was then she saw that it was the crazy jerk from earlier .

"You?" Gosh! Bad luck!.

It's her tsk! How is she here ? How could she be here in all places ? .

She always manage to get on his nerves ,whenever she's concerned he always lose his cool .

"Hey! Ugly duck!" ,

"Hey! You this crazy f**** bastard! " she yelled back slapping his head once agian .

He was about to lose it , he was fuming with anger ,

"What? Hey! Crazy lady" .

Crazy! Hey! She'll definitely show him what it means to be crazy ,

She punched him really hard in the stomach,sending him flying .

A loud thud was heard in the hallway , the workers in the second floor wondered what was going through in the hall .

The guard came running , they tried to get her off him , while one of them went to get Lee Hyun .


Lee Hyun has long forgotten that he has a meeting with the secret star , he was asked to come to star light , the newbie got into a fight with the their top actress.

"C'mmon just Apologise, ok" He said hoping , the top actress will really wants to put everything behind .

The guards rushed in , he informed Lee Hyun about the current situation going on at the L.S .

He dismissed the actress then rush out .


He met the guards trying to separate the two. He rushed forward dragging the lady away from his brother .

Mi ran struggles to free herself from her captive grib , she really wants to beat some sense into that crazzzzzzy jerk .

How dare he call her crazy, just remembering that word sent her blood boiling .

"Miss please relax" Lee Hyun relaxed , holding her from escaping from his grib. He looked at his brother who was bleeding from his nose .

What did hell happened between this two? Perhaps did they have a feud before.

With the help of the guard Lee Hyun was able to drag her into his office , later the guards escorted Lee Young into the office after they were sure those two won't try to get on each other's throat agian .

Mi ran glare at Lee Young coldly , he was just a feet away from her , the guards were standing right beside him , ready to protect him if there's the call for it .

Mi ran burst out laughing surprising everyone, Lee Young shook his head he was right she's crazy.

"Miss Mi ran" Lee Hyun caller gently staring at her .

She shook her head then point to Lee Young bruised face , laughing really hard . Lee Hyun looked at his brother also then joined her in making fun of him .

He looks really funny now! His swollen cheek makes him look cute which is really weird and they found it hilarious .

Lee Young glare at his brother with his intimating look who quickly went to hide beside Mi ran.

The room was dead silent , the guards really wants to do nothing but exist the office .

They've always wondered if Lee young knows how much his silent affect them , it feels like the room temperature became really high.

Clearing his throat he dismissed the guard , turn to his brother.

"Did you know her ? He asked not looking at his brother to avoid the daggers being thrown at him with his eyes .

Lee young scoffed , nodding his head so they did know each other and it feels like they're sworn enemies .

"Mr Lee she help save our company " .

"Save ? ".

"Brother you've always say we should avoid mixing personal life with work , so why don't you tow let go of your past ".

Mi ran glare at Hyun coldly , her glare are much more dangerous than that of his brother.

Sighs, if offered a job she'll gladly accept it cause now she really needs to pay her debt which is due in about a month .

"She's not allowed anywhere near Star light or Aura " he siad before heading out .

Hyun breath In relief , that sorted .

He turned towards Mi ran showing her a contract.

"We'll love to have a star like you in the industry " .

Mi ran nodded, of course she's a star she helps them make their biggest sales of the year .

"Alright! I will work for your company but you have to keep my identity a secret." Replied Miran, banging the table with utmost force not worrying about hurting herself.

"Why do you want to keep your id a secret." Asked the Hyun twitching his eyebrows, it was the first time that he ever got interested about someone apart from work related things

There was a reason that Mi ran although a poor girl, has self dignity and could fight with him.

" That's completely my own personal choice and i hope the ceo of L and s would have nothing to with that." Said she while waking away and only stopping in order to take a second glance and saying the last word" remember no one should know."