
What If: Rewrite the stars

Four years ago Mi ran gave birth to a child of still born of an unknown paternity due to her step sister scheme . Four years later she married the man who made everyone turn pale with fright . She thought it was a marriage that will never be intimate she didn't expect to be loved by two big men , one small one big . The world says his heartless and ruthless but who would have thought that this tiger not only sticks to people but also protect his loved one with excellent ability to identify and deal with scheming woman . However later on the hidden past was revealed and she resolutely handed a divorce agreement. "If you want a divorce I'll only give it to you when I'm dead " . She could have decided to put her past behind her and love him with all her heart , but how could she when he was behind the death of her most cherish woman .

Ayodeji_Kehinde_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Mi ran was helping her grandmother with the restaurant when her phone rang , her grandmother brought it for her .

"Your phone rang",

"Really?ok" She siad taking the phone from her granny .

"Hello" a voice siad .

Mi ran looked around then down at her cell .

"Hey! Grandmother did you pick my call, gosh!" She yelled placing her hand on the speaker to prevent the caller from listening.

"Yes! What wrong with that ?".

"Scoffing , what wrong with that? Hey! Why?".

"What else to know if it a guy " , she gave her grandmother a skeptical look .

Is she being serious right now? Wow! She wonder what rom com her granny has been watching .

"Hello" the caller siad agian ,

"I'm an adult, ok?" She said then head out to receive her call .

Unknown caller : Miss Mi ran?.

"Huh? Yes! ".

"Do you mind walking as a Nanny ?.

"Huh? Really! , wow! Thank you!" She said bowing in respect .

"Ok! ,Will send you the address" .

"Yes, thank you, thank you very much " .

Squealing , wow! This is so unexpected, wow! She's really? Wow! . The heavens are sure ready to help her .

"Right? I should get ready" She siad before heading inside to prepare and truth they did send the address.

Wooooooooooo! someone bumped into her sending her flying into the air. She landed flat on her face .

She stood up angrily ready to attack who so ever it is .

It's a little girl " , What with people bumping into her .

"Hey!" She yelled grabbing the little one hand .

"Apologise " She said trying hard as she can not to be too harsh on her , only God knows how much she wish to beat some sense into her .

"Hey!, Apologise? Why? " the little lad said smirking at her.

Gosh! Another spoil rich psycho .

Mi ran grabbed her by the ear yanking it really hard .

The little one hit her right In the stomach , she's way too strong for a child .

Mi ran held the little ones hand .

"Hey! Do you want to die ?, Hey! Let go" the little one yelled.

No mater how the little lad yelled or struggle to free herself from Mi ran grib , she won't budge .

"Hey! Crazy wench let go " She yelled .

"What? Crazy! Hey! You've got some nerves ".

Somehow she was able to free herself from Mi ran grib .

Mi ran chased her , calling after her .

Thank goodness Mi ran was just a feet away from her who saved her from being hitting by a car .

The car came to a halt , the driver got down from the car

"Miss Su" a He called, he picked her up .

He turned to Mi ran ,

"Thank you, Thank you for saving her " .

Thank you ? Did he think she really saved her , one she's a pain in the ass and she definitely don't want to have anything to do with her .

"Thank you auntie" The little lad said smiling sweetly .

Mi ran stare at her in awe , gosh! One who doesn't know will definitely think she's all this sweet .

"No" mi ran smiling back at her , patting her head even when the little one was giving her a deadly glare to express her dissatisfaction.

"Miss ? " the driver called.

"Yes" mi ran answered .

"Why don't I give you a lift" ,

Mi ran nodded, at least she got something for having to go through all that all because of the crazy little thing .

She entered the car , little Su won't stop glaring at her . Mi ran input her location into the Gps .

"You're headed at Mr Lee's house ?" The driver asked in a surprised tone .

Mi rna checked the address the lady sent her earlier and nodded.

"That Miss Su house " .

Alarmed , what ? , she brought out her phone quickly , going through the details agian .

"Lee Su_ryeon ? She asked .


Oh! No! , wait! , Su!, she's the Nanny to this ...gosh! Is someone playing a prank on her .

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