
What If: Rewrite the stars

Four years ago Mi ran gave birth to a child of still born of an unknown paternity due to her step sister scheme . Four years later she married the man who made everyone turn pale with fright . She thought it was a marriage that will never be intimate she didn't expect to be loved by two big men , one small one big . The world says his heartless and ruthless but who would have thought that this tiger not only sticks to people but also protect his loved one with excellent ability to identify and deal with scheming woman . However later on the hidden past was revealed and she resolutely handed a divorce agreement. "If you want a divorce I'll only give it to you when I'm dead " . She could have decided to put her past behind her and love him with all her heart , but how could she when he was behind the death of her most cherish woman .

Ayodeji_Kehinde_ · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Devil himself

With her legged crossed , she sat down her lips curling into a smile . The little one really remind her of herself back then . She placed her hand on her mouth stopping herself from going berserk. She couldn't believe what she just did out there .

"Woah! Hey! I'm awesome, Hey mi ran you're too much " she thought rubbing her light pink cheek lightly .

She saw the Lee entered , she cleared her throat.

"Ahem!" .

Lee young walked pass without a word , "Gosh! What a crazy bastard he could have offered a thank you! " she thought twitching her lips .

Lee Hyun on his way to the stairs turned back , he couldn't seems to get the scene earlier out of his head .

He stare at her long and hard with his hand resting on his hips .

He stood there contemplating weather to talk! , he seems to be afraid of her , she's a crazy lady and everyone knows that .

"Mi...miss" he stuttered.

"What?" She yelled grabbing the sofa angrily standing a little still in her sitting position.

Lee Hyun moves back in fear running upstairs like a chased cat .

"Laughing , Ahaha" , she was quite amused with herself lately , who could have thought she'll get the chance to be this closed to the most feared family in the city ?.

Wow! She must have saved some god in her past life to be this lucky! Or she must have been an angel of some sort .

Ahahaha what a joke!.

Mi ran stood ,going round the house , she bumped into an old lady.



Ji soo won't stop fuming with anger , her workers couldn't dare breath .

"Whack! She slammed her cell through the wall , Eun rushed in hugging her from behind .

She relaxed against his body hugging him tight .

He had just been informed about what had happened from his guard , he clearly rushed over after hearing what had happened.

He spin her around to face him , upon seeing his face she burst into tears .

Seeing his beloved wife looked miserable because of that wench his heart twisted in rage . He does care that Mi ran had been through a lot because of him in the past but if anyone dares to make his Ji soo cry he won't hesitate to make that person life miserable.

He hugged his wife dearly , coaxing her .

"Honey" she cried , Eun looked at his beautiful wife eyes whose face was now red and puffy, his hand formed a ball .

Ji Soo told her love what had happened, well of course twisting the story to her advantage.

"I'll make her pay , no one messes with my woman".

He took his phone and make a call through the director assistant, he pleaded and promised to make amend .

"Mr Eun I'm truly sorry! , your wife's a star and we won't dare to offend her , that witch must have brainwash the director, I Apologised sincerely ".

"You better" he said putting an end to that the call .

Ji soo was happy , she sit down on the bed dragging Eun with her .

"Thank you Honey! " she said nuzzling her nose on his neck .

"How could sister look down on me?" I'm sure she's back to make me miserable and I know it my fault " . She said covering her face with her hand in shame .

Eun placed his middle finger on her lips shushing her ,

"Yes honey! , the night of the award she said I'm just a joke to you that why you're afraid to be with me "she siad interwining her hand with his in a seductive way .

Eun clenched his fists "how dare her" he thought .

Ji soo Eun widen upon remembering something.

"Honey! Do you know if Lee Young's having an affair?".

Eun raised his brow ,

"What? He asked .

"Sh...she " She stammer contemplating weather to tell him or not .

"She was with Lee Young "she blurted .

"What? He asked surprised, what could she be doing with the devil himself!. What business could she have with him .

"Yes honey! They seems pretty close " she said staring at his face , he was disgusted.