
What If: Rewrite the stars

Four years ago Mi ran gave birth to a child of still born of an unknown paternity due to her step sister scheme . Four years later she married the man who made everyone turn pale with fright . She thought it was a marriage that will never be intimate she didn't expect to be loved by two big men , one small one big . The world says his heartless and ruthless but who would have thought that this tiger not only sticks to people but also protect his loved one with excellent ability to identify and deal with scheming woman . However later on the hidden past was revealed and she resolutely handed a divorce agreement. "If you want a divorce I'll only give it to you when I'm dead " . She could have decided to put her past behind her and love him with all her heart , but how could she when he was behind the death of her most cherish woman .

Ayodeji_Kehinde_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

She’s a monster

Mi ran woke up to a splitting headache, her hands were making movements on the bed , trying to get rid of the alarm that woke her up .

Thud! She fell hard on the floor hitting the table also making everything on the table spar to the floor.

She stood up angrily, holding her hurt head . The door open with a swing .

Bang! Her grandma hit her with the steel .

"Hey! Grandma? , gosh! It too bad she hurt herself early and now! .

"What? Mi ran ?" , she stare at her surprised.

"Hey! If you had not sneaked in , I wouldn't have hit you!" .

She glare at her grandma with her mouth use open .

What ? Jeez! Gosh! , is she truly her grandmother?.

"Hey! I didn't want to wake you up , I got here late and ..... gosh! , I shouldn't have come back here " sh e pouted her lips , rubbing her throbbing head .

What a good day to start a morning , yesterday was rough at it is and now with her grandma!.

"How dare you glare at your grandma like that? , she said feeling discomfort under her blazer gaze then starts to chase her around.

Thanks to her cell which saved her , she took her cell then rush out before her granny will have her head .


The taxi dropped her right in front of Lee young mansion, she couldn't believe she was back here . She rang the alarm.

She was asked to meet here , there's this new product and the company wants her to be the model for the advert .

Walking in she was met with a different case , Mi ran state hard and long , she was surprised with the memorable event happening in front of her .

If anyone knows what this nobody just witnessed, they'll be shocked to death , it once in a life time she'll get the chance to witness the Lee ...

She look up , the little devil was standing right at the rooftop threatening to jump down .

The guards and everyone were scare to death , even if it just a threat she might trip and one thing they know about the little miss devil , she's one crazy lot .

"Su please hurry climb down please" Lee Hyun cries about to lose it .

He couldn't believe his brother won't try to conjole her , he knows just a word from him will calm her at least a leaf don't just fall off the sky . They're pretty much the same .

"Little Su, Hey! Think about your poor uncle " he pleaded glaring at his brother would stood there glaring at his watch unmoving .

"All of you stay away or i will jump now and you will see me dead!" Said Little su with a sharp chill yet growl in her voice, her hands were actually trembling and face showing clear sign of sweat with half opened eyes measuring the height.

Mi ran observed her carefully with her eyes locked at the little girl cleary scared yet desperate somehow in order to jump

Mi ran chuckled , she wouldn't do it! , she's afraid she could tell even though she tried to hide her fears .

Mi ran struck her chin smiling she was like her , she'll do all sort of crazy thing just to get her father to notice her .

She walked closer to them , resting her hand on Lee Hyun .

"Hey! I'll be late " she said twitching her lips in disgust.

Lee Hyun turn around shocked! Astonished! , Jeez! Who are this people, who don't give adman about a little girl trying to commit suicide.

He would have call an expert but he didn't want the news messing with his neice .

"Hey!, get it over " Mi ran yelled hitting Lee Hyun on the head .

She turned around giving this astonished look, like one who just remembered something important.

She jumped up , calling happily.

"Hey! ,oh my God! I'm going to be famous for uploading a sucidal video! " Hey! And it'll be slow..... " Mi ran said holding both her hand to her mouth and acting as if she's amused .

The attention of the whole crowd shifted to her , who was clearly out of her mind to say something like that in such a situation.

Even Lee Young turned to glare at her .

"Just wait here please girl " she said while searching for something in her purse .

"THERE WE Go!" She smirked" Now if you'll just allow me to record a video of yours falling because i.have never seen something like that ".

The little girl was frozen at her place as she never saw and heard something like that in her past .

She recalled that whenever she had tried this trick everyone would be worried and about her but th..this this "the audacity of this woman "she thought In her mind .

"Ahhh! Wait if you fall down but don't die instead break some of your bones ". Mi ran said , a light chuckles escaping her lips while her eyes were full fledged open as if showing a mock in them .

" I wonder how you'll live cause next time you would be bedridden and won't be able to jump but if you insists , at least I'll have the chance to witness this and it'll give the audience the audience to know how foolish you are?".

Mi ran knows children likes to be coxed but that will only make them act reckless so .

She saw the little le retreat back , she smiled in satisfaction but still it bad enough she didn't get to witness her falling .