
What If: Rewrite the stars

Four years ago Mi ran gave birth to a child of still born of an unknown paternity due to her step sister scheme . Four years later she married the man who made everyone turn pale with fright . She thought it was a marriage that will never be intimate she didn't expect to be loved by two big men , one small one big . The world says his heartless and ruthless but who would have thought that this tiger not only sticks to people but also protect his loved one with excellent ability to identify and deal with scheming woman . However later on the hidden past was revealed and she resolutely handed a divorce agreement. "If you want a divorce I'll only give it to you when I'm dead " . She could have decided to put her past behind her and love him with all her heart , but how could she when he was behind the death of her most cherish woman .

Ayodeji_Kehinde_ · Fantasy
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25 Chs

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Mi ran stood up walking round the house, she bumped into an old scary lady . Oops!.

"You this wench! , I'll murder you! "Do you know how expensive that vase is?" Said the old lady chasing her round the house , she didn't stop until Mi ran hit her head on the floor bleeding.

The old hag walked closer , smiling in satisfactory.

"Now that's enough for the vase!".


"Hello! Excuse me!" Someone waved hand right in her face . Mi ran shook her head coming back from the dream land .

What a stupid imagination.

She was afraid of the woman, she somehow reminds her of her granny .

"Huh! Yes? I'm sorry " she reply bowing slightly not taking her eyes off the woman . She looks really scary .


"Get away from there" ,

Mi ran hurriedly do that!.

"Oh! Let me " she said trying to take the broom from the old lady .

"Gosh! No , this old lady won't be comfortable having one do her work for her " she said .

Mi ran snapped her head upright, her eyes glowing not from excitement but rather amused .

She really sound like her grandmother! Woah! This is not goooooood!.

Once the old lady was done , she walked closer towards to Mi ran .

Lee Hyun came running , his brother just nearly kill him , all because he advice him to treat his daughter nicely .

"Hyun" the old lady called .

"Grandmother! Young almost kill me , I'll have to go to the office to stay away from him " he siad pouting his lips .

He saw mi ran smiling and he was almost at the point of collapsing.

"Mr Lee" she called trying to get hold of him , he rushed out before her hand could touch his .

"Good day Miss" he said hurriedly not looking back once ,

Woah! Who is she ? Is she perhaps .... he shook his head getting the stupid thought off his head . She's something .

"Yes sir" , damn! That crazy pretty jerk face .

"Come over " She said gesturing with her hand for Mi ran to move closer .

"What? Yes" Mi ran nodded , she couldn't seems to get her granny scary looking face off her head whenever she looks at the granny .

The old lady took Mi ran's hand , giving it a little squeeze.

"Thank you" She said patting her hand .

" What? " , Mi ran was lost and surprised.

"Thank you!, little Su has been through a lot , she didn't get the chance to see her birth mother hence she became lonely ".

Mi ran nodded not sure of what to say .

The old lady continued,"her busy father have little time for her hence the only way to get her fathers attention is by causing him trouble ".

"I was aware you were going to be her Nanny, please help out little Su! , you might not be her nanny anymore but I've never seen any lady get close to the family like you " .

Mi ran still not sure of what to say just stood there staring at her ,

The old lady handed Su food to her .

"Please get her to eat a little! She has not tasted anything for two days now and she's just a child ". Please help her out!" .

Mi ran nodded taking the food upstairs, she won't stop smiling.


Almost to Su's doorsteps she bumped into someone again , almost making the food fall off the tray .

Muscular hand hurriedly grab the food from her , she hold his hand steading herself from falling .

"Gosh! What a crazy jerk ! , the food was important?" She said twitching her face in disgust .

"No! This is a very expensive suit , can't risk staining it " he said with a smirk curling on his handsome face .

"Jerk!" She said then proceed to knock Su's door .

"I'm coming in , ok?" She yelled knocking the door off it position .

Lee Young stars at her , his blood fuming did she just destroyed his door for what ?.

"Hey!" He yelled, he couldn't keep his cool whenever she's concern and that annoys the fuck out of him . Everyone knows him , a word that all or no word at all and with her .

"Hey! What?" She said raising her hand up in defense.

He dry chuckles escapes his lips , "that door is more expensive than you are ".

"WHAT!!!!" , she took his hand bending it over , he yelled .

"Hey! Let go " , she didn't she was more angry! How dare he compare his stupid door to her! .

How dare him compare a thing with human!.

Little Su's laughter snapped them both out of their little fight .

"Hey! Let go " he yelled .

She let go off his arm ,

"Ouch!" He cried out in pain , rubbing his arm , he thinks she just dislocate his hand .

Without saying a word , she picked up the tray then head inside .

Mi ran followed, same with Young but not because of his daughter but because he needs to deal with that crazy wench!.

"Hey! Apologize " he demanded showing her his phone .

She laughs pointing at him with her hand on her hips .

"50 what ? Hey! Crazy jerk!" She cursed staring at him like one who wants nothing but to have his head .

"Grandmother asked me to bring this" she said , pointing at the food Su was eating well almost done eating .

Su stood up hurriedly almost chocking on her food , she coughed and Young looks like one who had just received a bad news .

Mi ran handed her some water , giving them the skeptical look .

"Grandmother?" , she asked her eyes widening .

"Yes grandmother! , the old scary lady at the kitchen".

Both father and daughter both let out a breath they didn't know they were holding .

She stare at them both! Woah! They're pretty much the same .

Lee Young turn around ready to leave ! , Mi ran grabbed his suit , sending him back flying towards Su .

Even Su was surprised, she knows how scary her father is though she had never for once acted intimidated by him at least she's of his blood and she knows very well how to act unmoving .

"Hey! He yelled , jeez! Can she respect him a little even though as her boss ?.

"What ? Hey! , you're going to the nursery with your daughter, ok? " she has a presentation and both of her parents has to be present so you're going ".

"Get ready Su , your fathers going " she said then head downstairs.

What? Who is she to tell him what to do? .

And just has she said she dragged him all the way from the house into the house even tying his hand to prevent him from running off .

The guards were quite surprised woah! Young boss Wasn't joking when he said she's a crazy lady .