
What if Natasha survived

Chloe_Stanbridge · Movies
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Chapter 6

Clint and Natasha arrive after a 6.5-hour drive. Clint unbuckles his seatbelt, exits the vehicle, and opens Natasha's door.

"You don't need to worry about anything; everything will be OK," Clint reassures her.

"I'm not worried; I'm fine," Natasha assured Clint.

They then proceed to Shield's main office. They were stopped by shield security, but Fury got there quickly. Natasha knew that even though these security people knew her and Clint because of everything that had happened, they were extra cautious unless told otherwise by Fury.

"Stand down; it's all right." Fury instructs the guards.

They stop and listen. Fury then signals for Clint and Natasha to follow him into a room. They follow him into a room. Fury shuts the door behind them.

Natasha wheeled herself up to a table, and Clint went and sat down on a chair.

"So what happened, and How are you alive? fury asked. "Although I'm happy that you're alive, I'm curious as to how that's possible given that we all know you died," Fury asked Natasha.

"It's kind of hard to explain and kind of unbelievable, but I was approached by a man who told me I could have a second chance at life, but I had to pick an option; he gave me the option of two different injuries, and if I picked one of them, I may return; if not, I could cross over to the afterlife," Natasha explained to Fury.

"It's interesting how it's only you; why didn't anyone else get this option?" Fury asked.

"Anybody that died for a stone or directly through the power of a stone would have had the same chance at returning as me. The person did tell me there were four others," Natasha told agent Fury.

"Do you know who the other people who might have been offered the same option are? I suppose that Stark might have been one of them. He did die using the stones to snap and beat Thanos," Fury said.

"He just told me there were four others; I have no idea who they are except possibly Tony Vision, Loki, and Nebula's sister; if it's not them, then I'm not sure," Natasha told Fury.

"Right, okay. I'll try to get in touch with them or someone who knows them to see if they're back. If they are, and you're right, I'll invite everyone in for a meeting. I would like to know what's going on and how it's happened, and I also want to make sure none of them are threats, especially with some of them having a history of it," Fury told Natasha.

"I understand," Natasha told Fury.

Fury looked at Clint. "Although I understand that you won't be pleased to see Loki again, if he's alive, I need him for the meeting. Are you sure that you can handle seeing him? It will only be for the meeting?" Fury asked Clint.

"I'll be alright, as long as he stays away from me and doesn't say anything to me. I'll manage," Clint told Fury.

"Ok Good. I'll keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't try to speak to you." Fury said to Clint.

Then Fury stood up to go and make phone calls. "Natasha, you're a good agent and a good fighter; just so you know, you're always welcome here, injured or not," Fury told Natasha.

"I know, but I'm not sure if I'm going to come back through the Avengers or what's left of them may need help," Natasha told Fury.

"That's okay. Whatever you decide to do, the door will always be open for you," Fury told Natasha, then he looked at Clint. "And Barton, if you choose to come back, the door is also open for you."

"We will keep a watch on everyone returning for a few weeks at least to make sure things are okay and to make sure there are no issues or problems with everyone suddenly returning from the dead," Fury told Natasha and Clint.

"We understand it's the protocol, and there's nothing you can do about it," Natasha told Fury.

Fury did something he rarely does: he smiled at Natasha before leaving the room.