
TCVO: Commences

All the nin of the Cloud were training for this battle between the Akatsuki, as Hinata and Yugito were talking about how Hinata escaped when she brought up the idea of the Blood clone. Yugito had stated it's a Double S-rank Kinjutsu(forbidden) that created a clone made of blood as strong as the normal version, and how did she learn it?

"I'd learned Kage Bushin no Jutsu: Buraddoāto from Naruto, he said that the average(clanless) Jonin would die just trying to create the blood for the clone and that only those with strong bloodline limits or Kage level chakra could create them. If that's true, how did you make 3, questioned Yugito. Oh, Naruto found a way to bypass this and had a technique called *Transform* when he can turn into somebody else and have all their attributes by congestion of blood. So he created shadow clones, and used Transform after congestion my blood, then gave me a seal that allowed me to create at least 10 no more than 20. Yugito thoughts: *WTf is this Naruto kid, some god shinobi vampire???*

"Is it possible for me to use it, questioned Yugito. I'm not sure, questioned Hinata but I might be able to connect our chakra networks somehow to link our blood so you can use the Buraddoāto seal. Ok, before we try to figure that out, we and the other cloud Nin are going to train to perfect our techniques as the Akatsuki are a tough group, especially since they have a man who has the Rinnegan, the Sage of Six Paths dojutsu and Itachi of the Mankegou Sharingan with a flame that never burns: Amaterasu. We'll need to be able to counter at least those abilities for a chance at victory, stated Yugito with uncertainty in her voice. Naruto, I will find you! stated a determined Hinata.

3 Month Time Skip: "Group(D) let's go, stated Yugito as she had mainly high chunin level ninjas and Hinata follow her as they'd tracked the Akatsuki through the usage of Hinatas Byakugan. I believe I see 10 members through this rock seal."

The earth-style jutsu masters of Group D all stated, "Earth Shattering Ceiling Jutsu as their base collapsed."

"Hidan, Kakuzu go deal with the intruders, stated pain as they complied. As soon as they stepped out, they were already in range for Eight Trigrams: 128 Palms with Twin Lions Fists which destroyed their chakra network and their bodies. Then Yugito came out of hiding in her red 2-tailed form and punched Hidan through a wall and attempted to Bijuu Dama Kakazu, however, it was absorbed by Pain.

"Vacuum Palm! shouted Hinata as it targeted Hidan, but Samehada had swallowed the chakra up and Kisame blitzed at her, however, she managed to dodge through the use of her byakugan and started weaving. Hinata jumbled up in the air and utilized Wind Nature and Lightning Nature release on her shuriken then launched Vaccum Palm which cuts through Kisame's hand before he realized it and could regenerate. At that moment, she stated: Twin Lion Fists! and started destroying Kisame's body from afar each touch drained Kisame's chakra so much that his body was weakening and Samehada had almost left his side."

However, Kisame managed to block one of the attacks and kicked Hinata away. "I underestimated that brat," stated Kisame as he performed the hand-signs: Tiger → Ox → Dragon → Hare → Dog → Bird → Rat → Clone seal → Dragon → then stated, Water Release: Water Shark Bullet Jutsu! which conjured up a gigantic shark that came at rapid speeds towards Hinata. Although Hinata could see its path with the use of her Byakugan, her Chakra Aegis or Palm Rotation was not strong enough to defend against it so it went through her and destroyed her body. This left Hinata mangled and barely conscious as Kisame e brought down Samehada. However, *Whoosh* Yugito had blitzed in her V2 form as the effect of Samehada and Matatabi V2 Tails slamming together caused the ground to cave in creating a crater. As soon as this happened, Samehada started sucking on that Yugitos V2 which reduced her to a V1 state and caught her off guard. This had given Kisame time to enter his shark-man form and he cast the jutsu known as Water Prison: Shark Dance Technique creating a massive Dome of Water. "

"Yugito and Hinata were struggling to breathe and they started drowning as their chakra depleted. On the other hand, Kisame was moving at incredible speeds through the water and was destroying Yugitos's body nearly killing her as she was left with an upper body with no limbs intact. Kisame wanted to finish the job so he dashed at Yugito with intent to kill. However, Pain had dispersed the water dome with Shinra Tensei! and said their mission was done for now. Pain, Itachi, Deidara, Sasori, Obito, and Konan had watched this battle happening because a spy had told them of it. Zetsu had killed the lower level, Cloud Nin."

As the Akatsuki were heading towards their other base on Deidara cloud dragon, Pain, and Itachi felt the chakra of a Bijuu Dama headed towards them as *BOOOOM*. The entire Mountain was essentially nuked. The Akatsuki barely escaped this attack and saw Yugito and Hinata running away.

"What the, I thought I killed the Hyuuga, and how is the jinchurikis body still here, stated Kisame. It's a blood clone, stated Itachi. I've struggled with that technique as it is SS-Rank. It's most likely the work of the Naruto kid.  It's most definitely a trap, stated Pain as the 5 other paths arrived, and Pain told Itachi, Konan, and Kisame to follow him."

They jumped into the seal and they were in a barrier of some sort, it's weird how big it was. "That barely worked, if Itachi had joined Kisame, this operation might've been unsuccessful, stated a stressed Mabui. Yo cuz, I'm bout ta whoop u ass, stated Killer B as he equipped his 9 swords and started dueling with the animal path, just as the Asura path launched missiles and Bee went into V1 8 tails mode and tanked it, then proceeded to speed blitz the Asura path and destroyed it completely, then use a Lariat on the animal path before it could summon anything. Killer Bee effectively killed 2 paths of pain, however, the Preta Path absorbed all of Killer Bee's chakra as he dashed back for distance. You should be more observant of your opponents, stated Itachi in his Sussano form as he smacked Killer Bee away, Kisame attempted to follow up but it *Poofed* and more Killer Bee clones came out launching fire style, lighting style, and earth style jutsu as they opponents evaded. The Preta Path took the chance to absorb the jutsu, as the clones last heard: Shinra Tensei! The actual cloud nin launched a fireball towards the group from long range, however, Itachi just countered with his own fireball."

"Konan arranged her papers and started using them to attack from long range, however, she'd stepped on a seal that teleported her to A's location. A went into his V1 lighting cloak and stated Lariat! rushing Konan at incredible speeds, however, she barely dodged by dispersing into paper. She then threw paper bombs at him to create a distraction so she could fly into his hair using her paper wings and launched many attacks in the shapes of spikes, cones, and swords. "

Darui stated Lighting Release: Black Panther destroyed the attacks Konan was launching and stunned her for long enough for Raikage A to blitz her and pummel her down to the ground effectively killing her.

"Hmph, that wasn't even a proper warmup, stated A as they waited for more to drop down from the seal aided by the Mabuis technique."

"Gyuki, you ready, stated Killer Bee. Yeah! as they enter their 8-tailed V2 form. Killer Bee started launching Bijuu Bombs toward the group of Akatsuki as the Preta Path attempted to absorb the chakra but fireballs and long-distance lightning jutsu came from the other direction destroying the Preta Path."

Pain uses his King of Hell to restore itself due to the amount of chakra consumption as he retreats from now.

On the other hand: "As you said earlier, be more observant of your opponents, stated Killer B to Itachi as he broke his ribcages. Itachi had quickly used genjutsu to counter, however, Killer Bee effortlessly broke through it in his V2 state. If that's not going to work, I'll just seal you away, stated Itachi as he conjured up his red Susanoo. It had the Totsuka blade and the Yata mirror. In response, Killer Bee went into full-tailed beast form as Gyuki came about dwarfing Itachis Susanoo. Gyuki knew that he couldn't destroy the Yata Mirror so it just grabbed it off Itachis hand, and it then dashed towards Itachi and annihilated the Susanoo before Itachi had time to use the Totsuka blade or Amaterasu. *Itachi had used too much chakra, so he couldn't immediately affect the black flame.* That was when Gyuki just launched itself at the Susanoo destroying it. Gyuki then formed a Bijuu Dama, swallowed it and it came out like a Kamehameha launched towards Itachi as it destroyed the Paths in the way. The Deva path managed to escape, and it seemed Itachi was done as he but the orange-masked man warped him away.

"Hello, there Gyuki, stated Obito in a Madara-esque voice as he warped himself inside of Gyuki wood splinters came out which caused a lot of damage as neither B nor Gyuki could properly move. Haku and Zabuza also came out of the Kamui dimension with their chakra being on a different level. Ice Mirrors! stated Haku as he had got Gyuki captured in them, and threw gigantic Ice spikes at incomprehensible speeds which got B into critical condition and Zabuza cut off Gyuki's tails using his newly improved Executioner Blade. Come on, why is it not working, why can't I teleport B, stated Mabui in stress. Just as Obito was about to finish the job, a child arrived on the scene. SHINE!! stated a man as one finger touched the ground. This caused the trees, ground, and lava underground, and the Akatsuki miles away in the air: Hidan, Kakazu, and Orochimaru. Obito had barely managed to escape to his Kamui dimension with Haku and Zabuza being shocked at how fast Naruto came back. He knew he and Madara needed to use the 10 tails and double-team him to beat him, and he seems to be stronger than their last encounter which made Oboti shit himself. The chakra-controlled decay had destroyed a 20-mile radius leaving the Cloud Nin alive and a relieved Mabui. Hinata had sensed the chakra, and saw him stating Naruto! I heard you guys were accompanying Hinata, stated a smirking Naruto. Keep good care of her, I can't stay in the mortal world for more than 20 seconds, stated Naruto as he located Deidara and killed him before he could set off the C0. Let's go Naruto, you've yet to complete your training stated Jin Ju as they just distempered into the sky. Huff Puff, Naruto! Wait for me.... let me go with stated Hinata as she barely missed reuniting with him."

"Wait what, you're telling me this 13-year-old took care of all the Akatsuki, saved my brother, and is apparently a god now, stated the Raikage after the report from Karuis he looked at the other Kages. Yes A-sama, stated Karui. We need him in our own village, he could change the shifts of power, he's an anatomy that needs to be assigned to a Village, stated A. I'm not letting you take Naruto from his own destiny, stated Hiruzen. Shut up deadbeat, you're the reason he left, stated the Raikage. And what makes you think that, questioned Hiashi obviously being mad about what A's father did. Maybe it's because your daughter decided to leave your shitty village for ours after we nearly kidnapped her, fool. Hiashi went quiet. How many ninjas have left your village all because you could not take care of the 4ths son, Hiruzen? I think the only Village he should be allowed to be assigned to is the Cloud and the Stone. Sunakugare is struggling with economy and corruption due to the Kazekage that was assassinated, stated Ohnoki as Temari didn't have anything to say. Moreover, Konohagure shows that it can keep its most powerful leader under control, Hidden Mist is in a civil war." 

"Hmph, why should he join your village, Old Man Ohnoki? It's because his master is a friend of our jinchurriki, Roshi. Well, I found out that his master is from this village, stated A. I'm not letting you take Naruto-boy from me, I have to fulfill his father's promise, not willing to hand him to his enemy, stated Hiruzen. So you insisting we fight stated Yagura with Malice."

"Yugito, what's happening, I heard villagers rumoring about a Kage War in our village concerning Naruto-kun, stated Hinata. "I was surprised, it turns out the 5 kages are fighting, and Hiashi Hyuuga is going to fight Darui for you to stay in the cloud or go back to the leaf, stated Yugito. Hinata, don't worry, I wont let him take you. "

Ready, Set, Go! stated Samui as the 5 Kages blitz at one another, and Ohnoki, stated Dust Release and it hits...