
The Cloud Village Offensive


"We are going to lure the Akatsuki into the Land of Lightning, we will have the geographic advantage. We can use that advantage to lay down traps and sneak attack them where don't expect. If we don't manage to get all the Akatsuki in one place, we will at least destroy their foundation, stated A to the group of chunin to high-jonin level ninjas."

Here's the setup, stated A as he looked at the group: "We have 4 groups who all have distinct jobs. Group A(Gladiators): We are the ones who will face the Akatsuki head-on. This is my group. Group B(Henge)Bait: You guys will act as bait with Killer Bee. You will create shadow clones and transform all of them into B, and once the Akatsuki kills all of the clones of B. You will then support B in his Bijju Bomb Barrage from a distance by utilizing long-distance fire style, wind style, and lightning style jutsu. Group C(Fuinjist): These are the sealers/trappers. You guys will lay traps beforehand and link them to the chakra of the Akatsuki members already collected are Itachi's, Kisame's, Hidan's, and Kakazu's. We also have 2 mystery Akatsuki members' chakras, one wearing an orange mask that uses space-time ninjutsu and a plant one that can travel underground(so it seems). One of the seals should be space-time ninjutsu that teleports the user, using the Uzumaki books we collected over the years. This way we can confine the orange-masked man. The seal group will set seals that only activate once the opponent's chakra is near. These will create Barriers that only Group(A) can pass and we will quickly barrage them. Last but not least is Group D(Diversion): You guys will be led by Yugito Nii as they have already allowed her to escape twice. It can lead to them rushing their plans due to past failures. You guys will use an Earth Release that breaks down the ceiling of their base, they'll come out of the base. And see Yugito Nii in her full Bijju mode and she would stomp on all of them then utilize her nature release and a point-blank Bijju-Dama to create smoke. Afterward,  Mabui will teleport them back to the Land of the Lightning. Don't fret, Mabui has used the information from the Uzumaki books provided by the Hyuuga from a friend. She's developed a jutsu that may not be as fast, but it won't destroy the average person's body, but takes 5 hours for them to come back to join in the assault. If the battle takes that long, Group D will transfer into Group A when they arrive. Does everybody understand, screamed A. Yes, Raikage-sama screamed the army of Cloud Nin.

"How are we sure this strategy will work, and who came up with it? questioned Hinata. I feel like we have too much information. Was it Mabui?"

It's not from Mabui, but from the jinchurriki of the 5 tails, Roshi who said a friend suggested this idea and he will join us in the battle to prove his legitimacy. I was shocked that he left his peaceful hermit to give us this information and join us in. I knew the Akatsuki had not attacked him yet, stated Yugito but my Bijju told me that Son Goku(5 tails) said Roshi was not in a genjutsu and had not encountered any of the Akatsuki. Weezy Carter, Don' be worry cuz we got this ez dub. We de real cloud, an' they got the goofy red 1s jus' like phonies got no mon A's, rapped horribly by Killer B(Thats my best rap impression of B.) Ignore him, stated Yugito. I will, replied Hinata as they went to a ramen shop. Although inferior to Ichirakus.