
Kages Beefing: Pre-Shippuden

Ready, Set, Go! stated Samui as the 5 Kages blitz at one another, and Ohnoki, stated Dust Release and it hits... Hiruzen.

"You're 5 years old to fool me, stated Onoki as it was Kage Bushin."

The area is very rocky with a lot of mountains and a rocky landscape fit for a battle of Kages. Ohnoki then flew to the skies and launched particle-style beams of light coming down from the heavens. Yagura then went into his V2 state, in response, Sarutobi created 5 shadow clones they all used different elemental attacks toward the jinchurikki. However, Mizukage defended using his Mirror Reflecting Technique: This is when he rotates his water mirror 90 degrees and it perfectly creates a copy of whatever comes in contact. This negated Hiruzen's attack. Temari threw some wind attacks which were easily defended by the Kage. Raikage A went into his V2 Form which can tussle with a Full Tailed Beast Form Bee.

"ROAAAR! screamed Yagura Valianty. He swiftly tackled Ohnokhi, however, he used an Earth-style Jutsu to weaken the blow. Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet! stated Hiruzen to Yagura. Yagura had used his water mirroring jutsu to reflect this back at Hiruzen which hit because of his old age. Yagura in his V2 state then smacked A with his tail breaking his left arm in the process. A had retreated as he was dashing around he noticed a frog in a pond filled with sharks.

"I'm struggling to keep up in this situation, stated Temari as she barely escaped Ohnoki's attacks by using her fan to push her away which caused some grave injuries." *Crack* Temari's back was bent as she fell down to the ground unconscious and then dead due to A's neck chopping from the back using his right arm. A and Ohnoki talked about teaming up on Hiruzen during the fight." 

*Clash* *Bang* The ground was caving in on itself as just religiously performing jutsus. The once beautiful and rocky landscape turned into a hell that Jonin-level shinobi and lower couldn't fathom. Yagura and Hiruzen were going at it with Hiruzen throwing every trick and jutsu in the book, from Shadow Clone Shuriken to Fire Release: Pheonix Sage Fire Technique as Yagura uses Water Style Jutsu and Bijuu-damas. Hiruzen is sweating profusely as he is struggling to keep up due to old age. Hiruzen turns the Earth below into mud right before he launches himself at a dashing V2 Yagura, but uses a Wind Style: Gale Palm to shift his direction to the left as Yagura gets stuck in the Mud jutsu.

"I have to attack before he recovers, stated a tired Hiruzen, Mud Release: Mud Dragon Jutsu! A Mud Dragon emerges as its mud projectiles come out rapidly and Hiruzen stands behind it saying, Fire Style: Fire Dragon Bullet! to light them on fire. This somewhat damages Yagura and makes it hard for him to recover."

"Enma! What do you need, old man? Make some bars for me as soon as I hit Yagura, he's the most unpredictable and loosest cannon here." Hiruzen's stick had elongated to hit Yagura and caged him from behind. "You're too slow, stated Raikage A as a lariat destroyed Hirzuen's upper body which actually killed him because of old age." A had come out from knocking out Temari and blitzing towards Hiruzen at lightning speed seeing his opportunity to strike.

"I'm sorry Naruto-boy, Minato, and Kushina, I've failed your promise and your son, sighed Hiruzen in his last moments as blood spurts out, and his soul's depleted. Monkey King Enma looks away as he is reverse summoned back to the Monkey King Sage Mode World and he's surprised at who he sees.

"Raikiage A without warning uses Nintaijutsu to utterly, and despicably blitz the now recovering Yagura and crush his head off in his V2 Lightning form as Ohnoki has a "great finish" and disintegrates him using Particle Style. That for my Left Arm! stated A. (His left Arm can't catch a break)."

The mountain-like landscape was no more as pain, grit, regret, pain, and tiredness loomed over it with blood staining the floor. 

The fight was over, but the war was looming. Why would the Kage fight especially when they know the consequences? 

Obito: "It seems my plan is going perfectly, as long as Minato's Kid isn't ready, It'll be smooth. I've got ways of dealing with him. Ji- Oh, it's just you Zetsu, we have to talk about the date of his revival. You mean Madara, questioned Zetzu. No, the other guy! smirked Obito."