
What I become A God?

After Joe Cameron dies, he wakes up in a place he can't understand. He's given a Divine System and sent on a big adventure to make a new world. With these powers, Joe crafts humanity, molds the earth, and forges the heavens above. But while he's making everything, there are problems that threaten his god-like status. Follow Joe on a huge journey of making life, facing death, and trying to figure out why he's here in "What I become A God?."

THE_V1S1ON · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
65 Chs

Chapter 49: Chalu’s Journey (25)

The battlefield was covered with the bodies of fallen soldiers, showing the brutality of the conflict. Among the chaos, two figures knelt on the blood-soaked ground, facing each other. Lumiere, gravely wounded, looked up at Colerio with fading eyes. His hand trembled as he reached out to touch Colerio's face, his fingers gently tracing its contours.



"Colerio," Lumiere whispered, his voice weak but filled with a desperate plea, "Live."



With those final words, Lumiere's strength gave out, and he slumped forward, his head resting against Colerio's chest. His eyes fluttered shut, the light within them extinguished.



Colerio knelt there in stunned silence, the weight of Lumiere's lifeless body pressing against him. Tears welled up in his eyes, spilling down his cheeks as he choked out Lumiere's name. "L..u..m..i..e..re.."



Desperation clawed at Colerio's heart as he shook Lumiere's body, unwilling to accept the reality before him. "Don't joke around.. pl..e...a...se.." His voice cracked with every word, breaking under the strain of his grief. "I will.. chang..e.. pl..e..as..e.. .please... wake up. Wake up, Lumiere.. Lumiere! .. Lumiere!!!"



His cries echoed through the silent battlefield, a raw and agonized plea for a miracle that would never come. Colerio clung to Lumiere, his body wracked with sobs, the pain of his loss carving deep into his soul.



The nightmare was relentless, an unending loop of heartbreak and despair.



Suddenly, Colerio jolted awake, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He was drenched in sweat, his heart pounding against his ribcage as if it might burst. The haunting image of Lumiere's lifeless form lingered in his mind, an indelible scar etched by the horrors of his dream.



 But it had been more than a dream. It was a memory.



Then He looked around, trying to ground himself in the reality of the safe house. The dim light revealed the familiar faces of Raro, Lyro, Belz, and Gori, all asleep. His eyes lingered on Raro, whose orange fur and gentle demeanor reminded him painfully of his adopted mother, Helena. The memories of her kindness and warmth brought a flicker of sorrow to his eyes.



Noticing Chalu's absence, Colerio quietly slipped out of the safe house. The cool night air provided a stark contrast to the warmth inside. He walked with purpose, searching for Chalu. Soon, he found him, tirelessly training, swinging his sword with a fierce determination.



"It's not enough... my power... it's not enough." Chalu murmured, frustration etched into his voice as he panted heavily.



Colerio watched him for a moment before speaking. "Your posture and fundamentals are good."



Chalu froze, then turned in shock. "Teacher Colerio! You're here? How long have you been watching me?"



"Not that long." Colerio replied, a faint smile touching his lips.



"O-Okay." Chalu stammered, trying to compose himself.



Colerio's gaze softened as he looked at Chalu. "Your body shows the signs of hard training."



Chalu smiled, a hint of pride in his expression. "Well, I have to become stronger to protect everyone and achieve my dream."



"Your dream? Is that the unity thing you're striving for?" Colerio asked.



Chalu nodded, looking down as emotions swelled within him. "Yes... It was my dream, Teacher. I want to stop this war between the Eldoan and the Beastfolk."



Colerio smiled faintly, a rare display of warmth from the usually nonchalant man. "You are just like him."



"Just like him? What do you mean, Teacher?" Chalu asked, curiosity and confusion in his eyes.



A shadow of sadness crossed Colerio's face as he met Chalu's gaze. "I had a friend... a best friend who I treated as a brother. He... he was the one who changed me, who set me on the right path."



Colerio looked up at the night sky, the stars twinkling like distant memories. "I was a foolish boy back then, but Lumiere, my friend, he was the one who straightened me out. His dream was the same as yours—to unite the Beastfolk and Eldoan."



Chalu's eyes widened with hope and curiosity. "Really? Where is he now, Teacher?"



Colerio's expression darkened, the weight of his past pressing down on him. "He died trying to set me on the right path. He died because of me... and his dream was never achieved, all because of me."



The silence that followed was heavy with unspoken pain and regret. Chalu looked at his teacher, seeing the vulnerability in his eyes. In that moment, he realized the depth of Colerio's sorrow and the burden he carried.



Colerio suddenly broke the silence, his voice soft but restrained, as if he were holding back a flood of emotions. "You remind me so much of him. That same fire, that same hope."



Chalu nodded, his resolve strengthening with every word. "Then let me carry on his dream. Let me be the one to bridge the gap between the Eldoan and the Beastfolk."



Colerio's eyes flickered with something unspoken, a glimmer of approval. He placed a hand on Chalu's shoulder, his touch firm but gentle. "Lumiere believed in that future. A world where our people could live in harmony."



Chalu's grip tightened on his sword, his eyes filled with newfound determination. "I will make that world a reality, Teacher. I promise you, I will not let Lumiere's dream die."



Colerio nodded, his expression remaining composed, though his eyes spoke volumes. "I believe in you, Chalu. Just... don't lose sight of that hope."



As the night wore on, the two stood together, bound by their shared grief and a renewed sense of purpose. The stars above seemed to shine a little brighter, as if Lumiere himself was watching over them, guiding their steps toward a future he had always dreamed of.




Song by My Chemical Romance


What's the worst that I can say?

Things are better if I stay

So long and goodnight

So long and goodnight

Well, if you carry on this way

Things are better if I stay

So long and goodnight

So long and goodnight



Back at the academy, the fallout from the recent events was palpable. Ash Minse and Aro Lupe, still reeling from the confrontation, gathered with the other teachers to discuss their next steps.



Ash, ever the instigator, paced the room with a frown. "We can't let them get away with this. They deceived us and could pose a threat to our kingdom."



Aro, his anger simmering beneath the surface, nodded in agreement. "We need to inform the authorities and start a manhunt. Colerio has betrayed us, and those beastfolk need to be captured."



Petra Haws, always the voice of reason, spoke up. "But we need to consider the possibility that Colerio had his reasons. He's always been loyal to the kingdom. We should gather more information before making any rash decisions."



Lerona Everdale, still mourning the loss of her student Marlo, added her voice to the debate. "We owe it to Marlo and all those affected to seek justice. But we must also ensure that we don't escalate the situation unnecessarily."



The door creaked open, and Dawk Coe strode in, his presence instantly commanding attention. Specializing in offensive and defensive combat magic, Dawk was known for his fierce dedication to the academy—and his contentious views on beastfolk.



"They're traitors, all of them," Dawk declared, his eyes cold. "Beastfolk cannot be trusted. We've seen their true nature now. We need to purge this threat before it spreads."



Ash nodded in agreement. "Dawk's right. We can't afford to be lenient. Our kingdom's safety is at stake."



Petra frowned, her voice steady but firm. "We mustn't let fear and prejudice cloud our judgment. Not all beastfolk are enemies. We need to find the truth."



Dawk's lip curled in disdain. "Your naivety will be our downfall, Petra. We need to act decisively, or we'll all pay the price."



Shen Mort took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure. "But that's Colerio you're talking about—one of the king's vassals. He has served our kingdom faithfully for years."



Dawk's eyes narrowed. "Loyalty can be a mask for treachery. We can't take any chances."



Ash slammed his hand on the table, frustration evident. "Enough! We need a plan. What are our options?"



Petra glanced around the room, her gaze lingering on each teacher before she spoke. "We could send a small reconnaissance team to gather more information. Find out why Colerio did what he did."



Shen Mort nodded thoughtfully. "A cautious approach might prevent unnecessary conflict."



Aro sighed, still clearly troubled. "But what if this delay costs more lives? What if Colerio and the beastfolk are already planning their next move?"



Petra's expression softened. "I understand your concerns, Aro. But rushing into action without understanding the truth could cause even more harm. We owe it to our students and our kingdom to act wisely."



Ash crossed his arms, his expression skeptical. "And what if Petra's wrong, and this hesitation leads to our downfall?"



Aro scoffed, turning toward the door. "If you want to waste time, be my guest. But remember, hesitation can be deadly."



Dawk followed suit, his disdain palpable. "I too will go. Remember, beastfolk are beasts, not people."



Petra sighed, her frustration evident. "Aro really hates Colerio. Haisst..."



Lerona nodded, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "And Dawk, he's always been racist towards us swordsmen. He thinks the world revolves around mages."




Ash Minse, who had been quietly observing the exchange, murmured under his breath, "This is good." A sly smirk spread across his face as he leaned back against the wall, his eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and calculation.



As Aro and Dawk left the room, the room fell into a tense silence as each teacher grappled with their emotions and the gravity of the situation. The academy's future—and that of the kingdom—hung in the balance.


As Rowena stood in the camp of the Eldoan army, overseeing the preparations for the next assault, a man approached her hastily. His face was pale, and his movements were urgent.



"Ms. Rowena." he called out, his voice trembling slightly.



Rowena turned to face him, her eyes narrowing. "Oh, you are here, Cevic. What's going on? Is this about the battlefield?" Her tone was calm, but there was an edge of impatience.



Cevic gulped, trying to steady his nerves. "No, Ms. Rowena. There was an accident."



Rowena's expression darkened. "What accident?" she demanded, her voice cold and commanding.



Cevic hesitated, then said, "It seems Colerio betrayed us."



Rowena's eyes widened in shock. "What?" The word was a sharp whisper, filled with disbelief and anger. "Colerio... betrayed us?" She took a step back, the weight of the news hitting her like a physical blow.



In the shadows, Athos, recovering from his wounds, plotted his next move. His eyes burned with a dark determination as he vowed to exact his revenge on Chalu and his companions. "They may have won this battle, but the war is far from over. I will become stronger, and when the time comes, they will all pay."



Scanning his surroundings, Athos took in the desolate scene. It looked like a battlefield, strewn with the bodies of Eldoans and Beastfolk alike. The air was thick with the stench of death and the remnants of clashing swords and magic. Athos murmured to himself, "From the memories of the Eldoans, I know the war between Beastfolk and Eldoan is still ongoing... ahahaha..." His laugh echoed darkly across the empty fields.



His eyes gleamed with a sinister light as he smirked and said, "This is perfect for my absorption." With deliberate steps, he approached the fallen warriors, a grotesque energy radiating from him as he prepared to absorb their remaining strength.



As he began the darkness form like a circle surrounded the fallen people, Athos murmured, "That fucking Eldoan, That guy... Chalu was it?... I will kill him soon." His voice was low and filled with venom. The energy of the fallen warriors began to flow into him, and he could feel his power growing with each passing moment.



Athos's laughter filled the night as he fed on the battlefield's remnants, his mind fixated on the vengeance he would soon unleash. The war was far from over, and he would ensure that when the time came, Chalu and his companions would face the full brunt of his wrath.


To be continue