
What I become A God?

After Joe Cameron dies, he wakes up in a place he can't understand. He's given a Divine System and sent on a big adventure to make a new world. With these powers, Joe crafts humanity, molds the earth, and forges the heavens above. But while he's making everything, there are problems that threaten his god-like status. Follow Joe on a huge journey of making life, facing death, and trying to figure out why he's here in "What I become A God?."

THE_V1S1ON · Sci-fi
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95 Chs

Chapter 50: Chalu’s Journey (26)

Timeline: Era of Arcane 660 CE, Month of Jono, 20th/30 Day



In the heart of the kingdom, tension hung thick in the air. The streets were lined with freshly plastered wanted posters, each bearing the faces of Chalu, Colerio Sapher, Raro, and Gori. The absence of Bale Lomius and Lyro Sphera from these posters was notable, and also these posters became murmurs and heated debates among the populace.



Crowds gathered around the posters, their voices a mix of disbelief and agreement.



"Lord Colerio, helping the Beastfolk?" a man said, shaking his head in disbelief.



A woman standing next to him responded passionately, "No, impossible! Sir Colerio is kind. He would never help the Beastfolk."



Another man chimed in, "Yeah, it must be fake. He wouldn't betray us."



"Exactly," another woman agreed. "Sir Colerio has always been good to us."



While many defended Colerio, others reluctantly accepted the accusations, creating a visible divide among the people.



In a secluded part of the kingdom, two teachers observed the scene with keen interest. Ash Minse, a martial arts instructor, smiled, his eyes narrow and calculating. Beside him stood Aro Lupe, a magic teacher known for his skills in both offensive and defensive spells.



Ash's smile widened as he spoke. "Colerio is famous, and it seems like everyone likes him and refuses to believe these posters."



Aro frowned. "That bastard Colerio... why does everyone believe in him? Tsk."



Ash's expression turned sinister. "Then we just have to convince everyone that Colerio, their hero, is not what they think he is."



Meanwhile, in the stately manor of the Sapher family, known for their lineage of Dukes, Ron Sapher sat in his opulent office. The room was adorned with rich tapestries, family crests, and shelves filled with ancient tomes. The weight of his responsibilities was evident in his furrowed brow. A sudden knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.



"Come in." Ron called out, his voice steady but curious.



The door opened, revealing his confidential secretary, Damian. A man in his 40's usually composed demeanor was now shadowed with unease.



Ron looked up, offering a warm smile. "Oh, Damian, you're here."



Damian hesitated, then stepped inside. "Um..."



Ron's smile faded, replaced by concern. "What is it?"



Taking a deep breath, Damian said, "It's about Colerio... no, Sir Colerio."



Ron's expression softened. "Come on, Colerio is my brother and he is your friend. You can say his name all you want."



Damian shook his head firmly. "I can't, my lord. I'm not your friend anymore, but your confidential secretary, your trusted aide."



Ron chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "AHAHAHA, okay, okay, suit yourself... Anyway, what is it?"



Damian took another deep breath before delivering the news. "Sir Colerio is... he became wanted again."



Ron's eyes widened in shock. "What?!"



He stammered, struggling to process the information. "My—m—y br—ot—her... what?"



Damian nodded solemnly. "Yes, my lord Ron. Sir Colerio became a wanted man due to him helping the Beastfolk."



Ron gulped, his mind racing. "Shit... there must be a reason. Brother wouldn't do it without a reason."



Suddenly, a memory of their best friend, Lumiere, who had died to save Colerio, flashed before his eyes. Lumiere's goal had always been to unite the two factions, Beastfolk and Eldoan.



Understanding dawned on Ron as he looked at Damian, a newfound resolve in his eyes. "Now I know why he helped them. My brother... he remembered and is following Lumiere's dream."



Ron's mind raced as he considered the implications. Colerio's actions were not a betrayal but a continuation of Lumiere's vision of unity. Despite the turmoil and danger ahead, Ron felt a spark of hope. He vowed to support his brother and uphold the dream that had cost their best friend his life.


In the morning light, the safehouse was a modest structure nestled among tall, ancient trees. The rising sun cast dappled shadows through the foliage, creating a serene yet alert atmosphere. Inside, the group gathered around a wooden table, illuminated by the soft, golden rays streaming through the small windows.



Chalu, the Kind chimpanzee Beastfolk, sat at the table, his fingers tracing the lines on a map. Gori, the towering gorilla Beastfolk, leaned against the wall, his watchful eyes scanning the room. Raro, the nimble cat Beastfolk with bright orange fur, paced back and forth, his tail flicking nervously. The air was filled with a mix of anticipation and tension.



Their Eldoan companions—Teacher Colerio Sapher, and the mage students Bale Lomius and Lyro Sphera—were also present. Colerio, tall and composed, stood near the window, peering out at the awakening world. Bale sat cross-legged on the floor, flipping through an old spellbook, while Lyro fidgeted with his staff, his energy palpable.



Raro broke the silence, his voice tinged with anxiety. "What should we do now?"



Chalu, ever the strategist, replied thoughtfully, "First, we need to assess the situation."



Colerio turned from the window, his voice steady and reassuring. "Don't worry, kids. I have a plan."



Chalu's eyes lit up with hope. "Really, Teacher Colerio?"



Colerio nodded confidently said nonchalantly "Let's go to my household."



Bale's eyes widened in surprise. "Household? You mean..."



Colerio confirmed nonchalantly, "Yes, to my brother, the lord of the Sapher family."



Lyro, unable to contain his excitement, exclaimed, "The infamous Sapher family! We're going there?!" His face sparkled with enthusiasm, almost bouncing on his toes.



Raro, the cunning cat, stopped pacing and exchanged confused glances with Chalu and Gori.



Seeing their confusion, Bale stepped in with a chuckle. "Oh yeah, you don't know about the Sapher family, do you? But you know about the Lomius family, right?"



The Beastfolk trio nodded in unison.



Bale grinned wider. "Hehe, the Sapher family is just as influential as the Lomius family."



Raro stuttered, his ears twitching with disbelief, "Y-you m-e-an... Du—k-e!!!"



Chalu gulped, realization dawning on him. "So, all of us will go there?"



Gori, still trying to grasp the significance, watched Chalu's expression and inferred the importance of the Duke.



Colerio nodded. "We need to hide there for a while and come up with strategies."



Everyone nodded in agreement.



Bale then asked, "Will you use another teleportation spell, Teacher Colerio?"



Colerio nodded.



Bale hesitated, then spoke, "Um..."



Colerio glanced at Bale, prompting him. "Yes?"



Bale asked, "Can you teach me that spell?"



Colerio shook his head. "I can't. This power is different from the elements you possess."



Bale's curiosity deepened. "What do you mean?"



Colerio explained nonchalantly, "This magic is black magic."



A collective gasp filled the room. "What?"



Colerio continued, "I have a dark affinity, which I've hidden from everyone."



Bale gulped. "They say if someone has a dark affinity, they will lose their mind."



Lyro looked at Colerio, concern evident in his eyes. "Did you lose your mind, Teacher?"



Colerio's expression remained nonchalant, but a small smile formed. "No, but I almost did. If it weren't for my friend stopping me from that path..." His gaze drifted into the distance, pain reflecting in his eyes, the memory of Lumiere haunting him.



Chalu thought to himself, "Teacher Colerio... that friend he metioned is Lumiere."



Colerio snapped back to the present and addressed everyone, "Anyway, don't worry. I haven't lost my mind nor become crazy. I have this power without any side effects, so there's no need to worry."



The group shared a moment of silent understanding, their trust in Colerio unshaken despite the revelation. The safehouse was cramped but well-fortified, with sturdy wooden beams and thick stone walls. The air was thick with the scent of burning candles and old parchment.



Colerio began preparing for the teleportation spell, his movements swift and precise. He raised his hand, fingers tracing intricate patterns in the air that seemed to pulse with a faint, dark energy. The others watched in awe, standing close together within the circle's boundary, anticipation tingling in the air.



"Hold on tight." Colerio instructed, his voice calm and steady.



When the darkness cleared, they stood in the grand hall of the Sapher estate. The room was flooded with soft morning light from tall, elegant windows, making the polished marble floors gleam warmly. The walls were decorated with detailed tapestries showing heroic battles, giving the hall a feeling of history and greatness. The air carried a gentle scent of fresh flowers arranged in vases placed thoughtfully around the hall, adding to the atmosphere of luxury and comfort.


As Lord Ron Sapher and Damian Gothich talked about Colerio Sapher's urgent situation, the study felt tense. The room showcased the Sapher family's wealth and power, with dark wood walls covered in portraits of ancestors in fancy gold frames. A big, shiny mahogany desk sat in the middle, cluttered with neatly arranged papers and books. A grand chandelier overhead dimly lit the room, casting a warm glow over its luxurious décor.



The conversation was suddenly interrupted by a loud knock on the study door, the sound echoing through the large room. Ron looked worried as he said, "Come in."



The door opened smoothly, and Maid Lena stepped in, dressed in a neat, white uniform that suited her role in the Sapher estate. She bowed slightly, showing respect but also urgency. "Excuse me, my lord." Lena started, sounding worried.



Ron straightened in his chair, his gaze fixed intently on Lena. "Lena, what is it?" he asked, his tone conveying both curiosity and apprehension.



Lena hesitated briefly, collecting herself before continuing. "Um... My Lord... Lord Colerio is here, together with some people." she revealed, her voice barely above a whisper.



Both Ron and Damian exchanged a look of surprise, their expressions mirroring a mix of relief and concern. Damian, standing beside Ron, nodded in agreement with his lord's silent resolve.



Ron stood up quickly from his chair, his actions deliberate as he spoke to Lena. "Take me to where they are." he instructed firmly, his mind racing with worries about his brother and the others.



Maid Lena nodded respectfully and quickly turned to guide them out of the study. Ron followed closely, with Damian beside him. Their footsteps echoed softly on the polished marble floors of the grand hall as they hurried to where Colerio and his companions awaited. Throughout the Sapher estate, servants moved quietly and efficiently through their tasks, but there was a noticeable tension in the air, disrupting the usual calm atmosphere.



As Athos continued his dark ritual of absorbing the fallen Eldoans and Beastfolk, the battlefield around him was littered with bodies of the deceased. The air crackled with dark energy as Athos reveled in the power coursing through him. His imposing figure, towering and muscular like an Eldoan, yet with monstrous features resembling an octopus on his face and clawed hands, exuded a terrifying presence.



"Mmm... this power!" Athos exclaimed, his voice resonating with a sinister undertone. Dark energy swirled around him, feeding his insatiable hunger for strength and dominance.



Suddenly, a figure materialized before him, an Eldoan mage who had bravely confronted Athos amidst the chaos of battle. The mage, startled and wary, demanded answers. "Who... who are you? Are you Beastfolk?" he stammered, fear evident in his voice.



Athos merely smiled in response, a cold and calculating grin that sent shivers down the mage's spine. With lightning speed, Athos lunged forward, his clawed hand slashing through the air with lethal precision. The Eldoan mage's defense was futile against Athos's overwhelming strength and speed. The claw struck hard and accurately, ripping through the mage's flesh and bones effortlessly. The mage fell lifeless, defenseless against Athos's overwhelming power.



The monstrous Athos wasted no time. He quickly absorbed the mage's life force, drawing in the energy as if it were a swirling vortex of power. "Insect." Athos sneered with contempt, showing his disdain for the fallen mage with his cruel words.



Standing amidst the carnage, Athos's gaze turned toward the horizon, his thoughts filled with dark intentions. "Just you wait, Chalu." he muttered ominously, his thirst for revenge against his nemesis burning fiercely in his monstrous heart.


Meanwhile, Outside the Universe


 [Joe's POV]


As I observed from beyond the universe, within the world of Eldan, I couldn't help but feel helpless witnessing the turmoil and death unfolding among my creations.



"Damn it." I muttered to myself, grappling with the realization that despite being a god, I couldn't intervene directly in their fate.



The system chimed in my mind, breaking my solemn thoughts. "Host, that's their fate. We cannot alter it without severe consequences." it reminded me.



"I know." I sighed heavily, feeling the weight of responsibility for the world I had crafted.



Chalu's struggle against Athos weighed heavily on my mind. "At this rate, Chalu won't stand a chance against him. What can I do..." I mused, searching for a solution amid the chaos.



Then, inspiration struck. I turned to the system and asked, "System, can I enhance Chalu's strength through his dream training? You know, meditation and such?"



The Creation System responded, "That's possible, host. His aura can become stronger, but it won't physically affect his body. It's confined to his inner strength."



"I understand." I nodded, realizing that even if it was internal, a powerful aura could make a significant difference.



The Creation System continued, "I know what you're planning, host. You intend to train Chalu for years in his dream, while only a day passes in the real world."



"Yes," I affirmed, seeking confirmation. "Is there any restriction against this?"



The system confirmed, "I understand your intent, Host. By my calculations, Chalu could experience the equivalent of two years of training within his consciousness in just two days of real-world time."



"That's sufficient," I concluded firmly. "Two years should be enough to surpass Athos. I need to train Chalu to become much stronger than he is now."



With a determined resolve, I knew what had to be done. "Let's begin." I said resolutely, preparing to initiate the training regimen within Chalu's subconscious.



To be continued.