
What I become A God?

After Joe Cameron dies, he wakes up in a place he can't understand. He's given a Divine System and sent on a big adventure to make a new world. With these powers, Joe crafts humanity, molds the earth, and forges the heavens above. But while he's making everything, there are problems that threaten his god-like status. Follow Joe on a huge journey of making life, facing death, and trying to figure out why he's here in "What I become A God?."

THE_V1S1ON · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Side Chapter: Colerio Sapher (3)

1 year later



Colerio, Lumiere, and Ron Sapher continued to gather at their secret hideout, a sanctuary hidden away from prying eyes. The hideout had become a place of camaraderie and intense magical training for the trio. Colerio, now 11, Lumiere, now 12, and Ron, now 10, had grown closer over the past year, united by their shared passion for magic.



One afternoon, they were engaged in a sparring session. The hidden spot was an open clearing surrounded by thick trees, providing them with privacy and a perfect space to practice.



Ron was panting heavily, struggling to keep up with Colerio. Beads of sweat dripped down his forehead, and his breaths came in quick, sharp bursts.



Colerio, standing a few feet away, taunted with a smirk, "Give up, you can't win."



Ron, determined, gritted his teeth and shouted, "Tsk. I still can't win against you!" He then gathered his mana, focusing it into his palms.



"That's to be expected. I'm stronger and bigger than you," Colerio said confidently, crossing his arms. His stance was relaxed, but his eyes were sharp, ready to react to any move Ron made.



Ron clenched his fists, a look of frustration on his face. "Tsk!!" he muttered.


 Inside, he thought, "Colerio is truly more of a prodigy than me. Despite having only 40% mana capacity, like he told me, he can still cast many strong spells without breaking a sweat."



Ron took a deep breath, centering himself. "Fire Arrows!" he shouted, and four flaming arrows materialized around his outstretched arm, hurtling towards Colerio in a swift arc.



Colerio, with a flick of his wrist, cast, "Wind Barrier!" A swirling gust of wind enveloped him, deflecting the flaming arrows. The arrows disintegrated into sparks upon contact with the barrier.



As the steam cleared, Ron looked at Colerio with a mix of frustration and admiration. "What are you looking at, Ron?" Colerio asked, noticing Ron's contemplative expression.



"Hmmp, just you wait. I will surpass you one day!" Ron declared, his voice full of resolve. He wiped the sweat from his brow and steadied his breathing, preparing for another round.



"Heh, dream on." Colerio retorted, a playful grin on his face. He shifted his stance, lowering his center of gravity and raising his arms defensively.



Seeing an opportunity to teach a lesson, Lumiere stepped forward. "You both have grown so much over the past year," he said, his tone gentle yet firm. "Remember, it's not just about who is stronger, but about how we can learn from each other and grow together."



Colerio and Ron paused their banter and looked at Lumiere. His words resonated with them, reminding them of the bond they shared and the dreams they were chasing together.



Colerio nodded, lowering his hands. "Yeah, you're right, Lumiere. We push each other to be better." He extended a hand towards Ron, who hesitated for a moment before grasping it firmly.



Ron, his competitive spirit still burning bright, added, "But one day, Colerio, I'll be the one pushing you." He flashed a determined smile.



Lumiere laughed, clapping a hand on each of their shoulders. "I look forward to seeing that day, Ron. Until then, let's keep training and supporting each other."



The trio resumed their practice, their friendship stronger than ever. Little did they know, the bond they were forging would be crucial in the trials and adventures that awaited them in the future. As they honed their skills and deepened their connection, they were unknowingly preparing for the challenges that would test their courage, strength, and loyalty. and Alfon, the family mage,




In his office, Luke Sapher was deeply engrossed in his work, stamping documents related to the ongoing war between the Eldoans and the beastfolk. His frustration was palpable as he muttered to himself, "Tsk, beastfolk are really a pain in the ass. To think us Eldoans still have trouble killing them."



The door suddenly swung open, and Luke looked up, his annoyance evident. Alfon, the family mage, stood in the doorway, his expression serious.



"Alfon, what business do you have here?" Luke asked curtly, setting down his stamp.



Alfon stepped forward, his demeanor tense. "My Lord, I already know who it is."



Luke raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"



"The beastfolk, my lord. The beastfolk who pretended to be an Eldoan. I know who it is." Alfon revealed.



Luke's eyes narrowed with suspicion. "Who?"



Alfon took a deep breath. "That maid who is always with My Lady Mae Sapher."



Luke felt a chill run down his spine. "You mean... that maid, Helena?"



Alfon nodded solemnly. "Yes, my lord. That maid is a beastfolk."



Luke's face hardened. "Where is she?"



Alfon's expression turned grim. "She is gone, my lord."



"What?!" Luke's voice rose in alarm.



"But don't worry, my lord. I have already tracked her, and we know her location now." Alfon reassured.



Luke's eyes blazed with determination. "What are you waiting for? Go capture her!"



Alfon bowed slightly. "Yes, my lord."





In a secluded part of the kingdom, Helena was hastily packing their belongings. Her disguise as an Eldoan maid had been blown, and she knew they had little time to escape.



"Where is Colerio?" she murmured anxiously, glancing around as she tried to gather her things.



Suddenly, she heard footsteps approaching their house. Two mage men had found her.



One of the mages murmured, "Fire Arrow!" as a fiery arrow formed and shot towards her house.



Helena looked on in horror as her house caught fire. "They're here, no, no," she muttered.



The two mages nodded to each other and combined their powers to create a water element spell. They chanted together, "Tsunami Wave!" and a massive wave of water lunged towards Helena.



Thinking quickly, Helena cast a protective spell, "Aquatic Shield!" A barrier of water formed around her, protecting her from the wave. The house was destroyed, but she was safe within her shield, panting heavily.



Now exposed in her true form as an orange-furred cat beastfolk, Helena faced the two mages.



One of the mages sneered, "You finally reveal yourself, monster!"



The other mage, Ed, added, "Let's capture this beast, Jak!"



Jak and Ed advanced on Helena, their eyes filled with hatred.



Helena tried to reason with them, "I'm not here to harm you. I came to understand you all, to unite our factions by fostering understanding—"



Jak cut her off with a shout, "Enough! You people killed my son!"



Ed snarled, "You people killed my father!"



Jak spat, "That's why beastfolk are not to be trusted."



Helena's eyes hardened. "Then I have no choice but to protect myself." She cast a spell, "Fire Blaze!" Flames erupted around her, forming a protective barrier.



"Tsk," Jak hissed in frustration.



Ed countered, "Take this, Water Ring!" A ring of water formed and lunged towards Helena.



The water ring clashed with the fiery barrier, causing steam to billow around the combatants. Helena, panting from the exertion, quickly followed up with another spell, "Blazing Cyclone!" A swirling vortex of fire and wind surged towards Jak and Ed.



Jak countered with a water shield spell, "Aqua Shield!" A barrier of water appeared, absorbing the fiery cyclone.



Ed, seizing the moment, cast another spell, "Scalding Jets!" Jets of boiling water shot towards Helena, sizzling as they cut through the air.



Helena dodged and retaliated, "Aerial Strike!" She conjured sharp gusts of wind that slashed towards the mages.



Jak and Ed leapt aside, narrowly avoiding the wind blades. "Damn you!" Jak yelled, casting "Flame Wave!" A wave of fire surged towards Helena.



Helena raised her hands, summoning another barrier, "Water Veil!" The water barrier intercepted the fire wave, resulting in a hissing cloud of steam.



Seeing an opening, Helena launched into the air, "Wind Gust!" She propelled herself above them and aimed downwards, "Inferno Blast!" A concentrated blast of fire descended towards the mages.



Jak and Ed combined their powers once more, "Steam Explosion!" A burst of steam rose to meet the fire blast, resulting in an explosive clash that shook the ground.



As the smoke cleared, Helena landed, her energy waning. Jak and Ed, also exhausted, stood firm, glaring at her.




Back at the Safehouse


Colerio, Lumiere, and Ron were practicing their magic when they heard the distant sounds of battle. They exchanged worried glances.



"That's coming from the direction of my house," Colerio said, his heart pounding. "Mother might be in trouble."



Lumiere nodded, "Let's go. She might need our help."



Ron asked, "Is Mother Helena in trouble?"



Colerio said, "I don't know, but I have a bad feeling. Something's happening." He pointed towards his house and then added, "And for the record, she is not your mother, okay?"



Ron retorted, "Hmph, I look up to her like my own mother."



Colerio snapped, "You already have a mother. Why should you have another?"



Lumiere intervened, "Enough bickering, guys. I don't even have a mother. I'm an orphan," he said with an awkward laugh.



Colerio looked down, "I, um, sorry."



Ron mumbled, "So-sorry."



Lumiere smiled warmly, "It's nothing. Now, let's go!"



Colerio nodded, "Yeah, let's go."



Ron nodded in agreement, and the trio set off towards Helena's house, determined to help.




Helena, breathing heavily and weakened from the battle, stood defiant against Jak and Ed. "Give up, you can't win against me!" she declared, though the fatigue was evident in her voice.



Jak and Ed, also panting heavily, glared at her, determination and anger etched on their faces.



Suddenly, a voice came from behind Helena, cold and menacing. "Is that so?"



Before she could react, a powerful water spike lunged towards her, striking her in the back. Helena cried out in agony, collapsing to her knees.



Jak and Ed looked at the newcomer with a mix of respect and relief. "Sir Alfon," Jak acknowledged.



Alfon, the family mage, stood tall, his expression a mixture of disdain and cold determination. "Helena, to think you were the maid of My Lady Mae Sapher."



Helena, panting and gritting her teeth in pain, managed to speak. "I didn't cause harm, I just... just wanted a place to—"



"Enough, monster," Alfon interrupted, his voice icy. "The words of a beastfolk cannot be trusted." He conjured a spell, water swirling and forming into sharp, deadly icicles. "I will kill you here!"



Helena's mind raced. "No, Colerio..."



With a swift motion, Alfon cast his spell. "Die! Ice Spike!" The icy projectiles flew towards Helena, piercing her chest. Blood splurted from her mouth as she gasped, collapsing onto the ground.



Helena's vision blurred, and she could feel the life draining from her. "Colerio, I'm sorry," she whispered, tears mingling with the blood on her lips.



At that moment, Colerio, Lumiere, and Ron arrived at the scene, having followed the sounds of battle. They saw Helena lying on the ground, blood pooling around her, and Alfon standing over her, his expression triumphant.



"Mother!" Colerio shouted, his voice cracking with despair. He rushed forward, his heart pounding in his chest.



Lumiere and Ron followed closely behind, their faces pale with shock and fear. Lumiere's eyes widened as he saw Helena's true form. "A beastfolk?" he thought, disbelief written all over his face.



Ron muttered, "Your mother is a beastfolk, Colerio?" His voice trembled with confusion and a hint of fear.



Colerio ignored Ron's words, his focus entirely on Helena. His hands shook as he reached out to her.



Alfon turned to face them, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. "My Lord Ron!!" His voice was filled with shock, recognizing Ron's noble lineage.



Lumiere and Colerio were stunned to learn that Ron was of noble blood, having thought he was just a commoner kid.



Lumiere said, "You!" His voice carried a mix of accusation and surprise.



Ron, looking guilty, said, "I'm sorry I lied and Mot..her.. Helena already know me so... so...rry." His head hung low, unable to meet their eyes.



Colerio didn't pay attention to their exchange; he was focused on his mother. "Get out of the way!" he shouted, his voice filled with raw emotion. He cast a spell, "Fire Howling!" A combination of wind and fire lunged towards Alfon.



"Earth Shield!" Alfon shouted as he conjured an earth shield, blocking the attack. The force of the impact caused the ground to tremble.



As the earth shield dissipated, Colerio lunged towards Alfon using wind rush. His movements were swift and precise, fueled by desperation and anger.




Alfon thought, "So quick, this kid!" His eyes widened in surprise.



"Wind Impact!" Colerio shouted, using his palm to form a gust of wind that pushed Alfon away, sending him stumbling back.



Jak and Ed, who had been watching, were shocked to see a kid matching Alfon in power. Their eyes were wide with disbelief.



"You! Are you beastfolk?!" Alfon shouted, regaining his momentum and glaring at Colerio.



Colerio ignored his words and rushed to his mother's side. "Mo-Mo-Mother!" he cried out, his voice breaking.



Helena, barely conscious, felt her eyes starting to close. She saw her adoptive son and whispered, "I always love you, Colerio... live for me." before closing her eyes.



"Mother!" Colerio shouted, tears spilling from his eyes. His grief quickly turned to rage, his tears transforming into blood-red streaks down his cheeks. He looked at Alfon and screamed, "How could you?!"



"Are you a beastfolk?! Answer me!" Alfon demanded, his voice cold and unyielding.



"Why does it matter to you? Beastfolk? Eldoan? To me, Eldoan and beastfolk are not that different!" Colerio retorted, his voice filled with defiance and sorrow.



Lumiere muttered, "Colerio..." His eyes softened, understanding his friend's pain.



Ron gulped and said, "Colerio..." His voice was barely a whisper, filled with guilt.



Alfon repeated, "Let me ask one more time. Are you a beastfolk?!"



"No, I'm not beastfolk... But even if I'm not, I was still raised by such one—my mother! And you all take her away from me!" Colerio shouted, his voice echoing with fury. He began to channel dark magic, his aura turning ominous.



Alfon's eyes widened in shock. "You... DARK MAGIC?!"



Colerio's voice grew cold and determined. "I'm not holding back anymore. Die!" He unleashed his dark magic towards Alfon. "Dark Inferno!"



A vortex of darkness lunged towards Alfon, its power overwhelming and malevolent.



"Don't underestimate me, kid! Back then I wasn't using my full power!" Alfon shouted, conjuring a powerful water spell. "Aquatic Wave!" A massive wave lunged towards Colerio's Dark Inferno, but the water was absorbed by the dark energy.



"What—what?!" Alfon stammered, his confidence shaken. His eyes were wide with fear and disbelief as the Dark Inferno consumed him. He screamed in agony and despair before being completely engulfed, leaving nothing behind.



Colerio turned his gaze towards Jak and Ed, his eyes burning with fury. "You two are next!"



Jak and Ed exchanged a look of fear and desperation. They had underestimated the power of the young boy before them. Their bodies trembled as they faced Colerio's wrath.



Jak stammered, "W-We didn't mean—"



Ed interrupted, "Please, we were only following orders!" His voice was pleading, his eyes wide with panic.



Colerio's eyes blazed with fury. "Orders or not, you attacked my mother. You will pay!"



Lumiere stepped forward, placing a hand on Colerio's shoulder. "Colerio, wait." His voice was calm and steady, a stark contrast to the chaos around them.



Colerio's face twisted in pain and fury. His breaths came in ragged gasps, his chest heaving. "They killed my mother!!!" he screamed, his voice breaking with anguish. His entire body trembled with barely contained rage.



Lumiere's eyes were filled with empathy, his gaze soft and understanding. "I know... but is that what your mother would want you to become? A murderer?"



Colerio froze as Helena's words echoed in his mind: "Colerio, always help other people and be kind to them, but if they are evil, punish them and make them reflect." Helena had said with a big smile, her eyes full of warmth and love.



Tears streamed down Colerio's face as he cried, "I can't, I can't forgive them." His voice cracked, and his eyes, once filled with sorrow, now burned with a cold, vengeful fire. "I still can't forgive them, Lumiere!!"



Lumiere and Ron stood beside him, silent witnesses to his turmoil. Lumiere's heart ached for his friend, his brow furrowed in concern.


Then He turned his steely gaze towards Ed and Jak, his eyes narrowing. His hand clenched into a fist, shaking with barely restrained fury. "Who ordered you?!" he demanded, his voice a low, dangerous growl.



Ed, trembling, took a step back. His face was pale, and his eyes darted around, searching for an escape. "I-it was Lord Luke!!" he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.



Ron gasped, his eyes wide with shock. "What? My father?!"



Colerio and Lumiere were taken aback, their expressions mirroring Ron's shock.



Jak, his voice shaking, added, "Y-yes, he w-was afraid that you and his wife, your mother, would be in danger if beastfolk were here." His words tumbled out in a rush, his fear palpable.



Colerio's eyes narrowed further as he looked at Ron. His expression was a mix of betrayal and rage. "So he is your father?!"



Ron stammered, his voice trembling. "I- I'm s-so sorry." His hands were clenched at his sides, his eyes filled with guilt and fear.



Colerio snapped, his voice cold and final. "Enough! I don't want to hear anymore." He fixed his cold gaze on Ron, who flinched under the intensity. "Tell your father I'm coming for him soon."



Turning to Lumiere, his eyes now devoid of warmth, Colerio said, "Lumiere, I'm sorry but..." His voice trailed off, and he turned back to Jak and Ed.



"Dark Hole," Colerio intoned, his voice echoing with dark power. A swirling void of darkness began to form in the air, its edges crackling with dark energy.



Lumiere shouted, "No!!! Colerio!!" but it was too late. The darkness expanded, reaching out with tendrils of shadow that wrapped around Ed and Jak.



Ed and Jak screamed, their voices filled with terror. "Help!!!" they cried, their faces contorted in fear as they were pulled into the void, their screams fading into silence as they vanished into the darkness.



Colerio's voice was flat and emotionless, a stark contrast to the chaos he had just unleashed. "My heart is full of revenge." His eyes were cold, devoid of the warmth and kindness they once held.



With that, Colerio disappeared, his form dissolving into the shadows. His final words were a whispered, "Be well, my friend."



Lumiere fell to his knees, his hands gripping the ground as he shouted after him, "Colerio!!!!!!!!!!!!!" His voice echoed through the now silent battlefield, a cry of despair and helplessness.



And so, the tragic backstory of Colerio Sapher unfolded. Lumiere's journey to bring Colerio back from the brink of darkness and set him on the right path became legendary. Colerio's transformation from a boy consumed by vengeance to a respected teacher at the Magux Academy was a tale of redemption.



As for Ron and Colerio, their paths intertwined in ways that only time would reveal. The bonds of brotherhood, strained by secrets and pain, would be tested and ultimately forged anew.


But these are stories for another time.


The End of the Side Story "Colerio Sapher "