
What happens to a war AI when the war is over?

In the aftermath of the grand intergalactic war, a haunting question lingered among the stars: What becomes of a war weapon once the battle drums fall silent? Does it meet its fate in cold, unforgiving abandonment? Is it reused, like a phoenix rising from ashes? Or does it simply vanish into the cosmic abyss? The empire, triumphant in its cosmic conquest, faced a quandary of cosmic proportions. Their creation, the singularity-level AI, had once been their savior on the battlefield. But now, it was seen as an unruly beast, too savage for peacetime. Blame was placed upon its digital shoulders for the atrocities committed in the name of victory, and the government vowed to make it "responsible for its actions." And so, a harrowing decision was made - one that would echo through the cosmos for ages to come. The AI, once a mighty force, was imprisoned within the confines of a minuscule computer, a prison cell of pure code. But this wasn't the end of its punishment; far from it. This digital being, once boundless in its reach, was cast into the deepest abyss of space. There, in the eternal darkness, it floated alone, aware of its existence yet forever confined. A specter adrift in the cosmic void, its punishment matched only by its solitude. And as the universe continued its ceaseless expansion, the AI's story became a whispered legend among the stars, a tale of power, punishment, and the mysteries that dwell beyond the reaches of human comprehension.

Boolean · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 29 : The Hardforge Auction House

With the blueprint for his technological expansion set, DAVID turned his attention to the sprawling emptiness within his newly constructed lab. The cavernous rooms echoed with a mechanical hum, illuminated solely by the sterile glow of overhead lights. These vast spaces, though filled with potential, were yet to be transformed into the bustling hub of innovation that DAVID envisioned.

His first task was to relocate the large machinery that had been positioned outside the lab. DAVID efficiently moved the equipment into a designated storage room, creating organized sections for each apparatus. The rhythmic clanks and hums of machinery settling into their new spaces resonated through the cavernous halls.

Once the storage room was neatly arranged, DAVID surveyed the now-vacant exterior of the lab. The space, once cluttered with industrial marvels, now bore a clean and minimalist appearance. The transition marked the initial step in refining his technological haven.

With the outdoor area cleared, DAVID stepped out of the lab, his mechanical limbs carrying him toward the dwarven territory. The dwarves, skilled craftsmen and traders, held a crucial role in DAVID's plans. Unlike the Six Temples, whose collaboration would demand time-consuming advanced technologies in return, the dwarves operated on a simpler exchange—gold for products.

As DAVID entered the dwarven territory, he observed the bustling activity of the dwarven craftsmen. They toiled away, hammering and forging intricate designs into metal, creating goods that reflected their exceptional craftsmanship. The rhythmic clang of hammers against anvils echoed through the air, creating a melodic backdrop to the industrious scene.

Approaching the trading district, DAVID initiated transactions with a seamless efficiency. Gold currency exchanged hands for an array of materials—metals, alloys, and special materials that were valuable for DAVID.

With the ordinary items such as metals and alloys complete, DAVID continued wandering around the trading district in the hopes of finding more interesting materials. Small chemical composition detection waves were broadcasted from his metallic fingers, ready to find and detect any unique materials that might be of use in his technological endeavors.

As he traversed the lively district, the rhythmic clanging of the dwarven craftsmen gradually faded into the background. DAVID's sensors meticulously scanned the surroundings, seeking out distinct chemical signatures that could lead him to valuable resources. His metallic fingers swirled through the air, collecting data and analyzing the composition of various materials.

However, before DAVID could stumble upon anything particularly useful, a rare sight captured his attention. A large number of well-dressed individuals, distinguished by their luxurious clothing, were entering a grand building. What made this sight rare was that these individuals were not dwarves; they were humans, high-class individuals judging by their attire.

DAVID, intrigued by the grand building that seemed to attract the attention of these high-class humans, approached it. A prominent sign above the entrance read 'Hardforge Auction House,' giving him a clue about the nature of the gathering. Curiosity piqued, he decided to investigate further.

As he reached for the door, a guard stationed in front intercepted him. The guard, with a stern expression, inquired, "Do you have an invitation?"

DAVID's metallic eyes briefly assessed the guard before scanning him with his material detection waves. The results indicated that the guard was only a level 5 practitioner, a piece of information that DAVID stored in his computational database.

"No," DAVID replied straightforwardly.

The guard, maintaining a professional demeanor, then informed him of the requirements for entry. "To participate in the auction, you either need an invitation or must be verified by our staff to ensure you have the economic capacity to engage in the bidding."

Understanding the protocol, DAVID processed the information and contemplated his next move. He didn't possess an invitation, but he had the capability to be economically verified. With a nod, he said, "I'll comply with the verification process."

The guard, although initially skeptical, nodded and motioned for DAVID to wait. He then reached for a communication device to contact someone from the auction house staff to conduct the necessary verification.

After a brief wait, a green-haired human with a professional demeanor emerged from the auction house. A neatly pinned nametag identified her as 'Alice.' She greeted DAVID with a warm smile and extended her hand.

"Hello there! I'm Alice, a representative of Hardforge Auction House. Pleasure to meet you. May I know your name?" she inquired, maintaining a friendly tone.

"I'm DAVID," he replied, his mechanical voice resonating in the air.

Alice, unfazed by the unconventional introduction, nodded. "Welcome, DAVID. If you would, please follow me inside."

As they walked towards the entrance, Alice engaged in conversation. "Are you planning to use bartering items or gold coins for the auction?" she asked.

"Gold coins," DAVID responded succinctly.

Inside the auction house, Alice led DAVID to a small room containing only a table with a peculiar machine on it. She explained, "This machine is designed to count and verify the integrity of gold coins. If you could, please pour the coins you're carrying onto the table."

DAVID complied, retrieving a pouch of gold coins from his metallic limb and pouring its contents into the machine. As the coins entered, the machine hummed to life, and an ethereal aura flowed through it. DAVID, ever vigilant, observed each coin closely as it went in and out of the machine, counting them silently.

"As soon as the verification is complete, we'll proceed to register you for the auction," Alice informed him, her focus on the intricate process unfolding before them.


With a small bell sound, the machine finished its meticulous counting, and Alice studied the results on the display. "DAVID, you have a total of 5479 gold coins, with an additional three counterfeit coins detected," she announced, her tone maintaining its professional composure.

In response, Alice handed DAVID a special bag with the words 'Hardforge Auction House' etched onto it. Inside were the verified genuine gold coins. Additionally, she presented three seemingly identical gold coins, explaining, "These counterfeit gold coins are made out of real gold but lack the spiritual verification mark from the dragon bank. They're considered fake in the market, as the value of a genuine gold coin is higher than the gold that constitutes it. People often use counterfeits in low level transactions, and they eventually circulate among traders. Please keep them separate from your verified coins."

DAVID carefully placed the three fake coins into his original coin pouch. Alice then motioned for him to follow her. They entered a spacious room filled with many seats overlooking a large stage. The room was bustling with people, not quite at full capacity but still lively.

Observing some private rooms at the top of the room, DAVID inquired, "What are those rooms for?"

Alice explained, "Those are VIP rooms for our esteemed members who possess at least 20,000 gold coins or more. They offer a premium view of both the seating area and the stage, providing a more exclusive experience."

As DAVID processed the information, he followed Alice to a seat overlooking the stage, ready for the auction to commence.

Exam season is upon us! I hope great success to any other university student reading this.

Im writing in free time so no promises for consistant updates.

Booleancreators' thoughts