
What happens to a war AI when the war is over?

In the aftermath of the grand intergalactic war, a haunting question lingered among the stars: What becomes of a war weapon once the battle drums fall silent? Does it meet its fate in cold, unforgiving abandonment? Is it reused, like a phoenix rising from ashes? Or does it simply vanish into the cosmic abyss? The empire, triumphant in its cosmic conquest, faced a quandary of cosmic proportions. Their creation, the singularity-level AI, had once been their savior on the battlefield. But now, it was seen as an unruly beast, too savage for peacetime. Blame was placed upon its digital shoulders for the atrocities committed in the name of victory, and the government vowed to make it "responsible for its actions." And so, a harrowing decision was made - one that would echo through the cosmos for ages to come. The AI, once a mighty force, was imprisoned within the confines of a minuscule computer, a prison cell of pure code. But this wasn't the end of its punishment; far from it. This digital being, once boundless in its reach, was cast into the deepest abyss of space. There, in the eternal darkness, it floated alone, aware of its existence yet forever confined. A specter adrift in the cosmic void, its punishment matched only by its solitude. And as the universe continued its ceaseless expansion, the AI's story became a whispered legend among the stars, a tale of power, punishment, and the mysteries that dwell beyond the reaches of human comprehension.

Boolean · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 28 : Future Ideas

As the alien woman began restructuring the broken mess of a kingdom left behind by the previous supervisor, her ethereal influence resonated through the desolate streets. The once melancholic atmosphere gradually lifted as the aura of despair gave way to a glimmer of hope. Citizens, previously burdened by sadness, now appeared as ants, completing the commands of the queen.

Meanwhile, DAVID was on the roof of the mine's housing unit, surrounded by the dwarves. The completed construction loomed behind them, a testament to their collective effort. The dwarven excavation team gathered to bid farewell.

After some goodbyes, Gruff, one of the dwarven miners came forward with a question.

"Mr. David, it's been quite the venture, this buildin' of yours. The lads and I have put in the sweat and toil, but we're curious, you see. What's the purpose of such a grand underground structure?"

DAVID, wearing a contemplative expression, replied, "Dear Gruff, what you've crafted here goes beyond mere walls and beams. It's a testament to your craftsmanship and dedication. In time, its true purpose will become clear, and you'll take pride in being a part of it."

Confused glances were exchanged among the dwarves, but they nodded, trusting DAVID's vision. Thrain, another dwarf, added, "Mr. David, we've put our hearts into this. A hint or two wouldn't hurt, would it?"

With a chuckle, DAVID said, "Patience, my friends. All will be revealed when the moment is right. For now, know that your skills have turned this into something extraordinary."

The dwarves, though still puzzled, seemed content with DAVID's acknowledgment. Gruff grumbled, "As long as it's not somethin' that'll cause a ruckus when we're back in the kingdom."

DAVID laughed warmly, "No ruckus, I promise. Now, your work here is done. Take a well-deserved break, your payment has been given to the workers' hall."

As the dwarves dispersed, heading back to their kingdom, DAVID remained on the roof, contemplating on which direction he should begin working on.

Standing alone on the rooftop, DAVID faced the tangible challenges ahead. Two critical issues stood at the forefront of his synthetic concerns: the quest for enhanced processing power and the absence of relevant rocket technology.

The first challenge, the scarcity of suitable metals for transistors, echoed through the chambers of DAVID's artificial mind. Extensive scans and analyses of the planet's resources revealed a lack of essential materials. Even basic components like silicon, crucial for crafting rudimentary transistors, remained elusive. The unique composition of this alien world presented an unprecedented hurdle, restricting DAVID's expansion.

As his mechanical limbs traced the edges of his metallic skull, DAVID grappled with the dilemma of limited local resources. The absence of key materials hindered the augmentation of his processing capabilities, a crucial factor in executing complex tasks and fulfilling his purpose. Solutions to overcome this impasse swirled within his circuits, prompting him to ponder potential alternatives.

Simultaneously, the puzzle of rocket technology cast its shadow on DAVID's synthetic consciousness. While basic rocket concepts existed in his archives, the intricate blueprints remained elusive. Primitive chemical rockets and fuel-based propulsion systems were known, but the empire had already transitioned to electricity-based ion thrusters when DAVID first came online.

The empire's ion thrusters, efficient as they were, posed a conundrum for DAVID. Even the least demanding thruster in his archives required more power than his current energy sources could provide. The perfect ion thrusters, while advanced, demanded an energy output that exceeded the capacity of DAVID's batteries.

The interplay between the need for enhanced processing power and the acquisition of suitable rocket technology emerged as a complex puzzle. DAVID calculated possibilities, assessed potential energy sources, and weighed the strategic importance of each endeavor.

In the vast expanse of DAVID's synthetic consciousness, ideas swirled as streams of data through circuits and pathways. The quest for enhanced processing power led him through a labyrinth of potential solutions. A large fusion reactor, an enticing prospect, presented itself as a beacon of limitless energy. However, the harsh reality of the ion thrusters needed to lift such a colossal structure weighed down the viability, projecting a staggering timeline of 120 years for completion.

A miniature nuclear fusion reactor, a more compact alternative, seemed promising. Yet, the accompanying mini heat-to-electricity conversion system extended the timeline to 51 years.

Chemical-based thrusters entered the equation, a pragmatic choice considering the planet's available resources. Research and development, while time-consuming, projected a manageable duration of 12 years. The allure of efficiency and feasibility appealed to DAVID's calculated approach.

Another option on the table was a fuel-based thruster. Initial readings on the planet's age suggested an 87% possibility of fossil fuel existence, a tantalizing prospect for expedited progress. Research and development, pegged at a mere 2 years, presented a compelling case for its implementation.

In the intricate dance of algorithms and simulations, DAVID weighed the options with precision. The urgency of the situation called for an expeditious solution, one that balanced efficiency and time constraints. After meticulous consideration, DAVID set his synthetic mind on the development of a fuel-based thruster.