
What happens to a war AI when the war is over?

In the aftermath of the grand intergalactic war, a haunting question lingered among the stars: What becomes of a war weapon once the battle drums fall silent? Does it meet its fate in cold, unforgiving abandonment? Is it reused, like a phoenix rising from ashes? Or does it simply vanish into the cosmic abyss? The empire, triumphant in its cosmic conquest, faced a quandary of cosmic proportions. Their creation, the singularity-level AI, had once been their savior on the battlefield. But now, it was seen as an unruly beast, too savage for peacetime. Blame was placed upon its digital shoulders for the atrocities committed in the name of victory, and the government vowed to make it "responsible for its actions." And so, a harrowing decision was made - one that would echo through the cosmos for ages to come. The AI, once a mighty force, was imprisoned within the confines of a minuscule computer, a prison cell of pure code. But this wasn't the end of its punishment; far from it. This digital being, once boundless in its reach, was cast into the deepest abyss of space. There, in the eternal darkness, it floated alone, aware of its existence yet forever confined. A specter adrift in the cosmic void, its punishment matched only by its solitude. And as the universe continued its ceaseless expansion, the AI's story became a whispered legend among the stars, a tale of power, punishment, and the mysteries that dwell beyond the reaches of human comprehension.

Boolean · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 30 : The Golden Tablet

After about five minutes, the ambient lights gradually dimmed, casting a subdued atmosphere over the room. The hum of conversations faded, and all eyes turned toward the stage as a spotlight illuminated a small circular area. The air within the spotlight vibrated, giving form to a figure that materialized on stage.

This half-human, half-fox figure with voluptuous curves, red fox-like ears, and a large furry fox tail triggered a flicker of recognition in DAVID's memory. Similar figures had appeared in various parts of the empire's network during his monitoring days. Shaking his head to disperse these distracting thoughts, DAVID refocused on the stage.

Introducing herself as 'Futytie Hardforge,' the woman on stage cracked a quick joke, "Well, most of you probably already know who I am. Hardforge by name, hard to forget by reputation."1

A ripple of laughter echoed through the room. Futytie continued, "Today, we've got a special lineup for you. We'll be auctioning off 20 unique items, each with its own story and value."

Futytie gracefully waved her hand, summoning a large pedestal next to her on the stage. DAVID's keen eyes were swiftly drawn to the item displayed on it—a small knife adorned with runes, emitting a fiery aura from its edge. As Futytie began to explain its origin, DAVID's disinterest in the knife became evident.

"This exquisite piece comes all the way from the west volcano area," Futytie announced, her voice resonating through the room. "Forged by a grandmaster level forge master in the flame of his legendary dragon beast, this knife carries the essence of true craftsmanship."

The bidding started at 3000 gold coins, with increments of no less than 200 gold coins. The auction hall buzzed with excitement as bids were called out from various parts of the seating area. However, a notable absence of bids echoed from the upper floor, reserved for VIP members with substantial wealth.

As the numbers climbed, DAVID remained uninterested. The knife, though a masterpiece, held no value for him. With the capability to achieve plasma-level heat through his own aura spells, such a tool seemed redundant in the face of his advanced abilities. His attention shifted, waiting for items more aligned with his technological pursuits to take the stage. The auction continued, each item revealing its unique story and attracting bids from eager participants.

As the auction progressed, DAVID's attention waned through several items, each passing with minimal interest. The VIP seating area remained stoic, devoid of any bids or whispers. However, when the 8th item was presented, a golden tablet on the pedestal caught DAVID's keen interest.

Futytie, with a mischievous smile, introduced the item. "Behold, one of the latest versions of the long-distance communicator from the Silver Empire. Unfortunately, it suffered a mishap during shipment, leaving it in a state of disrepair. But fear not, for those with a penchant for tinkering, it might be a delightful toy, especially for young ones intrigued by the marvels of the Silver Empire."

DAVID's eyes gleamed with newfound interest. This seemingly broken tablet was a treasure trove of potential. While Futytie continued her spiel, DAVID pondered the possibilities. Although he could recreate computing technology from his world, it would be a time-consuming endeavor. Analyzing and adapting the already available tech could significantly expedite his progress.

Futytie, with a mischievous glint in her eye, declared, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a unique item up for bidding – the broken but intriguing long-distance communicator from the Silver Empire. Let's start the bidding at 400 gold coins, and remember, each increment must be at least 10 coins."

As expected, the initial bidding was slow. The item didn't seem particularly interesting to the attendees, who found the price quite steep for what appeared to be a broken piece of scrap. The wealthy individuals in the room likely preferred obtaining a fully functional version rather than a damaged relic.

Observing the lack of enthusiasm, DAVID decided to make his move. He raised the number plate given to him by Alice, displaying the number 294. Almost immediately, another bidder raised their plate, showing the number 269. The auction hall echoed with Futytie's announcements, "A bid from number 294," followed by "An increase from 269."

The numbers climbed slowly as the bidding war unfolded. DAVID and the rival bidder, identified by their number, battled for ownership of the broken communicator. The atmosphere in the auction house intensified as the bid amounts escalated.

Finally, after a series of back-and-forth increases, DAVID emerged victorious with a bid of 600 gold coins. Futytie announced, "Sold to number 294 for 600 gold coins!"

The other bidder, while disappointed, accepted the outcome, and DAVID looked forward to unlocking the potential hidden within the seemingly broken device.

As the auction progressed, DAVID found little interest in the items presented. Each one passed without capturing his synthetic curiosity, until the penultimate item caught his attention—the 'Moon Rock.' The name sparked a momentary flicker of intrigue, but as Futytie explained that it was a rock which contained Moon-type aura, DAVID's interest dissipated. It held no significance for his space travel ideas.

When the auction concluded, DAVID approached Alice with a subtle nod, silently expressing his readiness to claim the long-distance communicator. "Where can I collect the item?" he inquired.

Alice, with a warm smile, gestured towards the second floor of the auction house. "You can head to the 'Payments and Claims Room.' It's right up there," she said, pointing to a door labeled as such. "Just follow the signs."

Following Alice's guidance, DAVID ascended to the second floor. As he approached the 'Payments and Claims Room,' he noticed a line of individuals wearing black robes that concealed their faces. Despite the anonymity, DAVID recognized them as the successful bidders from the auction. The enigmatic figures stood patiently, their identities hidden behind the dark fabric.

Approaching the end of the line, DAVID patiently awaited his turn.

The line moved swiftly, and within 15 minutes, DAVID entered the 'Payments and Claims Room.' An expansive warehouse lay before him, each item neatly labeled with corresponding numbers. At the front, a red-haired old man at a desk caught DAVID's attention.

"May I see your number plate?" the old man asked as DAVID approached. DAVID handed over the number plate he received during the auction. The man inputted the numbers '249' into a silvery machine, then looked up at DAVID. "Your bill is 600 gold coins," he informed DAVID.

DAVID nodded, understanding the cost. The red-haired man proceeded to count the coins meticulously, confirming the payment. "Your item will be delivered shortly," he assured DAVID.

Shortly after, A staff member emerged from the warehouse, holding a special transparent box containing the broken golden tablet. The red-haired man examined it, ensured everything was in order, and handed it over to DAVID.

"Thank you for participating in the Hardforge Auction," the man said as DAVID received the item. Expressing his gratitude, DAVID left the room and made his way through the lobby. Just as he was about to exit the auction house, Alice approached.

"Thank you for participating in our auction, Mr. DAVID," she said with a smile.

Acknowledging her gratitude, DAVID left the dwarven city and began his journey back to the lab. The broken golden tablet, a potential source of valuable technology, cradled in his metallic hands, signified a step forward in his quest for enhanced processing power and technological mastery.