
Wedding Wrecker

"You're still a virgin, right?" Isabella's laughter held a bitter edge as she pushed Deus Wycliffe's body away, putting space between them once more. "Virgin? After what you did to me last night, you're asking if I'm still a virgin?" "I meant before we... you know." "Will my answer change anything, Deus? Will it?" Deus fell silent, Isabella's cutting words sinking deep into his heart. "It's your fault, Isabella. You initiated this deception. If you hadn't lied, none of this would have happened. When you claimed to be pregnant with my child, it was like insinuating that you and I..." Deus paused, searching for a more tactful term. "Well, engaged in what we did last night." He finished his sentence, realizing the impact of his words. --- "Maybe this will refresh your memory." Deus Wycliffe's grip tightened on Isabella's neck as he drew her closer. "I won't allow anyone else to lay a hand on you but me."

ariaevelyn · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 - Sabotage

"Oh my god! Your acting was so damn cool, Bella. I almost burst out laughing!" Esmeralda chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she recalled Isabella's performance at her wedding.

"Don't you know I always put effort into everything? Do I look convincing with the belly?" Isabella grinned mischievously, adjusting the fake pregnancy bump attached to her stomach and examining herself in front of the mirror.

Her appearance was repulsive enough to make people feel nauseous, yet her eyes gleamed with satisfaction at her handiwork.

Removing the wig she wore, Isabella let her natural chestnut brown hair fall gently over her shoulders. Then, she turned to face Esmeralda.

"Where did you even get that?" Esmeralda asked, her curiosity piqued as she eyed the prop with interest, joining Isabella in a fit of laughter. "I'm almost barf earlier!"

"I got it from a boutique in London. Bought it on a whim, never imagined it would come in handy like this," Isabella replied, her laughter contagious as they shared a moment of amusement.

"Hey, ease up on the makeup, Isabella." Esmeralda teased, a playful glint in her eye.

Isabella chuckled, rolling her eyes good-naturedly.

"What can I say? Gotta look my best for your big day," she quipped back, her tone light and jovial.

Esmeralda laughed, shaking her head in mock exasperation.

"You could tone it down a bit, though. Don't want to steal the spotlight from the bride," she joked, nudging Isabella playfully.

Isabella grinned, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes.

"As if anyone could outshine you, Esmeralda," she replied, bumping shoulders with her friend affectionately.

"Does your father know you're here?" Isabella's question carried a hint of seriousness as she glanced at Esmeralda.

Esmeralda's brow furrowed slightly at the inquiry, realizing the implications behind Isabella's concern.

If Alexander Ravenscroft, her father, was aware of the close friendship shared between her and Isabella, he would likely also be aware of their plan to disrupt the marriage between Deus Wycliffe and herself.

A sense of unease settled over Esmeralda as she pondered Isabella's question. The thought of her father discovering their scheme sent a shiver down her spine, knowing all too well the consequences that could follow.

Isabella's gaze remained steady, waiting for Esmeralda's response, her own apprehension evident in the furrow of her brow.

Esmeralda took a deep breath before responding.

"No, he doesn't know. I just told him I needed to go and clear my head," she explained.

Isabella breathed a sigh of relief.

"But I feel sorry for your father. He must be feeling sad and conflicted," she remarked, her brow furrowing in concern.

"Surely, he'll have a lot on his mind after this."

Esmeralda's mind drifted back to the first day she crossed paths with Isabella. It was a moment etched vividly in her memory.

It had been in Morocco, amidst the bustling streets and winding alleys, Esmeralda found herself the unfortunate victim of a mugging.

As she struggled with her assailant, feeling helpless and overwhelmed, fate intervened in the form of Isabella.

Isabella, with her quick reflexes and unwavering courage, appeared seemingly out of nowhere, coming to Esmeralda's aid in her moment of need.

With a few swift movements, she helped Esmeralda overpower the mugger.

Esmeralda couldn't help but feel grateful for Isabella's timely intervention. Had it not been for her, she shuddered to think of the dire consequences she might have faced that night, alone and vulnerable on the streets of Morocco.

She couldn't shake the memory of the face that had come to her rescue. Isabella's features were etched in her mind with a surprising clarity, each detail standing out vividly against the backdrop of that chaotic moment in Morocco.

Her large hazel eyes reflecting a sense of calm amidst the turmoil. Her slender nose and charming lips added to the allure of her appearance, while her beautifully arched eyebrows framed her face with a subtle elegance.

Esmeralda couldn't help but admire Isabella's flawless complexion, which seemed to glow with a natural radiance.

Her skin was smooth and fair, without a blemish in sight, and her long, curled eyelashes accentuated the depth of her gaze.

But what truly caught Esmeralda's attention was the fact that Isabella wore no makeup at all. Despite this, she exuded a timeless beauty that Esmeralda found herself slightly envious of.

Isabella's effortless style, dressed in a simple black t-shirt, leather jacket, and jeans, only added to her appeal.

As Esmeralda reflected on that chance encounter, she couldn't help but wonder about the woman who had come to her aid with such selflessness.

Esmeralda couldn't shake the feeling that Isabella was like an angel sent to rescue her. As Isabella appeared seemingly out of nowhere to aid her, Esmeralda felt an inexplicable sense of gratitude and admiration towards her savior.

Determined to repay the kindness shown to her, Esmeralda resolved to forge a friendship with Isabella.

There was something about her presence that drew Esmeralda in, a magnetic pull that she couldn't quite explain but felt compelled to explore.

Yet, despite her best efforts to get to know Isabella better, Isabella was guarded about her personal life, rarely sharing anything beyond surface-level conversation. It was as if she was a puzzle waiting to be solved.

While Isabella seemed to know everything about Esmeralda, effortlessly navigating their conversations with a depth of insight that surprised her, Esmeralda realized that she knew very little about Isabella in return.

However, Esmeralda found herself setting aside all her suspicions when Isabella agreed to assist in sabotaging her wedding with Deus Wycliffe.

It wasn't just a one-time occurrence; Isabella had come to her aid multiple times, proving her loyalty and commitment to their cause.

Despite the lingering mystery surrounding Isabella's personal life and the secrets she undoubtedly held, Esmeralda chose to place her trust in her friend.

Deep down, Esmeralda believed that Isabella had her own reasons for keeping certain aspects of her life hidden.

Whatever the case, Esmeralda respected Isabella's boundaries and didn't want to pressure her into revealing more than she was comfortable with.

As their plan to disrupt the wedding took shape, Esmeralda couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Isabella.

Despite the risks involved and the potential consequences they faced, Isabella remained steadfast in her support.

"Thank you so much, Isabella!" Esmeralda's expression of gratitude was accompanied by a genuine smile that radiated warmth.

Isabella chuckled lightly in response.

"It was my pleasure, Esmeralda. But let's make a pact, shall we? No more of these escapades. I surrender! Poor Deus, you really pulled one over on him this time. Luckily, I'm not familiar with either your family or his. Otherwise, I'd be absolutely mortified," she quipped, injecting a hint of playful banter into their conversation and fostering a sense of camaraderie between them.

Esmeralda chuckled, her agreement evident in the nodding of her head.

"Absolutely... I don't think we'll be witnessing a repeat of that scene anytime soon, alright? I believe my father has learned his lesson. And let's not forget, you're well aware of Deus's reputation as a womanizer. Do you really think I should marry someone like him? Women have the right to choose their partners and decline suitors who don't meet their standards, don't they? You were the one who reminded me just the other day."

Isabella nodded, setting aside her magazine to give their conversation her full attention.

"Absolutely," Isabella affirmed, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Part of the reason I went along with all of this is because he's a worthless man. So... I don't feel guilty anymore. How about you show your gratitude by treating me to a meal or some shopping? After all, I just saved your life, Esmeralda!" Her grin widened as she awaited Esmeralda's response, excitement bubbling within her.

"Let's make it happen!" Esmeralda exclaimed, her eyes alight with enthusiasm as she seized Isabella's hand.

"Shopping spree it is!"

"Haha, sure thing," Isabella laughed, her heart fluttering with the promise of adventure as she followed Esmeralda out of the room.

Their laughter echoed through the halls, signaling the beginning of a memorable outing.


Deus Wycliffe emerged from the bathroom, his tall frame draped in a luxurious bathrobe of soft, white fabric that hugged his broad shoulders.

Beads of water glistened on his dark hair as he ran a towel through it, tousling the strands in a rugged yet effortlessly stylish manner.

Despite the turmoil in his mind, there was an air of sophistication in his appearance, from the chiseled lines of his jaw to the confident stance he exuded.

With each movement, the bathrobe draped elegantly around him, accentuating his stature and hinting at the underlying strength beneath his calm demeanor.

Despite the urge to seek solace outside, he knew all too well the disapproval he would face from his parents.

Resigned to finding comfort within the confines of his home, he exchanged his bathrobe for cozy, casual attire, hoping to ease the weight of his worries even just a little.

Not long after that, there is a knock on his bedroom door. Deus glanced towards the door, his curiosity piqued by the unexpected interruption.

With a sigh, he set aside his thoughts and made his way towards the source of the disturbance, wondering who could be seeking him at this hour. 

"Young master," Butler Wycliffe bowed slightly, his demeanor exuding a profound sense of respect.

Deus Wycliffe stood in silence, his thoughts racing as he anticipated the reason behind the summons.

"The patriarch requests your presence in the living room," the butler announced with a tone of formality, conveying the gravity of the situation.

Deus closed his eyes momentarily, bracing himself for the impending encounter with his parents. He knew all too well the likelihood of facing their disappointment and reprimand.

With a resigned sigh, he steeled himself for what lay ahead, his mind already preparing for the confrontation that awaited him.

If he were to come across the woman responsible for the chaos at his wedding, he vowed to confront her with the full force of his frustration and anger.

"Lead the way," he finally responded, his voice steady but laced with an undercurrent of tension.